Source code for igp2.agents.traffic_agent

from typing import List
import logging

from igp2.agents.macro_agent import MacroAgent
from igp2.core.agentstate import AgentState
from igp2.core.vehicle import Action, Observation
from igp2.core.goal import Goal
from igp2.planlibrary.macro_action import MacroAction
from igp2.recognition.astar import AStar

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TrafficAgent(MacroAgent): """ Agent that follows a list of MAs, optionally calculated using A*. """ def __init__(self, agent_id: int, initial_state: AgentState, goal: "Goal" = None, fps: int = 20, macro_actions: List[MacroAction] = None): super(TrafficAgent, self).__init__(agent_id, initial_state, goal, fps) self._astar = AStar(max_iter=1000) self._macro_actions = [] if macro_actions is not None: self.set_macro_actions(macro_actions) self._current_macro_id = 0
[docs] def set_macro_actions(self, new_macros: List[MacroAction]): """ Specify a new set of macro actions to follow. """ assert len(new_macros) > 0, "Empty macro list given!" for macro in new_macros: macro.to_closed_loop() self._macro_actions = new_macros self._current_macro = new_macros[0]
[docs] def set_destination(self, observation: Observation, goal: Goal = None): """ Set the current destination of this vehicle and calculate the shortest path to it using A*. Args: observation: The current observation. goal: Optional new goal to override the current one. """ if goal is not None: self._goal = goal"Finding path for TrafficAgent ID {self.agent_id}") _, actions =, observation.frame, self._goal, observation.scenario_map, open_loop=False) if len(actions) == 0: raise RuntimeError(f"Couldn't find path to goal {self.goal} for TrafficAgent {self.agent_id}.") self._macro_actions = actions[0] self._current_macro = self._macro_actions[0]
[docs] def done(self, observation: Observation) -> bool: """ Returns true if there are no more actions on the macro list and the current macro is finished. """ return self._current_macro_id + 1 >= len(self._macro_actions) and super(TrafficAgent, self).done(observation)
[docs] def next_action(self, observation: Observation) -> Action: if self.current_macro is None: if len(self._macro_actions) == 0: self.set_destination(observation) if self._current_macro.done(observation): if self._current_macro_id < len(self._macro_actions): self._advance_macro(observation) else: logger.warning(f"TrafficAgent {self.agent_id} has no macro actions!") return Action(0, 0) return self._current_macro.next_action(observation)
[docs] def reset(self): super(TrafficAgent, self).reset() for ma in self._macro_actions: ma.reset() self._macro_actions = [] self._current_macro_id = 0
def _advance_macro(self, observation: Observation): if not self._macro_actions: raise RuntimeError("TrafficAgent has no macro actions.") self._current_macro_id += 1 if self._current_macro_id >= len(self._macro_actions): raise RuntimeError(f"Agent {self.agent_id} has no more macro actions to execute.") self._current_macro = self._macro_actions[self._current_macro_id] @property def macro_actions(self) -> List[MacroAction]: """ The current macro actions to be executed by the agent. """ return self._macro_actions