Source code for igp2.core.util

""" A collection of utility methods and classes used throughout the project. """
import heapq
import copy
from typing import Tuple, List, Dict

import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import LineString, Point

[docs]def get_curvature(points: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Gets the curvature of a 2D path based on Args: points: nx2 array of points Returns: curvature """ gamma = np.array(points) s = np.concatenate(([0], np.cumsum(np.linalg.norm(np.diff(gamma, axis=0), axis=1)))) ds = np.gradient(s).reshape((-1, 1)) d_gamma_ds = np.gradient(gamma, axis=0) / ds d_2_gamma_ds_2 = np.gradient(d_gamma_ds, axis=0) / ds kappa = np.linalg.det(np.dstack([d_gamma_ds, d_2_gamma_ds_2])) / np.linalg.norm(d_gamma_ds, axis=1) ** 3 return kappa
[docs]def get_linestring_side(ls: LineString, p: Point) -> str: """ Return which side of the LineString is the given point, order by the sequence of the coordinates. Args: ls: reference LineString p: point to check Returns: Either "left" or "right" """ right = ls.parallel_offset(0.1, side="right") left = ls.parallel_offset(0.1, side="left") return "left" if left.distance(p) < right.distance(p) else "right"
[docs]def get_points_parallel(points: np.ndarray, lane_ls: LineString, lat_distance: float = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Find parallel to lane_ls of given points (also on lane_ls) through a given point specified by points[0]. Args: points: Points that lie on lane_ls. The first element - points[0] - may lie elsewhere and specifies which location the parallel line must pass through. lane_ls: Reference LineString lat_distance: Optional latitudinal distance from the linestring. If not specified, it will be infered from the first element of points. Returns: A numpy array, where dim(points) is equal to dim(ret). Furthermore, points[0] == ret[0] is always true. """ current_point = Point(points[0]) side = get_linestring_side(lane_ls, current_point) if lat_distance is None: lat_distance = lane_ls.distance(current_point) # Add dummy point to be able to construct a linestring if len(points) == 2: points = np.insert(points, 1, (points[0] + points[1]) / 2, axis=0) points_ls = LineString(points[1:]) points_ls = points_ls.parallel_offset(lat_distance, side=side, join_style=2) flip_coords = not np.allclose(points_ls.coords[-1], points[-1], atol=lat_distance+1) points_ls = list(points_ls.coords[::-1]) if flip_coords else list(points_ls.coords) # Drop the dummy point if len(points_ls) == 2: points_ls = [points_ls[1]] return np.array([tuple(current_point.coords[0])] + points_ls)
[docs]def calculate_multiple_bboxes(center_points_x: List[float], center_points_y: List[float], length: float, width: float, rotation: float = 0.0) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculate bounding box vertices from centroid, width and length. Args: center_points_x: center x-coord of bbox center_points_y: center y-coord of bbox length: length of bbox width: width of bbox rotation: rotation of main bbox axis (along length) Returns: np.ndarray containing the rotated vertices of each box """ centroid = np.array([center_points_x, center_points_y]).transpose() centroid = np.array(centroid) if centroid.shape == (2,): centroid = np.array([centroid]) # Preallocate data_length = centroid.shape[0] rotated_bbox_vertices = np.empty((data_length, 4, 2)) # Calculate rotated bounding box vertices rotated_bbox_vertices[:, 0, 0] = -length / 2 rotated_bbox_vertices[:, 0, 1] = -width / 2 rotated_bbox_vertices[:, 1, 0] = length / 2 rotated_bbox_vertices[:, 1, 1] = -width / 2 rotated_bbox_vertices[:, 2, 0] = length / 2 rotated_bbox_vertices[:, 2, 1] = width / 2 rotated_bbox_vertices[:, 3, 0] = -length / 2 rotated_bbox_vertices[:, 3, 1] = width / 2 for i in range(4): th, r = cart2pol(rotated_bbox_vertices[:, i, :]) rotated_bbox_vertices[:, i, :] = pol2cart(th + rotation, r).squeeze() rotated_bbox_vertices[:, i, :] = rotated_bbox_vertices[:, i, :] + centroid return rotated_bbox_vertices
[docs]def cart2pol(cart: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Transform cartesian to polar coordinates. Args: cart: Nx2 np.ndarray Returns: Pair of Nx1 np.ndarrays """ if cart.shape == (2,): cart = np.array([cart]) x = cart[:, 0] y = cart[:, 1] th = np.arctan2(y, x) r = np.sqrt(np.power(x, 2) + np.power(y, 2)) return th, r
[docs]def pol2cart(theta, r) -> np.ndarray: """ Transform polar to cartesian coordinates. Args: theta: Nx1 ndarray r: Nx1 ndarray Returns: Nx2 ndarray """ x = np.multiply(r, np.cos(theta)) y = np.multiply(r, np.sin(theta)) cart = np.array([x, y]).transpose() return cart
[docs]def all_subclasses(cls): return set(cls.__subclasses__()).union( [s for c in cls.__subclasses__() for s in all_subclasses(c)])
[docs]def add_offset_point(trajectory: "Trajectory", offset: float): """ Add in-place a small step at the end of the trajectory to reach within the boundary of the next lane. """ heading = trajectory.heading[-1] direction = np.array([np.cos(heading), np.sin(heading)]) point = trajectory.path[-1] + offset * direction velocity = trajectory.velocity[-1] trajectory.extend((np.array([point]), np.array([velocity]))) return trajectory
[docs]def find_lane_sequence(start_lane: "Lane", end_lane: "Lane", goal: "Goal", max_iter: int = 100) -> List["Lane"]: """ Finds the shortest valid sequence of lanes from a starting to ending lane using A*. """ frontier = [(0.0, [start_lane])] iterations = 0 while frontier and iterations < max_iter: iterations += 1 cost, lanes = heapq.heappop(frontier) current_lane = lanes[-1] if current_lane == end_lane: return lanes if is None: continue for next_lane in new_lanes = lanes + [next_lane] new_cost = sum([ll.length for ll in lanes]) + \ next_lane.midline.interpolate(1.0, normalized=True).distance(Point( heapq.heappush(frontier, (new_cost, new_lanes)) return []
[docs]def list_startswith(list1: list, list2: list) -> bool: """ Compare two lists. If the lengths are equal simply return equality using ==. If lengths are unequal, then check whether the first one has the same element as the second one. """ len1, len2 = len(list1), len(list2) if len1 >= len2: return list1[:len2] == list2 return False
[docs]def copy_agents_dict(agents_dict, agent_id): # Remove temporarily due to circular dependency memo = {} for aid, agent in agents_dict.items(): if hasattr(agent, "_maneuver"): memo[aid] = agent._maneuver agent._maneuver = None if hasattr(agent, "_current_macro"): memo[aid] = agent._current_macro agent._current_macro = None agents_copy = copy.deepcopy(agents_dict) for aid, agent in agents_dict.items(): if hasattr(agent, "_maneuver"): agent._maneuver = memo[aid] agents_copy[aid]._maneuver = memo[aid] if hasattr(agent, "_current_macro"): agent._current_macro = memo[aid] agents_copy[aid]._current_macro = memo[aid] return agents_copy
[docs]class Box: """ A class representing a 2D, rotated box in Euclidean space. """ def __init__(self, center: np.ndarray, length: float, width: float, heading: float): """ Create a new 2D Box. Args: center: The mid-point of the box. length: The horizontal length of the box from right side to the left. width: The vertical height of the box from top side to the bottom. heading: Rotation (radians) of the box from the reference frame of the box's center using counter-clockwise orientation. """ = np.array(center) self.length = length self.width = width self.heading = heading self._boundary = None self.calculate_boundary()
[docs] def overlaps(self, other: "Box") -> bool: """ Check whether self overlaps with another Box. Ref: Args: other: Other box to check Returns: true iff the two boxes overlap in some region """ if np.linalg.norm( - > (self.diagonal + other.diagonal) / 2: return False self_intersects = any([self.inside(p) for p in other.boundary]) other_intersects = any([other.inside(p) for p in self.boundary]) return self_intersects or other_intersects
[docs] def inside(self, p: np.ndarray) -> bool: """ Check whether a point lies within the rectangle. Ref: Args: p: The point to check Returns: true iff the point lies in or on the rectangle """ a, b, c, d = self._boundary am = p - a ab = b - a ad = d - a return (0 <=, ab) <=, ab)) and (0 <=, ad) <=, ad))
[docs] def calculate_boundary(self): """ Calculate bounding box vertices from centroid, width and length """ bbox = calculate_multiple_bboxes([[0]], [[1]], self.length, self.width, self.heading)[0] self._boundary = bbox
@property def boundary(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns the bounding Polygon of the Box. """ return self._boundary @property def diagonal(self) -> float: """ Length of the Box diagonal. """ return np.sqrt(self.length * self.length + self.width * self.width)
[docs]class Circle: """ Class implementing a circle """ def __init__(self, centre: np.ndarray, radius: float): self.centre = centre self.radius = radius
[docs] def contains(self, point: np.ndarray): """ checks whether a 2d point is contained in a circle """ dist_from_centre = np.linalg.norm(self.centre - point) return dist_from_centre <= self.radius