Source code for igp2.core.goal

import abc
import numpy as np
from typing import List, Optional
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon

from igp2.core.trajectory import Trajectory
from igp2.core.util import Box
from igp2.opendrive.elements.road_lanes import Lane

[docs]class Goal(abc.ABC): def __init__(self): self._center = None
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def reached(self, point: np.ndarray) -> bool: """ Returns whether a point is within the goal box / threshold radius. Goal boundary is inclusive. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def distance(self, point: np.ndarray) -> float: """ Calculate the distance of the given point to the Goal""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def point_on_lane(self, lane: Lane) -> Optional[np.ndarray]: """ Return the closest point to the goal on the given lane midline.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def passed_through_goal(self, trajectory: Trajectory) -> bool: """ Calculate whether the given trajectory has passed through a goal or not. """ raise NotImplementedError
@property def center(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns goal center point """ return self._center
[docs]class PointGoal(Goal): """ A goal represented as a circle of with given threshold around a point.""" def __init__(self, point: np.ndarray, threshold: float): super().__init__() self._radius = threshold self._center = point def __repr__(self): return f"PointGoal(center={np.round(self._center, 3)}, r={self._radius})"
[docs] def reached(self, point: np.ndarray) -> bool: return self.distance(Point(point)) <= self._radius
[docs] def distance(self, point: np.ndarray) -> float: return Point(point).distance(Point(self._center))
[docs] def point_on_lane(self, lane: Lane) -> Optional[np.ndarray]: if lane.boundary.contains(Point(self._center)): distance = lane.distance_at(self._center) return lane.point_at(distance) return None
[docs] def passed_through_goal(self, trajectory: Trajectory) -> bool: distances = np.linalg.norm(trajectory.path - self._center, axis=1) return np.any(np.isclose(distances, 0.0, atol=self.radius))
@property def radius(self) -> float: """ Threshold radius""" return self._radius
[docs]class StoppingGoal(PointGoal): """ Subclass PointGoal to represent a stopping goal.""" def __repr__(self): return f"StoppingGoal(center={np.round(self._center, 3)}, r={self._radius})"
[docs]class BoxGoal(Goal): """ A goal specified with a rectangle. """ def __init__(self, box: Box): super().__init__() self._box = box self._poly = Polygon(box.boundary) self._center = def __repr__(self): bounds_rep = str(np.round(np.array(self._poly.boundary.coords[0]), 3)).replace('\n', ' ') return f"BoxGoal(center={self._center}, bounds={bounds_rep})"
[docs] def reached(self, point: np.ndarray) -> bool: point = Point(point) return self._poly.contains(point) or self._poly.touches(point)
[docs] def distance(self, point: np.ndarray) -> float: return self._poly.distance(Point(point))
[docs] def point_on_lane(self, lane: Lane) -> Optional[np.ndarray]: """ Return the point closest to the box center on the given lane midline.""" if lane.midline.intersects(self._poly): distance = lane.distance_at( return lane.point_at(distance) return None
[docs] def passed_through_goal(self, trajectory: Trajectory) -> bool: return any([self.reached(p) for p in trajectory.path])
@property def box(self) -> Box: """ The box defining the goal""" return self._box @property def poly(self) -> Polygon: """ The Polygon describing the bounding box of the Goal.""" return self._poly
[docs]class PointCollectionGoal(Goal): """ A goal that consists of a collection of PointGoals. """ def __init__(self, goals: List[PointGoal]): super(PointCollectionGoal, self).__init__() self._goals = goals def __repr__(self): return f"PointCollectionGoal(n={len(self._goals)}, center={self._center})"
[docs] def reached(self, point: np.ndarray) -> bool: for goal in self._goals: if goal.reached(point): return True return False
[docs] def distance(self, point: np.ndarray) -> float: return np.min([g.distance(point) for g in self._goals])
[docs] def point_on_lane(self, lane: Lane) -> Optional[np.ndarray]: """ Returns a point on the given lane that is closest to one of the goal points in the collection. """ closest_goal = None closest_distance = np.inf for goal in self._goals: distance = lane.midline.distance(Point( if distance < closest_distance: closest_goal = goal closest_distance = distance return closest_goal.point_on_lane(lane)
[docs] def passed_through_goal(self, trajectory: Trajectory) -> bool: for goal in self._goals: if goal.passed_through_goal(trajectory): return True return False
@property def center(self) -> np.ndarray: """ The center of the point collection goal is defined as the point of the centers of the goals in the collection.""" return np.mean([ for g in self._goals], axis=0)
[docs] def goals(self) -> List[PointGoal]: """ Return the list of PointGoals in this goal collection.""" return self._goals