igp2.core package¶
igp2.core.agentstate module¶
- class igp2.core.agentstate.AgentMetadata(width: float, length: float, agent_type: str, initial_time: float | None = None, final_time: float | None = None, height: float | None = None, wheelbase: float | None = None, front_overhang: float | None = None, rear_overhang: float | None = None, front_track: float | None = None, back_track: float | None = None, drag_coefficient: float | None = None, friction_coefficient: float | None = None, max_acceleration: float | None = None, max_angular_vel: float | None = None)[source]¶
Represents the physical properties of the Agent.
- CAR_DEFAULT = {'agent_type': 'car', 'back_track': 1.535, 'drag_coefficient': 0.252, 'friction_coefficient': 0.7, 'front_overhang': 0.91, 'front_track': 1.543, 'height': 1.47, 'length': 4.689, 'max_acceleration': 5.0, 'max_angular_vel': 2.0, 'rear_overhang': 1.094, 'wheelbase': 2.686, 'width': 1.829}¶
- agent_type: str¶
- back_track: float = None¶
- classmethod default_meta_frame(frame: Dict[int, AgentState]) Dict[int, AgentMetadata] [source]¶
Create a dictionary of metadata for agents in the given frame using the default agent metadata
- drag_coefficient: float = None¶
- final_time: float = None¶
- friction_coefficient: float = None¶
- front_overhang: float = None¶
- front_track: float = None¶
- height: float = None¶
- initial_time: float = None¶
- classmethod interleave(meta_dest: AgentMetadata, meta_src: dict | AgentMetadata) AgentMetadata [source]¶
- length: float¶
- max_acceleration: float = None¶
- max_angular_vel: float = None¶
- rear_overhang: float = None¶
- wheelbase: float = None¶
- width: float¶
- class igp2.core.agentstate.AgentState(time: float, position: ~numpy.ndarray, velocity: ~numpy.ndarray, acceleration: ~numpy.ndarray, heading: float, metadata: ~igp2.core.agentstate.AgentMetadata = <factory>, macro_action: str | None = None, maneuver: str | None = None)[source]¶
Dataclass storing data points that describe an exact moment in a trajectory.
The time field may represent either continuous time or time steps. Velocity and acceleration can be given both with vectors or floats.
- acceleration: ndarray¶
- heading: float¶
- macro_action: str = None¶
- maneuver: str = None¶
- metadata: AgentMetadata¶
- position: ndarray¶
- property speed¶
- time: float¶
- to_hashable() Tuple[float, float, float, float, float] [source]¶
Returns a hashable representation of the state, that is useful for MCTS.
- Returns:
5-tuple of the form (x-pos, y-pos, speed, heading, time)
- velocity: ndarray¶
igp2.core.config module¶
- class igp2.core.config.Configuration[source]¶
Class that serves as central location to get or set global IGP2 parameters, such as maximum speed or swerving distance.
- property check_oncoming: bool¶
Whether to check for oncoming vehicles when changing lanes.
- property default_stop_duration: float¶
The default duration for a stop maneuver.
- property fps: int¶
Framerate of simulation.
- property give_way_distance: float¶
The distance from a junction at which to begin the GiveWay maneuver.
- property max_oncoming_vehicle_dist¶
The maximum distance for a vehicle to be considered when giving way.
- property max_speed: float¶
Global speed limit.
- property min_speed: float¶
Minimum speed in turns.
- property next_lane_offset: float¶
The lane offset used in AStar for getting the next lane.
- property target_switch_length¶
The ideal target length for a lane switch.
- property velocity_stop: float¶
The threshold in m/s to classify velocities as stopped.
igp2.core.cost module¶
- class igp2.core.cost.Cost(factors: Dict[str, float] | None = None, limits: Dict[str, float] | None = None)[source]¶
Define the exact cost signal of a trajectory. The IGP2 paper refers to this as reward, which can be interpreted as negative cost.
- property cost: float | None¶
The cost from the latest trajectory cost calculation call.
- property cost_components: Dict[str, float] | None¶
Return a dictionary of cost components that were calculated with the last call to trajectory_cost()
- cost_difference(trajectory1: Trajectory, trajectory2: Trajectory, goal: Goal) float [source]¶
Calculate the sum of the cost elements differences between two trajectories, given a goal. This is not a function that is used in the current implementation.
- Parameters:
trajectory1 – The first trajectory to examine
trajectory2 – The second trajectory to examine
goal – The goal to reach
- Returns:
A scalar floating-point cost difference value
- cost_difference_resampled(trajectory1: Trajectory, trajectory2: Trajectory, goal: Goal) float [source]¶
Calculate the sum of the cost elements differences between two trajectories given a goal, at sampled points along the pathlength
- Parameters:
trajectory1 – The first trajectory to examine
trajectory2 – The second trajectory to examine
goal – The goal to reach
- Returns:
A scalar floating-point cost difference value
- property factors: Dict[str, float]¶
Returns a dictionary of the cost factors.
- property limits: Dict[str, float]¶
Returns a dictionary of the cost quantities’ absolute limits.
- resample_trajectory(trajectory: VelocityTrajectory, n: int, k: int = 3)[source]¶
- trajectory_cost(trajectory: Trajectory, goal: Goal) float [source]¶
Calculate the total cost of the trajectory given a goal.
- Parameters:
trajectory – The trajectory to examine
goal – The goal to reach
- Returns:
A scalar floating-point cost value
igp2.core.goal module¶
- class igp2.core.goal.BoxGoal(box: Box)[source]¶
A goal specified with a rectangle.
- passed_through_goal(trajectory: Trajectory) bool [source]¶
Calculate whether the given trajectory has passed through a goal or not.
- point_on_lane(lane: Lane) ndarray | None [source]¶
Return the point closest to the box center on the given lane midline.
- property poly: Polygon¶
The Polygon describing the bounding box of the Goal.
- class igp2.core.goal.Goal[source]¶
- property center: ndarray¶
Returns goal center point
- abstract distance(point: ndarray) float [source]¶
Calculate the distance of the given point to the Goal
- abstract passed_through_goal(trajectory: Trajectory) bool [source]¶
Calculate whether the given trajectory has passed through a goal or not.
- class igp2.core.goal.PointCollectionGoal(goals: List[PointGoal])[source]¶
A goal that consists of a collection of PointGoals.
- property center: ndarray¶
The center of the point collection goal is defined as the point of the centers of the goals in the collection.
- passed_through_goal(trajectory: Trajectory) bool [source]¶
Calculate whether the given trajectory has passed through a goal or not.
- point_on_lane(lane: Lane) ndarray | None [source]¶
Returns a point on the given lane that is closest to one of the goal points in the collection.
- property radius¶
Maximum radius among each goal in the collection.
- class igp2.core.goal.PointGoal(point: ndarray, threshold: float)[source]¶
A goal represented as a circle of with given threshold around a point.
- passed_through_goal(trajectory: Trajectory) bool [source]¶
Calculate whether the given trajectory has passed through a goal or not.
- point_on_lane(lane: Lane) ndarray | None [source]¶
Return the closest point to the goal on the given lane midline.
- property radius: float¶
Threshold radius
igp2.core.results module¶
- class igp2.core.results.AgentResult(true_goal: int, datum: Tuple[int, GoalsProbabilities, float, ndarray] | None = None)[source]¶
This class will store GoalsProbabilities objects containing goal prediction results belonging to a specific agent
- add_data(datum: Tuple[int, GoalsProbabilities, float, ndarray])[source]¶
Adds a new data point, in the form of the tuple (frame_id, GoalsProbabilities object, inference time, current position)
- property goal_accuracy: ndarray¶
Returns True if the true goal is the most likely, false otherwise, for each data point.
- property inference_time: float¶
Returns inference time for each data point.
- property position: ndarray¶
Returns agent current position for each data point.
- property reward_difference: ndarray¶
Returns reward difference associated with the true goal, for each data point.
- property true_goal_probability: ndarray¶
Returns the probabilities of the true goal for each data point.
- property zero_probability: ndarray¶
Returns true if the true goal has a zero probability (considered unfeasible), false otherwise, for each data point.
- class igp2.core.results.AllMCTSResult(mcts_result: MCTSResult | None = None)[source]¶
Class to store results for all rollouts of an MCTS planning run.
- add_data(mcts_result: MCTSResult)[source]¶
Add a new rollout to the results collection.
- property optimal_rollouts: List[MCTSResult]¶
Return a list of results that match the final plan of the ego.
- class igp2.core.results.EpisodeResult(metadata: EpisodeMetadata, id: int, cost_factors: Dict[str, float], datum: Tuple[int, AgentResult] = None)[source]¶
This class stores result for an entire episode, where each data point contains an AgentResult object
- add_data(datum: Tuple[int, AgentResult])[source]¶
Adds a new data point, in the form of the tuple (agent_id, AgentResult object)
- property goal_accuracy: ndarray¶
The accuracy across the episode, defined as the fraction of how many times the true goal was most likely, over the total number of data points.
- property goal_accuracy_ste: ndarray¶
The standard error of the goal accuracy.
- property inference_time: float¶
The average inference time accross the episode.
- property reward_difference: ndarray¶
The average reward difference across the episode.
- property reward_difference_median: ndarray¶
The median reward difference.
- property reward_difference_std: ndarray¶
The standard deviation associated with the reward difference.
- property true_goal_probability: ndarray¶
The mean true goal probability across the episode.
- property true_goal_ste: ndarray¶
The standard error of the true goal probability across the episode.
- property zero_probability: ndarray¶
The fraction of times the true goal was considered unfeasible, over the total number of data points.
- class igp2.core.results.ExperimentResult(datum: Tuple[int, EpisodeResult] | None = None)[source]¶
This class stores results for an entire experiment ran across multiple scenarios, each data point contains an EpisodeResult object
- add_data(datum: Tuple[int, EpisodeResult])[source]¶
Adds a data point, in the form of the tuple (recording_id, EpisodeResult object)
- property goal_accuracy: ndarray¶
Calculates the average goal accuracy across all agents evaluated in the experiment.
- property inference_time: float¶
Calculates the average inference_time across all agents evaluated in the experiment.
- property inference_time_ste: float¶
Calculates the standard error of the inference time across all agents evaluated in the experiment.
- property reward_difference: ndarray¶
Calculates the average reward difference across all agents evaluated in the experiment.
- property true_goal_probability: ndarray¶
Calculates the average true goal probability across all agents evaluated in the experiment.
- property zero_probability: ndarray¶
Calculates the average zero true goal probability across all agents evaluated in the experiment.
- class igp2.core.results.MCTSResult(tree: Tree = None, samples: dict = None, trace: tuple = None)[source]¶
Store results for a single MCTS rollout.
- property samples: Dict[int, Tuple[GoalWithType, VelocityTrajectory]]¶
Dictionary mapping agent IDs to their corresponding goal and trajectory sample in this rollout.
- property trace: Tuple[str, ...]¶
The final trace that was chosen for the ego in this rollout.
- class igp2.core.results.PlanningResult(scenario_map: Map, mcts_result: MCTSResultTemplate | None = None, timestep: float | None = None, frame: Dict[int, AgentState] | None = None, goals_probabilities: GoalsProbabilities | None = None)[source]¶
- add_data(mcts_result: MCTSResultTemplate | None = None, timestep: float | None = None, frame: Dict[int, AgentState] | None = None, goals_probabilities: GoalsProbabilities | None = None)[source]¶
- class igp2.core.results.RunResult(agents: Dict[int, Agent], ego_id: int, ego_trajectory: Trajectory, collided_agents_ids: List[int], goal_reached: bool, selected_action: MCTSAction)[source]¶
Class storing results of the simulated rollout in MCTS.
- collided_agents_ids: List[int]¶
- ego_id: int¶
- property ego_maneuvers: List[str]¶
- property ego_maneuvers_trajectories: List[VelocityTrajectory]¶
This returns the generated open loop trajectories for each maneuver.
- ego_trajectory: Trajectory¶
- goal_reached: bool¶
- plot(t: int, scenario_map: Map, axis: Axes | None = None) Axes [source]¶
Plot the current agents and the road layout at timestep t for visualisation purposes. Plots the OPEN LOOP trajectories that the agents will attempt to follow, alongside a colormap representing velocities.
- Parameters:
t – timestep at which the plot should be generated
scenario_map – The road layout
axis – Axis to draw on
- selected_action: MCTSAction¶
igp2.core.trajectory module¶
- class igp2.core.trajectory.StateTrajectory(fps: int, states: List[AgentState] | None = None, path: ndarray | None = None, velocity: ndarray | None = None)[source]¶
Implements a Trajectory that is built from discreet observations at given time intervals.
- add_state(new_state: AgentState, reload_path: bool = True)[source]¶
Add a new state at the end of the trajectory.
- Parameters:
new_state – AgentState. This should follow the last state of the trajectory in time.
reload_path – If True then the path and velocity fields are recalculated.
- calculate_path_and_velocity()[source]¶
Recalculate path and velocity fields. May be used when the trajectory is updated.
- extend(new_trajectory: StateTrajectory, reload_path: bool = True, reset_times: bool = False)[source]¶
- Extend the current trajectory with the states of the given trajectory. If the last state of the first
trajectory is equal to the first state of the second trajectory then the first state of the second trajectory is dropped.
- Parameters:
new_trajectory – The given trajectory to use for extension.
reload_path – Whether to recalculate the path and velocity fields.
reset_times – Whether to reset the timing information on the states.
- classmethod from_velocity_trajectory(velocity_trajectory: VelocityTrajectory, fps: int = 20) StateTrajectory [source]¶
Convert a velocity trajectory to a StateTrajectory.
- Parameters:
velocity_trajectory – VelocityTrajectory to convert
fps – Optional framerate argument
- property heading: ndarray | None¶
Heading of vehicle in radians.
- Returns:
array of heading value from dataset, or estimate from trajectory path if heading data is not available
- property length: float | None¶
Length of trajectory in metres or None if trajectory is empty.
- slice(start_idx: int | None, end_idx: int | None) StateTrajectory [source]¶
Return a slice of the original StateTrajectory
- property states: List[AgentState]¶
Return the list of states.
- property timesteps: ndarray | None¶
Time elapsed between two consecutive trajectory points in seconds.
- class igp2.core.trajectory.Trajectory(path: ndarray | None = None, velocity: ndarray | None = None)[source]¶
Base class for all Trajectory objects
- property acceleration: ndarray¶
Accelerations corresponding to each position along the path.
- property angular_acceleration: ndarray¶
Calculates angular acceleration (positive counter-clockwise).
- property angular_velocity: ndarray¶
Calculates angular velocity (positive counter-clockwise), handling discontinuity at theta = pi
- property curvature: ndarray¶
Calculates curvature of the trajectory at each point in the path.
- differentiate(x: ndarray, y: ndarray, dx: ndarray | None = None, dy: ndarray | None = None)[source]¶
Performs backward difference on data x y.
First element is computed by forward difference using a continuity assumption.
Can overload dx and dy if required.
Will replace nonsensical values (Nan and +/- inf with 0.0).
- property duration: float | None¶
Duration in seconds to cover the path with given velocities.
- extend(new_trajectory: Trajectory)[source]¶
Extend the trajectory in-place.
- property final_agent_state: AgentState¶
AgentState calculated from the final point along the path.
- property heading: ndarray¶
Heading of vehicle in radians.
- Returns:
array of heading value from dataset, or estimate from trajectory path if heading data is not available
- property initial_agent_state: AgentState¶
AgentState calculated from the first point along the path.
- property jerk: ndarray¶
Jerk values corresponding to each position along the path.
- property length: float | None¶
Length of trajectory in metres or None if trajectory is empty.
- property path: ndarray¶
Sequence of positions along a path.
- slice(start_idx: int | None, end_idx: int | None) Trajectory [source]¶
Return a slice of the trajectory between the given indices. Follows regular Python indexing standards.
- property times: ndarray | None¶
Time elapsed (from start) along the trajectory in seconds.
- property timesteps: ndarray | None¶
Time elapsed between two consecutive trajectory points in seconds.
- trajectory_dt(path, velocity)[source]¶
Calculate time elapsed between two consecutive points along the trajectory using the mean of the two velocities.
- property velocity: ndarray¶
Velocities corresponding to each position along the path.
- property velocity_stop: float¶
Velocity at or under which the vehicle is considered to be at a stop
- class igp2.core.trajectory.VelocityTrajectory(path: ndarray, velocity: ndarray, heading: ndarray | None = None, timesteps: ndarray | None = None)[source]¶
Define a trajectory consisting of a 2d paths and corresponding velocities
- extend(new_trajectory: ndarray | Trajectory)[source]¶
Extends a Trajectory (in-place) at the end of the VelocityTrajectory object.
- classmethod from_agent_state(state: AgentState) VelocityTrajectory [source]¶
- classmethod from_agent_states(states: List[AgentState]) VelocityTrajectory [source]¶
- property heading: ndarray¶
Heading of vehicle in radians.
- Returns:
array of heading value from dataset, or estimate from trajectory path if heading data is not available
- insert(trajectory: Trajectory)[source]¶
Inserts a Trajectory (in-place) at the beginning of the VelocityTrajectory object, removing the first element of the original VelocityTrajectory.
- property length: float¶
Length of trajectory in metres or None if trajectory is empty.
- property pathlength: ndarray¶
Length of path travelled at each position along the path in meters.
- slice(start_idx: int | None, end_idx: int | None) VelocityTrajectory [source]¶
Return a slice of the original VelocityTrajectory
- property timesteps: ndarray | None¶
Time elapsed between two consecutive trajectory points in seconds.
igp2.core.util module¶
A collection of utility methods and classes used throughout the project.
- class igp2.core.util.Box(center: ndarray, length: float, width: float, heading: float = 0.0)[source]¶
A class representing a 2D, rotated box in Euclidean space.
- property boundary: ndarray¶
Returns the bounding Polygon of the Box.
- property diagonal: float¶
Length of the Box diagonal.
- inside(p: ndarray) bool [source]¶
Check whether a point lies within the rectangle.
Ref: https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/190111/how-to-check-if-a-point-is-inside-a-rectangle
- Parameters:
p – The point to check
- Returns:
true iff the point lies in or on the rectangle
- overlaps(other: Box) bool [source]¶
Check whether self overlaps with another Box.
Ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/306316/determine-if-two-rectangles-overlap-each-other
- Parameters:
other – Other box to check
- Returns:
true iff the two boxes overlap in some region
- class igp2.core.util.Circle(center: ndarray, radius: float)[source]¶
Class implementing a circle
- igp2.core.util.add_offset_point(trajectory: Trajectory, offset: float)[source]¶
Add in-place a small step at the end of the trajectory to reach within the boundary of the next lane.
- igp2.core.util.calculate_multiple_bboxes(center_points_x: List[float], center_points_y: List[float], length: float, width: float, rotation: float = 0.0) ndarray [source]¶
Calculate bounding box vertices from centroid, width and length.
- Parameters:
center_points_x – center x-coord of bbox
center_points_y – center y-coord of bbox
length – length of bbox
width – width of bbox
rotation – rotation of main bbox axis (along length)
- Returns:
np.ndarray containing the rotated vertices of each box
- igp2.core.util.cart2pol(cart: ndarray) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray] [source]¶
Transform cartesian to polar coordinates.
- Parameters:
cart – Nx2 np.ndarray
- Returns:
Pair of Nx1 np.ndarrays
- igp2.core.util.find_lane_sequence(start_lane: Lane, end_lane: Lane, goal: Goal, max_iter: int = 100) List[Lane] [source]¶
Finds the shortest valid sequence of lanes from a starting to ending lane using A*.
- igp2.core.util.get_curvature(points: ndarray) ndarray [source]¶
Gets the curvature of a 2D path based on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curvature#In_terms_of_a_general_parametrization
- Parameters:
points – nx2 array of points
- Returns:
- igp2.core.util.get_linestring_side(ls: LineString, p: Point) str [source]¶
Return which side of the LineString is the given point, order by the sequence of the coordinates.
- Parameters:
ls – reference LineString
p – point to check
- Returns:
Either “left” or “right”
- igp2.core.util.get_points_parallel(points: ndarray, lane_ls: LineString, lat_distance: float | None = None) ndarray [source]¶
Find parallel to lane_ls of given points (also on lane_ls) through a given point specified by points[0].
- Parameters:
points – Points that lie on lane_ls. The first element - points[0] - may lie elsewhere and specifies which location the parallel line must pass through.
lane_ls – Reference LineString
lat_distance – Optional latitudinal distance from the linestring. If not specified, it will be infered from the first element of points.
- Returns:
A numpy array, where dim(points) is equal to dim(ret). Furthermore, points[0] == ret[0] is always true.
igp2.core.vehicle module¶
- class igp2.core.vehicle.Action(acceleration: float, steer_angle: float, target_speed: float | None = None, target_angle: float | None = None)[source]¶
Represents an action taken by an agent
- acceleration: float¶
- steer_angle: float¶
- target_angle: float = None¶
- target_speed: float = None¶
- class igp2.core.vehicle.KinematicVehicle(state: AgentState, meta: AgentMetadata, fps: int)[source]¶
Class describing a physical vehicle object based on a bicycle-model.
- execute_action(action: Action | None = None, next_state: AgentState | None = None) Action [source]¶
Apply acceleration and steering according to the bicycle model centered at the center-of-gravity (i.e. cg) of the vehicle.
Ref: https://dingyan89.medium.com/simple-understanding-of-kinematic-bicycle-model-81cac6420357
- Parameters:
action – Acceleration and steering action to execute
next_state – Ignored
- Returns:
Acceleration and heading action that was executed by the vehicle.
- class igp2.core.vehicle.Observation(frame: Dict[int, AgentState], scenario_map: Map)[source]¶
Represents an observation of the visible environment state and the road layout
- frame: Dict[int, AgentState]¶
- class igp2.core.vehicle.TrajectoryVehicle(state: AgentState, meta: AgentMetadata, fps: int)[source]¶
- execute_action(action: Action | None = None, next_state: AgentState | None = None)[source]¶
Used next_state to set the state of the vehicle manually as given by an already calculated trajectory.
- Parameters:
action – Ignored
next_state – Next state of the vehicle
- class igp2.core.vehicle.Vehicle(state: AgentState, meta: AgentMetadata, fps: int)[source]¶
Base class for physical vehicle control.
- execute_action(action: Action | None = None, next_state: AgentState | None = None)[source]¶
Execute action given to the vehicle.
- Parameters:
action – Acceleration and steering action to execute
next_state – Can be used to override action and set state directly
- get_state(time: float | None = None) AgentState [source]¶
Return current state of the vehicle.
igp2.core.velocitysmoother module¶
- class igp2.core.velocitysmoother.VelocitySmoother(n: int = 100, dt_s: float = 0.1, amax_m_s2: float = 5.0, vmin_m_s: float = 1.0, vmax_m_s: float = 10.0, lambda_acc: float = 10.0, horizon_threshold: float = 1.2, min_n: int = 5)[source]¶
Runs optimisation routine on a VelocityTrajectory object to return realistic velocities according to constraints. This accounts for portions of the trajectory where the vehicle is stopped.
- property amax: float¶
Returns the acceleration limit used in smoothing optimisation in m/s2
- property dt: float¶
Returns the timestep size used in smoothing optimisation in seconds
- property horizon_threshold: float¶
Returns the multiple of the estimated trajectory horizon that is used to limit the maximum value of n in the optimiser
- property lambda_acc: float¶
Returns the lambda parameter used to control the weighting of the acceleration penalty in smoothing optimisation
- lin_interpolant(x: ndarray, y: ndarray) interpolant [source]¶
Creates a differentiable Casadi interpolant object to linearly interpolate y from x
- load_trajectory(trajectory: VelocityTrajectory)[source]¶
- property min_n: int¶
Returns minimum value for n
- property n: int¶
Returns the number of points used in smoothing optimisation
- optimiser(n: int, velocity_interpolant: interpolant, pathvel_interpolant: interpolant, ind_start: float, ind_end: float, x_start: float, v_start: float, options: {})[source]¶
- remove_duplicates(x: ndarray, v: ndarray) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray] [source]¶
Removes any duplicates in pathlength and velocity caused by consecutive 0 velocities
- smooth_velocity(pathlength: ndarray, velocity: ndarray, debug: bool = False)[source]¶
Creates a linear interpolants for pathlength and velocity, and use them to recursively run the optimiser, until the optimisation solution bounds the original pathlength. The smoothed velocity is then sampled from the optimisation solution v
- split_at_stops()[source]¶
Split original velocity and pathlength arrays, for the optimisation process to run separately on each splitted array. The splitted array corresponds of trajectory segments between stops. The function will also remove any extended stops from the splitted arrays (parts where consecutive velocities points are 0
- property split_pathlength: ndarray¶
Returns the cummulative length travelled in the trajectory in meters
- split_smooth(debug: bool = False) ndarray [source]¶
Split the trajectory into “go” and “stop” segments, according to vmin and smoothes the “go” segments
- property split_velocity: ndarray¶
Returns the velocity at each trajectory waypoint in m/s
- property vmax: float¶
Returns the maximum velocity limit used in smoothing optimisation in m/s
- property vmin: float¶
Returns the minimum velocity limit used in smoothing optimisation in m/s. Vehicle will be considered at a stop for velocities below this value. The optimisation smoothing will not be run at points below this velocity