Source code for igp2.core.vehicle

from typing import Dict
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from dataclasses import dataclass

from igp2.core.agentstate import AgentState, AgentMetadata
from igp2.core.util import Box
from import Map
from igp2.opendrive.plot_map import plot_map

[docs]@dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True) class Action: """ Represents an action taken by an agent""" acceleration: float steer_angle: float target_speed: float = None target_angle: float = None
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True) class Observation: """ Represents an observation of the visible environment state and the road layout""" frame: Dict[int, AgentState] scenario_map: Map
[docs] def plot(self, ax: plt.Axes = None) -> plt.Axes: """ Convenience method to plot the current observation. """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() plot_map(self.scenario_map, ax, markings=True, midline=True) for aid, state in self.frame.items(): ax.plot(*state.position, marker="o") return ax
[docs]class Vehicle(Box): """ Base class for physical vehicle control. """ def __init__(self, state: AgentState, meta: AgentMetadata, fps: int): """ Initialise new vehicle. Args: state: Starting state of the vehicle meta: Metadata giving the physical properties of the vehicle fps: Execution frequency of the environment simulation """ super().__init__(state.position, meta.length, meta.width, state.heading) self.velocity = state.speed self.acceleration = 0.0 self.meta = meta self.fps = fps self._dt = 1 / fps
[docs] def execute_action(self, action: Action = None, next_state: AgentState = None): """ Execute action given to the vehicle. Args: action: Acceleration and steering action to execute next_state: Can be used to override action and set state directly """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_state(self, time: float = None) -> AgentState: """ Return current state of the vehicle. """ return AgentState( time=time,, velocity=self.velocity * np.array([np.cos(self.heading), np.sin(self.heading)]), acceleration=self.acceleration * np.array([np.cos(self.heading), np.sin(self.heading)]), heading=self.heading )
[docs]class TrajectoryVehicle(Vehicle):
[docs] def execute_action(self, action: Action = None, next_state: AgentState = None): """ Used next_state to set the state of the vehicle manually as given by an already calculated trajectory. Args: action: Ignored next_state: Next state of the vehicle """ if next_state is None: raise ValueError("No state given to TrajectoryVehicle.") = next_state.position self.velocity = next_state.speed self.heading = next_state.heading self.acceleration = next_state.acceleration self.calculate_boundary()
[docs]class KinematicVehicle(Vehicle): """ Class describing a physical vehicle object based on a bicycle-model. """ def __init__(self, state: AgentState, meta: AgentMetadata, fps: int): super().__init__(state, meta, fps) correction = (self.meta.rear_overhang - self.meta.front_overhang) / 2 # Correction for cg self._l_f = self.meta.wheelbase / 2 + correction # Distance of front axel from cg self._l_r = self.meta.wheelbase / 2 - correction # Distance of back axel from cg
[docs] def execute_action(self, action: Action = None, next_state: AgentState = None) -> Action: """ Apply acceleration and steering according to the bicycle model centered at the center-of-gravity (i.e. cg) of the vehicle. Ref: Args: action: Acceleration and steering action to execute next_state: Ignored Returns: Acceleration and heading action that was executed by the vehicle. """ self.acceleration = np.clip(action.acceleration, - self.meta.max_acceleration, self.meta.max_acceleration) self.velocity += self.acceleration * self._dt self.velocity = max(0, self.velocity) beta = np.arctan(self._l_r * np.tan(action.steer_angle) / self.meta.wheelbase) d_position = np.array( [self.velocity * np.cos(beta + self.heading), self.velocity * np.sin(beta + self.heading)] ) += d_position * self._dt d_theta = self.velocity * np.tan(action.steer_angle) * np.cos(beta) / self.meta.wheelbase d_theta = np.clip(d_theta, - self.meta.max_angular_vel, self.meta.max_angular_vel) self.heading = (self.heading + d_theta * self._dt + np.pi) % (2*np.pi) - np.pi # # Unicycle model # self.acceleration = np.clip(action.acceleration, - self.meta.max_acceleration, self.meta.max_acceleration) # self.velocity += self.acceleration * self._dt # self.velocity = max(0, self.velocity) # d_theta = action.steer_angle # #update heading but respect the (-pi, pi) convention # self.heading = (self.heading + d_theta * self._dt + np.pi) % (2*np.pi) - np.pi # d_position = np.array([self.velocity * np.cos(self.heading), self.velocity * np.sin(self.heading)]) # += d_position * self._dt self.calculate_boundary() return Action(float(self.acceleration), float(d_theta))