Source code for igp2.core.cost

import numpy as np
import more_itertools as mit
from typing import Dict, Optional
from numpy.core.function_base import linspace
from scipy.interpolate import splev, splprep

from igp2.core.trajectory import Trajectory, VelocityTrajectory, StateTrajectory
from igp2.core.goal import Goal

[docs]class Cost: """ Define the exact cost signal of a trajectory. The IGP2 paper refers to this as reward, which can be interpreted as negative cost. """ def __init__(self, factors: Dict[str, float] = None, limits: Dict[str, float] = None): """ Initialise a new Cost class with the given weights. Args: factors: dictionary of weights for different costs, comprising of w_time: Time to goal weight w_vel: Velocity weight w_acc: Acceleration weight w_jerk: Jerk weight w_head: Heading weight w_angvel: Angular velocity weight w_angacc: Angular acceleration weight w_curv: Curvature weight w_saf: Safety weight (not implemented) limits: dictionary of limits for different costs, comprising of """ self._factors = {"time": 1., "velocity": 1., "acceleration": 1., "jerk": 1., "heading": 1., "angular_velocity": 1., "angular_acceleration": 1., "curvature": 1., "safety": 1.} if factors is None else factors self._limits = {"velocity": 19.214, "acceleration": 4.3442, "jerk": 125.63, "heading": 2 * np.pi, "angular_velocity": 1.013, "angular_acceleration": 35.127, "curvature": 108.04} if limits is None else limits self.COMPONENTS = list(self._factors) self._cost = None self._dcost = None self._components = None
[docs] def trajectory_cost(self, trajectory: Trajectory, goal: Goal) -> float: """ Calculate the total cost of the trajectory given a goal. Args: trajectory: The trajectory to examine goal: The goal to reach Returns: A scalar floating-point cost value """ if isinstance(trajectory, StateTrajectory): trajectory = VelocityTrajectory(trajectory.path, trajectory.velocity, trajectory.heading, trajectory.timesteps) goal_reached_i = self._goal_reached(trajectory, goal) self._components = { "time": abs(self._time_to_goal(trajectory, goal_reached_i)), "velocity": abs(self._velocity(trajectory, goal_reached_i)), "acceleration": abs(self._longitudinal_acceleration(trajectory, goal_reached_i)), "jerk": abs(self._longitudinal_jerk(trajectory, goal_reached_i)), "heading": abs(self._heading(trajectory, goal_reached_i)), "angular_velocity": abs(self._angular_velocity(trajectory, goal_reached_i)), "angular_acceleration": abs(self._angular_acceleration(trajectory, goal_reached_i)), "curvature": abs(self._curvature(trajectory, goal_reached_i)) } self._cost = sum([self._factors[component] * cost for component, cost in self._components.items()]) return self._cost
[docs] def cost_difference(self, trajectory1: Trajectory, trajectory2: Trajectory, goal: Goal) -> float: """ Calculate the sum of the cost elements differences between two trajectories, given a goal. This is not a function that is used in the current implementation. Args: trajectory1: The first trajectory to examine trajectory2: The second trajectory to examine goal: The goal to reach Returns: A scalar floating-point cost difference value """ goal_reached_i1 = self._goal_reached(trajectory1, goal) goal_reached_i2 = self._goal_reached(trajectory2, goal) dcost_time_to_goal = abs( self._time_to_goal(trajectory1, goal_reached_i1) - self._time_to_goal(trajectory2, goal_reached_i2)) dcost_velocity = abs( self._velocity(trajectory1, goal_reached_i1) - self._velocity(trajectory2, goal_reached_i2)) dcost_longitudinal_acceleration = abs( self._longitudinal_acceleration(trajectory1, goal_reached_i1) - self._longitudinal_acceleration(trajectory2, goal_reached_i2)) dcost_longitudinal_jerk = abs( self._longitudinal_jerk(trajectory1, goal_reached_i1) - self._longitudinal_jerk(trajectory2, goal_reached_i2)) dcost_heading = abs(self._heading(trajectory1, goal_reached_i1) - self._heading(trajectory2, goal_reached_i2)) dcost_angular_velocity = abs( self._angular_velocity(trajectory1, goal_reached_i1) - self._angular_velocity(trajectory2, goal_reached_i2)) dcost_angular_acceleration = abs( self._angular_acceleration(trajectory1, goal_reached_i1) - self._angular_acceleration(trajectory2, goal_reached_i2)) dcost_curvature = abs( self._curvature(trajectory1, goal_reached_i1) - self._curvature(trajectory2, goal_reached_i2)) self._cost = (self.factors["time"] * dcost_time_to_goal + self.factors["velocity"] * dcost_velocity + self.factors["acceleration"] * dcost_longitudinal_acceleration + self.factors["jerk"] * dcost_longitudinal_jerk + self.factors["heading"] * dcost_heading + self.factors["angular_velocity"] * dcost_angular_velocity + self.factors["angular_acceleration"] * dcost_angular_acceleration + self.factors["curvature"] * dcost_curvature) return self._cost
[docs] def cost_difference_resampled(self, trajectory1: Trajectory, trajectory2: Trajectory, goal: Goal) -> float: """ Calculate the sum of the cost elements differences between two trajectories given a goal, at sampled points along the pathlength Args: trajectory1: The first trajectory to examine trajectory2: The second trajectory to examine goal: The goal to reach Returns: A scalar floating-point cost difference value """ trajectories_resampled = [] for trajectory in [trajectory1, trajectory2]: goal_reached = self._goal_reached(trajectory, goal) trajectory_resampled = VelocityTrajectory(trajectory.path[:goal_reached], trajectory.velocity[:goal_reached], trajectory.heading[:goal_reached], trajectory.timesteps[:goal_reached]) trajectories_resampled.append(trajectory_resampled) n = min(len(trajectory.velocity) for trajectory in trajectories_resampled) # handle edge case where goal is reached straight away if n == 0: self._cost = 0. return self._cost trajectories_resampled = [self.resample_trajectory(trajectory, n) for trajectory in trajectories_resampled] # handle case when we reach the end of the trajectory if len(trajectories_resampled[0].path) == 1 or len(trajectories_resampled[1].path) == 1: self._cost = 0. return self._cost dcost_time_to_goal = self._d_time_to_goal(trajectories_resampled[0], trajectories_resampled[1]) dcost_velocity = self._d_velocity(trajectories_resampled[0], trajectories_resampled[1]) dcost_longitudinal_acceleration = self._d_longitudinal_acceleration(trajectories_resampled[0], trajectories_resampled[1]) dcost_longitudinal_jerk = self._d_longitudinal_jerk(trajectories_resampled[0], trajectories_resampled[1]) dcost_heading = self._d_heading(trajectories_resampled[0], trajectories_resampled[1]) dcost_angular_velocity = self._d_angular_velocity(trajectories_resampled[0], trajectories_resampled[1]) dcost_angular_acceleration = self._d_angular_acceleration(trajectories_resampled[0], trajectories_resampled[1]) dcost_curvature = self._d_curvature(trajectories_resampled[0], trajectories_resampled[1]) self._cost = (self.factors["time"] * dcost_time_to_goal + self.factors["velocity"] * dcost_velocity + self.factors["acceleration"] * dcost_longitudinal_acceleration + self.factors["jerk"] * dcost_longitudinal_jerk + self.factors["heading"] * dcost_heading + self.factors["angular_velocity"] * dcost_angular_velocity + self.factors["angular_acceleration"] * dcost_angular_acceleration + self.factors["curvature"] * dcost_curvature) return self._cost
[docs] def resample_trajectory(self, trajectory: VelocityTrajectory, n: int, k: int = 3): zeros = [id for id in np.argwhere(trajectory.velocity <= trajectory.velocity_stop)] if zeros and len(zeros) < len(trajectory.velocity) - 1: path = np.delete(trajectory.path, zeros, axis=0) velocity = np.delete(trajectory.velocity, zeros) heading = np.delete(trajectory.heading, zeros) timesteps = np.delete(trajectory.timesteps, zeros) else: path = trajectory.path velocity = trajectory.velocity heading = trajectory.heading timesteps = trajectory.timesteps trajectory_nostop = VelocityTrajectory(path, velocity, heading, timesteps) u = trajectory_nostop.pathlength u_new = linspace(0, u[-1], n) k = min(k, len(velocity) - 1) if k != 0: tck, _ = splprep([path[:, 0], path[:, 1], velocity, heading], u=u, k=k, s=0) tck[0] = self.fix_points(tck[0]) path_new = np.empty((n, 2), float) path_new[:, 0], path_new[:, 1], velocity_new, heading_new = splev(u_new, tck) trajectory_resampled = VelocityTrajectory(path_new, velocity_new, heading_new) else: trajectory_resampled = trajectory return trajectory_resampled
[docs] def fix_points(self, points, eps=1e-4): idx = np.argwhere(np.diff(points) == 0).T.tolist()[0] groups = [list(g) for g in mit.consecutive_groups(idx)] for g in groups: if g[0] == 0: continue glen = len(g) for i, ix in enumerate(g): points[ix] -= (glen - i) * eps return points
def _goal_reached(self, trajectory: Trajectory, goal: Goal) -> int: """ Returns the trajectory index at which the goal is reached. If the goal is never reached, throws an Error """ for i, p in enumerate(trajectory.path): if goal.reached(p): return i raise IndexError("Iterated through trajectory without reaching goal") def _time_to_goal(self, trajectory: Trajectory, goal_reached_i: int) -> float: return trajectory.times[goal_reached_i] def _velocity(self, trajectory: Trajectory, goal_reached_i: int) -> float: cost = trajectory.velocity[:goal_reached_i] limit = self._limits["velocity"] cost = np.clip(cost, 0, limit) / limit return[:goal_reached_i], cost) def _longitudinal_acceleration(self, trajectory: Trajectory, goal_reached_i: int) -> float: cost = trajectory.acceleration[:goal_reached_i] limit = self._limits["acceleration"] cost = np.clip(cost, -limit, limit) / limit return[:goal_reached_i], np.abs(cost)) def _longitudinal_jerk(self, trajectory: Trajectory, goal_reached_i: int) -> float: cost = trajectory.jerk[:goal_reached_i] limit = self._limits["jerk"] cost = np.clip(cost, -limit, limit) / limit return[:goal_reached_i], np.abs(cost)) def _heading(self, trajectory: Trajectory, goal_reached_i: int) -> float: cost = np.unwrap(trajectory.heading[:goal_reached_i]) limit = self._limits["heading"] cost = cost / limit # no clipping here because heading is unwrapped return[:goal_reached_i], np.abs(cost)) def _angular_velocity(self, trajectory: Trajectory, goal_reached_i: int) -> float: cost = trajectory.angular_velocity[:goal_reached_i] limit = self._limits["angular_velocity"] cost = np.clip(cost, -limit, limit) / limit return[:goal_reached_i], np.abs(cost)) def _angular_acceleration(self, trajectory: Trajectory, goal_reached_i: int) -> float: cost = trajectory.angular_acceleration[:goal_reached_i] limit = self._limits["angular_acceleration"] cost = np.clip(cost, -limit, limit) / limit return[:goal_reached_i], np.abs(cost)) def _curvature(self, trajectory: Trajectory, goal_reached_i: int) -> float: cost = trajectory.curvature[:goal_reached_i] limit = self._limits["curvature"] cost = np.clip(cost, -limit, limit) / limit return[:goal_reached_i], np.abs(cost)) def _safety(self) -> float: raise NotImplementedError def _d_time_to_goal(self, trajectory1: Trajectory, trajectory2: Trajectory) -> float: return abs(trajectory1.duration - trajectory2.duration) def _d_velocity(self, trajectory1: Trajectory, trajectory2: Trajectory) -> float: limit = self._limits["velocity"] dcost = np.abs( np.clip(trajectory1.velocity, 0, limit) / limit - np.clip(trajectory2.velocity, 0, limit) / limit) return dcost.mean() def _d_longitudinal_acceleration(self, trajectory1: Trajectory, trajectory2: Trajectory) -> float: limit = self._limits["acceleration"] dcost = np.abs( np.clip(trajectory1.acceleration, -limit, limit) / limit - np.clip(trajectory2.acceleration, -limit, limit) / limit) return dcost.mean() def _d_longitudinal_jerk(self, trajectory1: Trajectory, trajectory2: Trajectory) -> float: limit = self._limits["jerk"] dcost = np.abs( np.clip(trajectory1.jerk, -limit, limit) / limit - np.clip(trajectory2.jerk, -limit, limit) / limit) return dcost.mean() def _d_heading(self, trajectory1: Trajectory, trajectory2: Trajectory) -> float: limit = self._limits["heading"] # no clipping because heading is unwrapped. dcost = np.abs(np.unwrap(trajectory1.heading) / limit - np.unwrap(trajectory2.heading) / limit) return dcost.mean() def _d_angular_velocity(self, trajectory1: Trajectory, trajectory2: Trajectory) -> float: limit = self._limits["angular_velocity"] dcost = np.abs( np.clip(trajectory1.angular_velocity, -limit, limit) / limit - np.clip(trajectory2.angular_velocity, -limit, limit) / limit) return dcost.mean() def _d_angular_acceleration(self, trajectory1: Trajectory, trajectory2: Trajectory) -> float: limit = self._limits["angular_acceleration"] dcost = np.abs( np.clip(trajectory1.angular_acceleration, -limit, limit) / limit - np.clip(trajectory2.angular_acceleration, -limit, limit) / limit) return dcost.mean() def _d_curvature(self, trajectory1: Trajectory, trajectory2: Trajectory) -> float: limit = self._limits["curvature"] dcost = np.abs(np.clip(trajectory1.curvature, -limit, limit) / limit - np.clip(trajectory2.curvature, -limit, limit) / limit) return dcost.mean() def _d_safety(self, trajectory1: Trajectory, trajectory2: Trajectory) -> float: raise NotImplementedError @property def factors(self) -> Dict[str, float]: """Returns a dictionary of the cost factors.""" return self._factors @property def limits(self) -> Dict[str, float]: """Returns a dictionary of the cost quantities' absolute limits.""" return self._limits @property def cost(self) -> Optional[float]: """ The cost from the latest trajectory cost calculation call.""" return self._cost @property def cost_components(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, float]]: """ Return a dictionary of cost components that were calculated with the last call to trajectory_cost()""" return self._components