igp2.data package


igp2.data.data_loaders module

Modified version of code from https://github.com/cbrewitt/av-goal-recognition/blob/master/core/ based on https://github.com/ika-rwth-aachen/drone-dataset-tools

class igp2.data.data_loaders.DataLoader(config_path: str, splits: List[str] | None = None)[source]

Bases: ABC

Abstract class that is implemented by every DataLoader that IGP2 can use.

A set of recordings are collected into an Episode. Episodes and the corresponding Map and configuration are managed by a Scenario object. The created DataLoader is iterable.


Load the Scenario object with the configuration file.

property scenario: Scenario | None

Return the Scenario object

test() List[Episode][source]

Return the test data portion of the Scenario

train() List[Episode][source]

Return the training data portion of the Scenario

valid() List[Episode][source]

Return the validation data portion of the Scenario

class igp2.data.data_loaders.InDDataLoader(config_path: str, splits: List[str] | None = None)[source]

Bases: DataLoader

get_split(splits: List[str] | None = None) List[Episode][source]

Load all episodes of the scenario

test() List[Episode][source]

Return the test data portion of the Scenario

train() List[Episode][source]

Return the training data portion of the Scenario

valid() List[Episode][source]

Return the validation data portion of the Scenario

igp2.data.episode module

class igp2.data.episode.Episode(config: EpisodeConfig, metadata: EpisodeMetadata, agents: Dict[int, TrajectoryAgent], frames: List[Frame])[source]

Bases: object

An episode that is represented with a collection of Agents and their corresponding frames.

class igp2.data.episode.EpisodeConfig(config)[source]

Bases: object

Metadata about an episode

property recording_id: str

Unique ID identifying the episode

class igp2.data.episode.EpisodeLoader(scenario_config)[source]

Bases: ABC

Abstract class that every EpisodeLoader should represent. Also keeps track of registered subclasses.

EPISODE_LOADERS = {'ind': <class 'igp2.data.episode.IndEpisodeLoader'>}
classmethod get_loader(scenario_config: ScenarioConfig) EpisodeLoader[source]

Get the episode loader as specified within the ScenarioConfig


scenario_config – The scenario configuration


The corresponding EpisodeLoader

load(config: EpisodeConfig, road_map=None, **kwargs)[source]
classmethod register_loader(loader_name: str, loader)[source]
class igp2.data.episode.EpisodeMetadata(config)[source]

Bases: object

property frame_rate: int

Frame rate of the episode recording.

property max_speed: float

The speed limit at the episode location.

class igp2.data.episode.Frame(time: float, dead_ids: Set[int] | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

A snapshot of time in the data set

add_agent_state(agent_id: int, state: AgentState)[source]

Add a new agent with its specified state.

  • agent_id – The ID of the Agent whose state is being recorded

  • state – The state of the Agent

property agents: Dict[int, AgentState]
property all_agents: Dict[int, AgentState]
class igp2.data.episode.IndEpisodeLoader(scenario_config)[source]

Bases: EpisodeLoader

load(config: EpisodeConfig, road_map: Map | None = None, agent_types: List[str] | None = None, scale: float | None = None)[source]

igp2.data.scenario module

class igp2.data.scenario.InDScenario(config: ScenarioConfig)[source]

Bases: Scenario


Filter out all agents which do not arrive at a specified goal

classmethod load(file_path: str, split: List[str] | None = None)[source]

Initialise a new Scenario from the given config file. :param file_path: Path to the file defining the scenario :param split: The data set splits to load as given by indices. If None, load all.


A new Scenario instance

load_episode(episode_id) Episode[source]

Load specific Episode with the given ID. Does not append episode to member field episode.

load_episodes(split: List[str] | None = None) List[Episode][source]

Load all/the specified Episodes as given in the ScenarioConfig. Store episodes in field episode

class igp2.data.scenario.Scenario(config: ScenarioConfig)[source]

Bases: ABC

Represents an arbitrary driving scenario with interactions broken to episodes.

property episodes: List[Episode]

Retrieve a list of loaded Episodes.

classmethod load(file_path: str, split: List[str] | None = None)[source]

Initialise a new Scenario from the given config file. :param file_path: Path to the file defining the scenario :param split: The data set splits to load as given by indices. If None, load all.


A new Scenario instance

property loader: EpisodeLoader

The EpisodeLoader of the Scenario.

property opendrive_map: Map

Return the OpenDrive Map of the Scenario.

plot_goals(axes, scale=1, flipy=False)[source]
class igp2.data.scenario.ScenarioConfig(config_dict)[source]

Bases: object

Metadata about a scenario used for goal recognition

property agent_types: List[str]

Gets which types of agents to keep from the data set

property background_image: str

Path to background image

property background_px_to_meter: float

Pixels per meter in background image

property buildings: List[List[List[float]]]

Return the vertices of the buildings in the map.

property check_lanes: bool

True if Lane data should be checked when loading frames for agents

property check_oncoming: bool

True if ChangeLane macro action should check for other agents in the lane before switching.

property cost_factors: Dict[str, float]

Default cost weights.

property data_format: str

Format in which the data is stored

property data_root: str

Path to directory in which the data is stored

property dataset_split: Dict[str, List[int]]

Get the which data split each episode belongs to

property episodes: List[EpisodeConfig]

Configuration for all episodes for this scenario


list of dict

property goal_threshold: float

Threshold for checking goal completion of agents’ trajectories

property goal_types: List[List[str]]

Possible goals for agents in this scenario

property goals: List[Tuple[int, int]]

Possible goals for agents in this scenario

property goals_priors: List[float]

Priors for goals in this scenario

property lat_origin: float

Latitude of the origin

classmethod load(file_path)[source]

Loads the scenario metadata into from a json file :param file_path: path to the file to load :type file_path: str


metadata about the scenario

Return type:


property lon_origin: float

Longitude of the origin

property name: str

Name of the scenario

property opendrive_file: str

Path to the *.xodr file specifying the OpenDrive map

property reachable_pairs: List[List[List[float]]]

Pairs of points, where the second point should be reachable from the first Can be used for validating maps

property scale_down_factor: int

Scale down factor for visualisation

property scaling_factor: float

Constant factor to account for mismatch in the scale of the recordings and the size of the map

property target_switch_length: float

Target length for lane switch maneuver.

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