igp2.agents package¶
igp2.agents.agent module¶
- class igp2.agents.agent.Agent(agent_id: int, initial_state: AgentState, goal: Goal = None, fps: int = 20)[source]¶
Abstract class for all agents.
- property agent_id: int¶
ID of the agent.
- property alive: bool¶
Whether the agent is alive in the simulation.
- done(observation: Observation) bool [source]¶
Check whether the agent has completed executing its assigned task.
- property fps: int¶
Simulation frames per second.
- property metadata: AgentMetadata¶
Metadata describing the physical properties of the agent.
- next_action(observation: Observation) Action [source]¶
Return the next action the agent will take
- next_state(observation: Observation, return_action: bool = False) AgentState [source]¶
Return the next agent state after it executes an action.
- property state: AgentState¶
Return current state of the agent as given by its vehicle, or initial state if no vehicle is attached.
- property trajectory_cl¶
The closed loop trajectory that was actually driven by the agent.
igp2.agents.macro_agent module¶
- class igp2.agents.macro_agent.MacroAgent(agent_id: int, initial_state: AgentState, goal: Goal | None = None, fps: int = 20)[source]¶
Agent executing a pre-defined macro action. Useful for simulating the ego vehicle during MCTS.
- property current_macro: MacroAction¶
The current macro action of the agent.
- done(observation: Observation) bool [source]¶
Returns true if the current macro action has reached a completion state.
- property maneuver_end_idx: List[int]¶
The closed loop trajectory id at which each macro action maneuver completes.
- next_action(observation: Observation) Action [source]¶
Get the next action from the macro action.
- Parameters:
observation – Observation of current environment state and road layout.
- Returns:
The next action of the agent.
- next_state(observation: Observation, return_action: bool = False) AgentState [source]¶
Get the next action from the macro action and execute it through the attached vehicle of the agent.
- Parameters:
observation – Observation of current environment state and road layout.
return_action – If True return the underlying action as well.
- Returns:
The new state of the agent.
- update_macro_action(macro_action: ABCMeta, args: Dict, observation: Observation) MacroAction [source]¶
Overwrite and initialise current macro action of the agent using the given arguments.
- Parameters:
macro_action – the type of the new macro action to execute
args – MA initialisation arguments
observation – Observation of the environment
igp2.agents.maneuver_agent module¶
- class igp2.agents.maneuver_agent.ManeuverAgent(maneuver_configs: List[ManeuverConfig], agent_id: int, initial_state: AgentState, fps: int = 20, view_radius: float | None = None)[source]¶
For testing purposes. Agent that executes a sequence of maneuvers
- done(observation: Observation) bool [source]¶
Check whether the agent has completed executing its assigned task.
- next_action(observation: Observation | None = None) Action [source]¶
Return the next action the agent will take
igp2.agents.mcts_agent module¶
- class igp2.agents.mcts_agent.MCTSAgent(agent_id: int, initial_state: AgentState, t_update: float, scenario_map: Map, goal: Goal | None = None, view_radius: float = 50.0, fps: int = 20, kinematic: bool = False, n_simulations: int = 5, max_depth: int = 5, store_results: str = 'final', trajectory_agents: bool = True, cost_factors: Dict[str, float] | None = None, reward_factors: Dict[str, float] | None = None, default_rewards: Dict[str, float] | None = None, velocity_smoother: dict | None = None, goal_recognition: dict | None = None, stop_goals: bool = False)[source]¶
- done(observation: Observation)[source]¶
True if the agent has reached its goal.
- get_goals(observation: Observation, threshold: float = 2.0) List[Goal] [source]¶
Retrieve all possible goals reachable from the current position on the map in any direction. If more than one goal is found on a single lane, then only choose the one furthest along the midline of the lane.
- Parameters:
observation – Observation of the environment
threshold – The goal checking threshold
- property goal_probabilities: Dict[int, GoalsProbabilities]¶
Return the currently stored goal prediction probabilities of the ego.
- next_action(observation: Observation) Action [source]¶
Returns the next action for the agent.
If the current macro actions has finished, then updates it. If no macro actions are left in the plan, or we have hit the planning time step, then calls goal recognition and MCTS.
- property observations: Dict[int, Tuple[StateTrajectory, AgentState]]¶
Returns the ego’s knowledge about other agents, sorted in a dictionary with keys corresponding to agents ids. It stores the trajectory observed so far and the frame at which each agent was initially observed. Currently, any agent out of view is immediately forgotten.
- update_observations(observation: Observation)[source]¶
- update_plan(observation: Observation)[source]¶
Runs MCTS to generate a new sequence of macro actions to execute.
- property view_radius: float¶
The view radius of the agent.
igp2.agents.traffic_agent module¶
- class igp2.agents.traffic_agent.TrafficAgent(agent_id: int, initial_state: AgentState, goal: Goal | None = None, fps: int = 20, macro_actions: List[MacroAction] | None = None)[source]¶
Agent that follows a list of MAs, optionally calculated using A*.
- done(observation: Observation) bool [source]¶
Returns true if there are no more actions on the macro list and the current macro is finished.
- property macro_actions: List[MacroAction]¶
The current macro actions to be executed by the agent.
- next_action(observation: Observation) Action [source]¶
Get the next action from the macro action.
- Parameters:
observation – Observation of current environment state and road layout.
- Returns:
The next action of the agent.
- set_destination(observation: Observation, goal: Goal | None = None)[source]¶
Set the current destination of this vehicle and calculate the shortest path to it using A*.
- Parameters:
observation – The current observation.
goal – Optional new goal to override the current one.
- set_macro_actions(new_macros: List[MacroAction])[source]¶
Specify a new set of macro actions to follow.
igp2.agents.trajectory_agent module¶
- class igp2.agents.trajectory_agent.TrajectoryAgent(agent_id: int, initial_state: AgentState, goal: Goal | None = None, fps: int = 20, open_loop: bool = False, reset_trajectory: bool = True)[source]¶
Agent that follows a predefined trajectory.
- done(observation: Observation) bool [source]¶
Check whether the agent has completed executing its assigned task.
- next_action(observation: Observation) Action | None [source]¶
Calculate next action based on trajectory and optionally steps the current state of the agent forward.
- next_state(observation: Observation, return_action: bool = False) AgentState | Tuple[AgentState, Action] [source]¶
Calculate next action based on trajectory, set appropriate fields in vehicle and returns the next agent state.
- property open_loop: bool¶
Whether to use open-loop predictions directly instead of closed-loop control.
- set_trajectory(new_trajectory: Trajectory, stop_seconds: float = 10.0, fps: int | None = None)[source]¶
Override current trajectory of the vehicle and resample to match execution frequency of the environment. If the trajectory given is empty or None, then the vehicle will stay in place for stop_seconds seconds.
- property state¶
Return current state of the agent as given by its vehicle, or initial state if no vehicle is attached.
- property trajectory: Trajectory¶
Return the currently defined trajectory of the agent.