Source code for

import json
import abc
import logging
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict

from import EpisodeConfig, EpisodeLoader, Episode
from import Map

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ScenarioConfig: """Metadata about a scenario used for goal recognition""" def __init__(self, config_dict): self.config_dict = config_dict
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, file_path): """Loads the scenario metadata into from a json file Args: file_path (str): path to the file to load Returns: ScenarioConfig: metadata about the scenario """ with open(file_path) as f: scenario_meta_dict = json.load(f) return cls(scenario_meta_dict)
@property def goals(self) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]: """Possible goals for agents in this scenario""" return self.config_dict.get('goals') @property def goals_priors(self) -> List[float]: """Priors for goals in this scenario""" return self.config_dict.get('goals_priors') @property def name(self) -> str: """Name of the scenario""" return self.config_dict.get('name') @property def goal_types(self) -> List[List[str]]: """ Possible goals for agents in this scenario""" return self.config_dict.get('goal_types') @property def opendrive_file(self) -> str: """ Path to the *.xodr file specifying the OpenDrive map""" return self.config_dict.get('opendrive_file') @property def lat_origin(self) -> float: """Latitude of the origin""" return self.config_dict.get('lat_origin') @property def lon_origin(self) -> float: """ Longitude of the origin""" return self.config_dict.get('lon_origin') @property def data_format(self) -> str: """Format in which the data is stored""" return self.config_dict.get('data_format') @property def data_root(self) -> str: """ Path to directory in which the data is stored""" return self.config_dict.get('data_root') @property def episodes(self) -> List[EpisodeConfig]: """list of dict: Configuration for all episodes for this scenario""" return [EpisodeConfig(c) for c in self.config_dict.get('episodes')] @property def background_image(self) -> str: """Path to background image""" return self.config_dict.get('background_image') @property def background_px_to_meter(self) -> float: """ Pixels per meter in background image""" return self.config_dict.get('background_px_to_meter') @property def scale_down_factor(self) -> int: """ Scale down factor for visualisation""" return self.config_dict.get('scale_down_factor') @property def check_lanes(self) -> bool: """ True if Lane data should be checked when loading frames for agents""" return self.config_dict.get("check_lanes", False) @property def check_oncoming(self) -> bool: """ True if ChangeLane macro action should check for other agents in the lane before switching.""" return self.config_dict.get("check_oncoming", True) @property def reachable_pairs(self) -> List[List[List[float]]]: """ Pairs of points, where the second point should be reachable from the first Can be used for validating maps""" return self.config_dict.get('reachable_pairs') @property def dataset_split(self) -> Dict[str, List[int]]: """ Get the which data split each episode belongs to """ return self.config_dict.get('dataset_split', None) @property def agent_types(self) -> List[str]: """ Gets which types of agents to keep from the data set """ return self.config_dict.get("agent_types", None) @property def goal_threshold(self) -> float: """ Threshold for checking goal completion of agents' trajectories """ return self.config_dict.get("goal_threshold", None) @property def scaling_factor(self) -> float: """ Constant factor to account for mismatch in the scale of the recordings and the size of the map """ return self.config_dict.get("scaling_factor", None) @property def target_switch_length(self) -> float: """Target length for lane switch maneuver.""" return self.config_dict.get("target_switch_length") @property def cost_factors(self) -> Dict[str, float]: """Default cost weights.""" return self.config_dict.get("cost_factors") @property def buildings(self) -> List[List[List[float]]]: """Return the vertices of the buildings in the map.""" return self.config_dict.get("buildings")
[docs]class Scenario(abc.ABC): """ Represents an arbitrary driving scenario with interactions broken to episodes. """ def __init__(self, config: ScenarioConfig): """ Initialize new Scenario based on the given ScenarioConfig and read map data from config. """ self.config = config self._episodes = None self._opendrive_map = None self._loader = EpisodeLoader.get_loader(self.config) self.load_map()
[docs] def load_map(self): if self.config.opendrive_file: self._opendrive_map = Map.parse_from_opendrive(self.config.opendrive_file) else: raise ValueError(f"OpenDrive map was not specified!")
@property def opendrive_map(self) -> Map: """ Return the OpenDrive Map of the Scenario. """ return self._opendrive_map @property def episodes(self) -> List[Episode]: """ Retrieve a list of loaded Episodes. """ return self._episodes @property def loader(self) -> EpisodeLoader: """ The EpisodeLoader of the Scenario. """ return self._loader
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, file_path: str, split: List[str] = None): """ Initialise a new Scenario from the given config file. Args: file_path: Path to the file defining the scenario split: The data set splits to load as given by indices. If None, load all. Returns: A new Scenario instance """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def plot_goals(self, axes, scale=1, flipy=False): # plot goals goal_locations = self.config.goals for idx, g in enumerate(goal_locations): x = g[0] / scale y = g[1] / scale * (1 - 2 * int(flipy)) circle = plt.Circle((x, y), self.config.goal_threshold / scale, color='r') axes.add_artist(circle) label = 'G{}'.format(idx) axes.annotate(label, (x, y), color='white')
[docs]class InDScenario(Scenario):
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, file_path: str, split: List[str] = None): config = ScenarioConfig.load(file_path) scenario = cls(config) scenario.load_episodes(split) scenario.filter_by_goal_completion() return scenario
[docs] def load_episodes(self, split: List[str] = None) -> List[Episode]: """ Load all/the specified Episodes as given in the ScenarioConfig. Store episodes in field episode """ if split is not None: indices = [] for s in split: indices.extend(self.config.dataset_split[s]) to_load = [conf for i, conf in enumerate(sorted(self.config.episodes, key=lambda x: x.recording_id)) if i in indices] else: to_load = sorted(self.config.episodes, key=lambda x: x.recording_id)"Loading {len(to_load)} episode(s).") episodes = [] for idx, config in enumerate(to_load):"Loading Episode {idx + 1}/{len(to_load)}") episode = self._loader.load(config, self._opendrive_map if self.config.check_lanes else None, agent_types=self.config.agent_types, scale=self.config.scaling_factor) episodes.append(episode) self._episodes = episodes return episodes
[docs] def load_episode(self, episode_id) -> Episode: """ Load specific Episode with the given ID. Does not append episode to member field episode. """ return self._loader.load(self.config.episodes[episode_id])
[docs] def filter_by_goal_completion(self): """ Filter out all agents which do not arrive at a specified goal """ threshold = self.config.goal_threshold if threshold is None: return possible_goals = np.array(self.config.goals) for episode in self.episodes: dead_agents = set() for agent_id, agent in episode.agents.items(): if np.allclose(agent.trajectory.path[0], agent.trajectory.path[-1], atol=0.1): agent.goal_reached = False dead_agents.add(agent_id) continue for goal in possible_goals: distances = np.linalg.norm(agent.trajectory.path - goal, axis=1) if np.any(distances < threshold): break else: agent.goal_reached = False dead_agents.add(agent_id) for frame in episode.frames: for agent_id, agent in frame.all_agents.items(): if agent_id in dead_agents: frame.dead_ids.add(agent_id)