Source code for igp2.simplesim.simulation

from collections import defaultdict
import logging
from typing import Dict, List

from import Map
from igp2.agents.agent import Agent
from igp2.core.vehicle import Action, Observation

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Simulation: """ A lightweight simulator for IGP2 to perform rapid testing. """ def __init__(self, scenario_map: Map, fps: int = 20, open_loop: bool = False): """ Initialise new simulation. Args: scenario_map: The current road layout. fps: Execution frame-rate. open_loop: If true then no physical controller will be applied. """ self.__scenario_map = scenario_map self.__fps = fps self.__open_loop = open_loop self.__t = 0 self.__state = {} self.__agents = {} self.__actions = defaultdict(list)
[docs] def add_agent(self, new_agent: Agent, rolename: str = None): """ Add a new agent to the simulation. Args: new_agent: Agent to add. rolename: Currently unused. Optional string to describe role of the vehicle. """ if new_agent.agent_id in self.__agents \ and self.__agents[new_agent.agent_id] is not None: raise ValueError(f"Agent with ID {new_agent.agent_id} already exists.") self.__agents[new_agent.agent_id] = new_agent self.__state[new_agent.agent_id] = new_agent.vehicle.get_state(0) logger.debug(f"Added Agent {new_agent.agent_id}")
[docs] def remove_agent(self, agent_id: int): """ Remove an agent from the simulation. Args: agent_id: Agent ID to remove. """ self.__agents[agent_id].alive = False self.__agents[agent_id] = None logger.debug(f"Removed Agent {agent_id}")
[docs] def reset(self): """ Remove all agents and reset internal state of simulation. """ self.__t = 0 self.__agents = {} self.__state = {}
[docs] def step(self): """ Advance simulation by one time step. """ logger.debug(f"Simulation step {self.__t}") self.__take_actions() self.__t += 1
def __take_actions(self): new_frame = {} observation = Observation(self.__state, self.__scenario_map) for agent_id, agent in self.__agents.items(): if agent is None or not agent.alive: continue if not agent.alive or self.__t > 0 and agent.done(observation): self.remove_agent(agent_id) continue new_state, action = agent.next_state(observation, return_action=True) agent.trajectory_cl.add_state(new_state, reload_path=False) self.__actions[agent_id].append(action) new_frame[agent_id] = new_state agent.alive = len(self.__scenario_map.roads_at(new_state.position)) > 0 self.__state = new_frame @property def scenario_map(self) -> Map: """ The road layout of the simulation. """ return self.__scenario_map @property def agents(self) -> Dict[int, Agent]: """ Agents in the simulation, mapping agent IDs to agents. """ return self.__agents @property def actions(self) -> Dict[int, List[Action]]: """ List of actions (acceleration and steering) taken by every vehicle. """ return self.__actions @property def t(self) -> int: """ The current time step of the simulation. """ return self.__t