Source code for igp2.agents.trajectory_agent

import numpy as np
from typing import Optional

from igp2.agents.agent import Agent
from igp2.core.agentstate import AgentState
from igp2.core.goal import Goal
from igp2.core.vehicle import Action, Observation, TrajectoryVehicle, KinematicVehicle
from igp2.core.trajectory import StateTrajectory, VelocityTrajectory, Trajectory
from igp2.planlibrary.maneuver_cl import TrajectoryManeuverCL
from igp2.planlibrary.maneuver import ManeuverConfig

[docs]class TrajectoryAgent(Agent): """ Agent that follows a predefined trajectory. """ def __init__(self, agent_id: int, initial_state: AgentState, goal: Goal = None, fps: int = 20, open_loop: bool = False): """ Initialise new trajectory-following agent. Args: agent_id: ID of the agent initial_state: Starting state of the agent goal: Optional final goal of the vehicle fps: Execution rate of the environment simulation open_loop: Whether to use open-loop predictions directly instead of closed-loop control """ super().__init__(agent_id, initial_state, goal, fps) self._t = 0 self._open_loop = open_loop self._trajectory = None self._maneuver_config = None self._maneuver = None self._init_vehicle()
[docs] def done(self, observation: Observation) -> bool: if self.open_loop: done = self._t == len(self._trajectory.path) - 1 else: dist = np.linalg.norm(self._trajectory.path[-1] - observation.frame[self.agent_id].position) done = dist < 1.0 # arbitrary return done
[docs] def next_action(self, observation: Observation) -> Optional[Action]: """ Calculate next action based on trajectory and optionally steps the current state of the agent forward. """ assert self._trajectory is not None, f"Trajectory of Agent {self.agent_id} was None!" if self.done(observation): return None self._t += 1 if self.open_loop: action = Action(self._trajectory.acceleration[self._t], self._trajectory.angular_velocity[self._t]) else: if self._maneuver is None: self._maneuver_config = ManeuverConfig({'type': 'trajectory', 'termination_point': self._trajectory.path[-1]}) self._maneuver = TrajectoryManeuverCL(self._maneuver_config, self.agent_id, observation.frame, observation.scenario_map, self._trajectory) action = self._maneuver.next_action(observation) return action
[docs] def next_state(self, observation: Observation, return_action: bool = False) -> AgentState: """ Calculate next action based on trajectory, set appropriate fields in vehicle and returns the next agent state. """ assert self._trajectory is not None, f"Trajectory of Agent {self.agent_id} was None!" if self.done(observation): return self.state action = self.next_action(observation) if self.open_loop: new_state = AgentState( self._t, self._trajectory.path[self._t], self._trajectory.velocity[self._t], self._trajectory.acceleration[self._t], self._trajectory.heading[self._t] ) else: new_state = None self.vehicle.execute_action(action, new_state) next_state = self.vehicle.get_state(observation.frame[self.agent_id].time + 1) if not return_action: return next_state else: return next_state, action
[docs] def set_trajectory(self, new_trajectory: Trajectory): """ Override current trajectory of the vehicle and resample to match execution frequency of the environment. If the trajectory given is empty or None, then the vehicle will stay in place for 10 seconds. """ fps = self._vehicle.fps if not new_trajectory: self._trajectory = VelocityTrajectory( np.repeat([self._initial_state.position], 10 * fps, axis=0), np.zeros(10 * fps), np.repeat(self._initial_state.heading, 10 * fps), np.arange(0.0, 10 * fps, 1 / fps) ) elif isinstance(new_trajectory, StateTrajectory) and new_trajectory.fps == fps: self._trajectory = VelocityTrajectory( new_trajectory.path, new_trajectory.velocity, new_trajectory.heading, new_trajectory.timesteps) else: num_frames = np.ceil(new_trajectory.duration * fps) ts = new_trajectory.times points = np.linspace(ts[0], ts[-1], int(num_frames)) xs_r = np.interp(points, ts, new_trajectory.path[:, 0]) ys_r = np.interp(points, ts, new_trajectory.path[:, 1]) v_r = np.interp(points, ts, new_trajectory.velocity) path = np.c_[xs_r, ys_r] self._trajectory = VelocityTrajectory(path, v_r)
[docs] def reset(self): super(TrajectoryAgent, self).reset() self._t = 0 self._trajectory = None self._maneuver_config = None self._maneuver = None self._init_vehicle()
def _init_vehicle(self): """ Create vehicle object of this agent. """ if self.open_loop: self._vehicle = TrajectoryVehicle(self._initial_state, self.metadata, self._fps) else: self._vehicle = KinematicVehicle(self._initial_state, self.metadata, self._fps) @property def trajectory(self) -> Trajectory: """ Return the currently defined trajectory of the agent. """ return self._trajectory @property def open_loop(self) -> bool: """ Whether to use open-loop predictions directly instead of closed-loop control. """ return self._open_loop
[docs] def parked(self, tol=1.0) -> bool: return np.linalg.norm(self.trajectory.path[0] - self.trajectory.path[-1]) < tol