import casadi as ca
import math
import numpy as np
import logging
from typing import Tuple
from igp2.core.trajectory import VelocityTrajectory
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class VelocitySmoother:
"""Runs optimisation routine on a VelocityTrajectory object to return realistic velocities according to constraints.
This accounts for portions of the trajectory where the vehicle is stopped."""
def __init__(self,
n: int = 100,
dt_s: float = 0.1,
amax_m_s2: float = 5.0,
vmin_m_s: float = 1.0,
vmax_m_s: float = 10.0,
lambda_acc: float = 10.0,
horizon_threshold: float = 1.2,
min_n: int = 5):
""" Create a VelocitySmoother object
trajectory: VelocityTrajectory object
Optional Args:
n, dt_s, amax_m_s2, vmin_m_s, vmax_m_s, lambda_acc: optimiser parameters
See @properties for definitions
self._n = n
self._min_n = min_n
self._dt = dt_s
self._amax = amax_m_s2
self._vmax = vmax_m_s
self._vmin = vmin_m_s
self._lambda_acc = lambda_acc
self._horizon_threshold = horizon_threshold
self._split_velocity = None
self._split_pathlength = None
def load_trajectory(self, trajectory: VelocityTrajectory):
self._trajectory = trajectory
def split_smooth(self, debug: bool = False) -> np.ndarray:
""" Split the trajectory into "go" and "stop" segments, according to vmin and smoothes the "go" segments """
if len(self._split_velocity) > 1:
logger.debug(f"Stops detected. Splitting trajectory into {len(self.split_velocity)} segments.")
V_smoothed = []
for i in range(len(self.split_velocity)):
if len(self._split_velocity) > 1:
logger.debug(f"Smoothing segment {i}.")
if len(self._split_velocity[i]) < 2:
logger.debug(f"Cannot smooth velocity profile of length 1. ")
if len(self._split_velocity[i]) >= 2 and self.split_velocity[i][0] > self.vmin:
v_smoothed, _, _ = self.smooth_velocity(self.split_pathlength[i], self.split_velocity[i], debug=debug)
v_smoothed = np.transpose(v_smoothed)
V_smoothed = np.array(V_smoothed)
return V_smoothed
def smooth_velocity(self, pathlength: np.ndarray, velocity: np.ndarray, debug: bool = False):
"""Creates a linear interpolants for pathlength and velocity, and use them to recursively
run the optimiser, until the optimisation solution bounds the original pathlength.
The smoothed velocity is then sampled from the optimisation solution v """
options = [{"uniform_initialisation": False, "disable_upper_bound": False, "disable_vmax": False,
"disable_amax": False, "disable_lambda": False, "disable_v0": False, "debug": debug},
{"uniform_initialisation": True, "disable_upper_bound": False, "disable_vmax": False,
"disable_amax": False, "disable_lambda": False, "disable_v0": False, "debug": debug},
{"uniform_initialisation": False, "disable_upper_bound": True, "disable_vmax": False,
"disable_amax": False, "disable_lambda": False, "disable_v0": False, "debug": debug},
{"uniform_initialisation": True, "disable_upper_bound": True, "disable_vmax": False,
"disable_amax": False, "disable_lambda": False, "disable_v0": False, "debug": debug},
{"uniform_initialisation": False, "disable_upper_bound": True, "disable_vmax": True,
"disable_amax": True, "disable_lambda": False, "disable_v0": False, "debug": debug},
{"uniform_initialisation": True, "disable_upper_bound": True, "disable_vmax": True,
"disable_amax": True, "disable_lambda": False, "disable_v0": False, "debug": debug},
{"uniform_initialisation": False, "disable_upper_bound": True, "disable_vmax": True,
"disable_amax": True, "disable_lambda": True, "disable_v0": False, "debug": debug},
{"uniform_initialisation": True, "disable_upper_bound": True, "disable_vmax": True,
"disable_amax": True, "disable_lambda": True, "disable_v0": False, "debug": debug},
{"uniform_initialisation": False, "disable_upper_bound": True, "disable_vmax": True,
"disable_amax": True, "disable_lambda": True, "disable_v0": True, "debug": debug},
{"uniform_initialisation": True, "disable_upper_bound": True, "disable_vmax": True,
"disable_amax": True, "disable_lambda": True, "disable_v0": True, "debug": debug}]
def recursive_optimisation(inc: int = 0):
opt = options[inc]
except IndexError as e:
"Optimiser did not converge with any of the relaxation attempts, Appending unsmoothed velocity.")
x = pathlength[math.floor(ind_start):]
v = velocity[math.floor(ind_start):]
return x, v
logger.debug(f"Trying velocity smoothing with {str(options[inc])}")
return self.optimiser(n, velocity_interpolant, pathvel_interpolant, ind_start, ind_end, X[-1], V[-1],
except RuntimeError as e:
logger.debug(f"Optimiser did not converge with {str(e)}")
inc += 1
return recursive_optimisation(inc)
# Create interpolants for pathlength and velocity
ind = list(range(len(pathlength)))
ind_end = ind[-1]
velocity_interpolant = self.lin_interpolant(ind, velocity)
pathvel_interpolant = self.lin_interpolant(pathlength, velocity)
X = [pathlength[0]]
V = [velocity[0]]
count = 0
while X[-1] < pathlength[-1]:
if count > 0:
logger.debug("Solution is not bounding trajectory, extending optimisation problem.")
count += 1
ind_start = self._find_ind_start(X[-1], pathlength)
t = np.sum(self._trajectory.timesteps[math.floor(ind_start):])
n = max(self.min_n, min(self.n, math.ceil(t / self.dt * self.horizon_threshold)))
if n != self.n: logger.debug(f"Higher than necessary n detected. using n = {n} instead")
x, v = recursive_optimisation()
X = np.array(X)
V = np.array(V)
X, V = self.remove_duplicates(X, V)
sol_interpolant = self.lin_interpolant(X, V)
return np.array(sol_interpolant(pathlength)), X, V
def optimiser(self, n: int, velocity_interpolant: ca.interpolant, pathvel_interpolant: ca.interpolant,
ind_start: float, ind_end: float, x_start: float, v_start: float, options: dict()):
if options["disable_vmax"]:
vmax = 1e2
vmax = self.vmax
if options["disable_amax"]:
amax = 1e3
amax = self.amax
if options["disable_lambda"]:
lambda_acc = 0
lambda_acc = self.lambda_acc
opti = ca.Opti()
# Create optimisation variables
x = opti.variable(n)
v = opti.variable(n)
ind_n = np.linspace(ind_start, ind_end, n)
if options["uniform_initialisation"]:
vel_ini = [v_start] * n
vel_ini = velocity_interpolant(ind_n)
if not options["disable_v0"]:
vel_ini[0] = v_start
path_ini = np.empty(n, float)
path_ini[0] = x_start
for i in range(1, len(path_ini)):
if i == len(path_ini) - 1:
path_ini[i] = path_ini[i - 1] + vel_ini[i] * self.dt
path_ini[i] = path_ini[i - 1] + 0.5 * (vel_ini[i - 1] + vel_ini[i + 1]) * self.dt
opti.set_initial(x, path_ini)
opti.set_initial(v, vel_ini)
# Optimisation objective to minimise
J = ca.sumsqr(v - pathvel_interpolant(x)) + lambda_acc * ca.sumsqr(v[1:] - v[:-1])
# Optimisation constraints
opti.subject_to(x[0] == x_start)
if not options["disable_v0"]:
opti.subject_to(v[0] == v_start)
opti.subject_to(opti.bounded(self.vmin, v, vmax))
if not options["disable_upper_bound"]:
opti.subject_to(v <= pathvel_interpolant(x))
for k in range(0, n - 1):
opti.subject_to(x[k + 1] == x[k] + v[k] * self.dt)
opti.subject_to(ca.fabs(v[k + 1] - v[k]) < amax * self.dt)
# Solve
opts = {}
if not (options["debug"]): # disable terminal printout
opts['ipopt.print_level'] = 0
opts['print_time'] = 0
opts[''] = "yes"
opts['ipopt.max_iter'] = 30 # reduce max number of iterations to improve inference time.
opti.solver('ipopt', opts)
sol = opti.solve()
return sol.value(x), sol.value(v)
def _find_ind_start(self, x_start: float, x: np.ndarray) -> float:
"""Finds the position corresponding to x_start value in x array.
Linearly interpolates between two positions if not exact match."""
if x_start == x[0]:
ind_start = 0.
for i, el in enumerate(x):
if el > x_start:
ind_larger = i
ind_start = ind_larger - 1 + (x_start - x[ind_larger - 1]) / (
x[ind_larger] - x[ind_larger - 1])
return ind_start
def lin_interpolant(self, x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> ca.interpolant:
"""Creates a differentiable Casadi interpolant object to linearly interpolate y from x"""
return ca.interpolant('LUT', 'linear', [x], y)
def split_at_stops(self):
"""Split original velocity and pathlength arrays,
for the optimisation process to run separately on each splitted array.
The splitted array corresponds of trajectory segments between stops.
The function will also remove any extended stops from the splitted arrays
(parts where consecutive velocities points are 0"""
split = [i + 1 for i in range(len(self._trajectory.velocity) - 1)
if (self._trajectory.velocity[i] <= self.vmin < self._trajectory.velocity[i + 1])
or (self._trajectory.velocity[i] > self.vmin >= self._trajectory.velocity[i + 1])]
if self._trajectory.velocity[-1] <= self.vmin: split.append(len(self._trajectory.velocity) - 1)
self._split_velocity = [x for x in np.split(self._trajectory.velocity, split) if len(x != 0)]
self._split_pathlength = [x for x in np.split(self._trajectory.pathlength, split) if len(x != 0)]
def remove_duplicates(self, x: np.ndarray, v: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Removes any duplicates in pathlength and velocity caused by consecutive 0 velocities"""
dup_ind = np.array(np.where(v == 0.0)[0])
dup_ind += 1
x = np.delete(x, dup_ind)
v = np.delete(v, dup_ind)
return x, v
def n(self) -> int:
"""Returns the number of points used in smoothing optimisation"""
return self._n
def dt(self) -> float:
"""Returns the timestep size used in smoothing optimisation in seconds"""
return self._dt
def amax(self) -> float:
"""Returns the acceleration limit used in smoothing optimisation in m/s2"""
return self._amax
def vmin(self) -> float:
"""Returns the minimum velocity limit used in smoothing optimisation in m/s.
Vehicle will be considered at a stop for velocities below this value.
The optimisation smoothing will not be run at points below this velocity"""
return self._vmin
def vmax(self) -> float:
"""Returns the maximum velocity limit used in smoothing optimisation in m/s"""
return self._vmax
def lambda_acc(self) -> float:
"""Returns the lambda parameter used to control the weighting of the
acceleration penalty in smoothing optimisation"""
return self._lambda_acc
def horizon_threshold(self) -> float:
"""Returns the multiple of the estimated trajectory horizon that is used to
limit the maximum value of n in the optimiser"""
return self._horizon_threshold
def min_n(self) -> int:
"""Returns minimum value for n"""
return self._min_n
def split_velocity(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Returns the velocity at each trajectory waypoint in m/s"""
return self._split_velocity
def split_pathlength(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Returns the cummulative length travelled in the trajectory in meters"""
return self._split_pathlength