from typing import Dict
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from dataclasses import dataclass
from igp2.core.agentstate import AgentState, AgentMetadata
from igp2.core.util import Box
from import Map
from igp2.opendrive.plot_map import plot_map
@dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True)
class Action:
""" Represents an action taken by an agent"""
acceleration: float
steer_angle: float
target_speed: float = None
target_angle: float = None
@dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True)
class Observation:
""" Represents an observation of the visible environment state and the road layout"""
frame: Dict[int, AgentState]
scenario_map: Map
def plot(self, ax: plt.Axes = None) -> plt.Axes:
""" Convenience method to plot the current observation. """
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plot_map(self.scenario_map, ax, markings=True, midline=True)
for aid, state in self.frame.items():
ax.plot(*state.position, marker="o")
return ax
class Vehicle(Box):
""" Base class for physical vehicle control. """
def __init__(self, state: AgentState, meta: AgentMetadata, fps: int):
""" Initialise new vehicle.
state: Starting state of the vehicle
meta: Metadata giving the physical properties of the vehicle
fps: Execution frequency of the environment simulation
super().__init__(state.position, meta.length, meta.width, state.heading)
self.velocity = state.speed
self.acceleration = 0.0
self.meta = meta
self.fps = fps
self._dt = 1 / fps
def execute_action(self, action: Action = None, next_state: AgentState = None):
""" Execute action given to the vehicle.
action: Acceleration and steering action to execute
next_state: Can be used to override action and set state directly
raise NotImplementedError
def get_state(self, time: float = None) -> AgentState:
""" Return current state of the vehicle. """
return AgentState(
velocity=self.velocity * np.array([np.cos(self.heading), np.sin(self.heading)]),
acceleration=self.acceleration * np.array([np.cos(self.heading), np.sin(self.heading)]),
class TrajectoryVehicle(Vehicle):
def execute_action(self, action: Action = None, next_state: AgentState = None):
""" Used next_state to set the state of the vehicle manually as given by an already calculated trajectory.
action: Ignored
next_state: Next state of the vehicle
if next_state is None:
raise ValueError("No state given to TrajectoryVehicle.") = next_state.position
self.velocity = next_state.speed
self.heading = next_state.heading
self.acceleration = next_state.acceleration
class KinematicVehicle(Vehicle):
""" Class describing a physical vehicle object based on a bicycle-model. """
def __init__(self, state: AgentState, meta: AgentMetadata, fps: int):
super().__init__(state, meta, fps)
correction = (self.meta.rear_overhang - self.meta.front_overhang) / 2 # Correction for cg
self._l_f = self.meta.wheelbase / 2 + correction # Distance of front axel from cg
self._l_r = self.meta.wheelbase / 2 - correction # Distance of back axel from cg
def execute_action(self, action: Action = None, next_state: AgentState = None) -> Action:
""" Apply acceleration and steering according to the bicycle model centered at the
center-of-gravity (i.e. cg) of the vehicle.
action: Acceleration and steering action to execute
next_state: Ignored
Acceleration and heading action that was executed by the vehicle.
self.acceleration = np.clip(action.acceleration, - self.meta.max_acceleration, self.meta.max_acceleration)
self.velocity += self.acceleration * self._dt
self.velocity = max(0, self.velocity)
beta = np.arctan(self._l_r * np.tan(action.steer_angle) / self.meta.wheelbase)
d_position = np.array(
[self.velocity * np.cos(beta + self.heading),
self.velocity * np.sin(beta + self.heading)]
) += d_position * self._dt
d_theta = self.velocity * np.tan(action.steer_angle) * np.cos(beta) / self.meta.wheelbase
d_theta = np.clip(d_theta, - self.meta.max_angular_vel, self.meta.max_angular_vel)
self.heading = (self.heading + d_theta * self._dt + np.pi) % (2*np.pi) - np.pi
# # Unicycle model
# self.acceleration = np.clip(action.acceleration, - self.meta.max_acceleration, self.meta.max_acceleration)
# self.velocity += self.acceleration * self._dt
# self.velocity = max(0, self.velocity)
# d_theta = action.steer_angle
# #update heading but respect the (-pi, pi) convention
# self.heading = (self.heading + d_theta * self._dt + np.pi) % (2*np.pi) - np.pi
# d_position = np.array([self.velocity * np.cos(self.heading), self.velocity * np.sin(self.heading)])
# += d_position * self._dt
return Action(float(self.acceleration), float(d_theta))