Source code for igp2.simplesim.plot_simulation

from typing import Dict, List

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from igp2.simplesim.simulation import Simulation
from igp2.agents.mcts_agent import MCTSAgent
from igp2.agents.macro_agent import MacroAgent
from igp2.agents.trajectory_agent import TrajectoryAgent
from igp2.agents.agent import Agent
from igp2.core.vehicle import Action
from igp2.opendrive.plot_map import plot_map

# -----------Simulation plotting functions---------------------

[docs]def plot_simulation(simulation: Simulation, axes: plt.Axes = None, debug: bool = False) -> (plt.Figure, plt.Axes): """ Plot the current agents and the road layout for visualisation purposes. Args: simulation: The simulation to plot. axes: Axis to draw on debug: If True then plot diagnostic information. """ if axes is None: fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15, 5)) else: fig = plt.gcf() fig.suptitle(f"T={simulation.t}") color_map_ego ='Reds') color_map_non_ego ='Blues') color_ego = 'r' color_non_ego = 'b' color_bar_non_ego = None ax = axes[0] plot_map(simulation.scenario_map, markings=True, hide_road_bounds_in_junction=True, ax=ax) for agent_id, agent in simulation.agents.items(): if agent is None or not agent.alive: continue if isinstance(agent, MCTSAgent): color = color_ego color_map = color_map_ego else: color = color_non_ego color_map = color_map_non_ego path = None velocity = None if isinstance(agent, MacroAgent) and agent.current_macro is not None: path = agent.current_macro.current_maneuver.trajectory.path velocity = agent.current_macro.current_maneuver.trajectory.velocity elif isinstance(agent, TrajectoryAgent) and agent.trajectory is not None: path = agent.trajectory.path velocity = agent.trajectory.velocity agent_plot = None if path is not None and velocity is not None: agent_plot = ax.scatter(path[:, 0], path[:, 1], c=velocity, cmap=color_map, vmin=-4, vmax=20, s=8) vehicle = agent.vehicle pol = plt.Polygon(vehicle.boundary, color=color) ax.add_patch(pol) ax.text(*agent.state.position, agent_id) if isinstance(agent, MCTSAgent) and agent_plot is not None: plt.colorbar(agent_plot, ax=ax) plt.text(0, 0.1, 'Current Velocity: ' + str(agent.state.speed), horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='bottom', transform=ax.transAxes) plt.text(0, 0.05, 'Current Macro Action: ' + agent.current_macro.__repr__(), horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='bottom', transform=ax.transAxes) plt.text(0, 0, 'Current Maneuver: ' + agent.current_macro.current_maneuver.__repr__(), horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='bottom', transform=ax.transAxes) # Plot goals for gid, goal in enumerate(agent.possible_goals): loc = ax.plot(*loc, "ro") ax.plot(*loc, "kx") ax.text(*loc, gid) # Plot goal probabilities plot_predictions(agent, simulation.agents, axes[1], debug) elif isinstance(agent, TrajectoryAgent) and color_bar_non_ego is None: color_bar_non_ego = plt.colorbar(agent_plot, location="left") plt.text(*agent.state.position, agent_id) if debug: plot_diagnostics(simulation.agents, simulation.actions) return fig, axes
[docs]def plot_diagnostics(agents: Dict[int, Agent], actions: Dict[int, List[Action]]) -> (plt.Figure, plt.Axes): # attributes = ["velocity", "heading", "angular_velocity"] attributes = ["velocity", "acceleration", "jerk"] n_agents = len(agents) n_attributes = len(attributes) subplot_w = 5 # Plot observations fig, axes = plt.subplots(n_agents, n_attributes, figsize=(n_attributes * subplot_w, n_agents * subplot_w)) if n_agents < 2: axes = axes[None, :] for i, (aid, agent) in enumerate(agents.items()): if agent is None: continue agent.trajectory_cl.calculate_path_and_velocity() ts = agent.trajectory_cl.times for j, attribute in enumerate(attributes): ax = axes[i, j] ys = getattr(agent.trajectory_cl, attribute) ys = np.round(ys, 4) ax.plot(ts, ys, label="Observed") ax.scatter(ts, ys, s=5) # Plot target velocities if attribute == "velocity": ys = [action.target_speed for action in actions[aid]] ys = [ys[0]] + ys ax.plot(ts, ys, c="red", label="Target") ax.scatter(ts, ys, s=5, c="red") axes[0, j].set_title(attribute) plot_maneuvers(agent, ax) axes[i, 0].set_ylabel(f"Agent {aid}") axes[i, 0].legend() fig.tight_layout() return fig, axes
[docs]def plot_maneuvers(agent: Agent, ax: plt.Axes) -> plt.Axes: man_list = np.array([state.maneuver for state in agent.trajectory_cl.states]) man_list[0] = man_list[1] ts = agent.trajectory_cl.times colors = ["red", "blue", "green"] t_start = 0 i = 0 t_max = len(man_list) for t_end, (a, b) in enumerate(zip(man_list[:-1], man_list[1:]), 1): if a != b: ax.axvspan(ts[t_start], ts[t_end], facecolor=colors[i % len(colors)], alpha=0.2) ax.annotate(a, xy=((t_start + 0.5 * (t_end - t_start)) / t_max, 0.0), rotation=-45, xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=10, xytext=(-20, 5), textcoords='offset points') t_start = t_end i += 1 if ts[t_start] != ts[-1]: ax.axvspan(ts[t_start], ts[-1], facecolor=colors[i % len(colors)], alpha=0.2) ax.annotate(a, xy=((t_start + 0.5 * (t_max - t_start)) / t_max, 0.0), rotation=-45, xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=10, xytext=(-30, 5), textcoords='offset points') return ax
[docs]def plot_predictions(ego_agent: MCTSAgent, agents: Dict[int, Agent], ax: plt.Axes, debug: bool = False) -> plt.Axes: x, y = 0., 1. dx, dy = 0.5, 0.05 ax.text(x, y, "Goal Prediction Probabilities", fontsize="large") y -= 2 * dy for i, (aid, goals_probs) in enumerate(ego_agent.goal_probabilities.items()): if i > 0 and i % 2 == 0: x += dx y = 0.9 ax.text(x, y, f"Agent {aid}:", fontsize="medium") y -= dy for gid, (goal, gp) in enumerate(goals_probs.goals_probabilities.items()): if np.isclose(gp, 0.0): continue ax.text(x, y, rf" $P(g^{aid}_{gid}|s^{aid}_{{1:{ego_agent.trajectory_cl.states[-1].time}}})={gp:.3f}$:") y -= dy for tid, tp in enumerate(goals_probs.trajectories_probabilities[goal]): ax.text(x, y, rf" $P(\hat{{s}}^{{{aid}, {tid}}}_{{1:n}}|g^{aid}_{gid})={tp:.3f}$") y -= dy y -= dy ax.axis("off") # Plot prediction trajectories if debug: attribute = "velocity" n_agents = max(2, len(agents) - 1) # To make sure indexing works later on, at least 2 agents n_goals = len(ego_agent.possible_goals) subplot_w = 5 fig, axes = plt.subplots(n_agents, n_goals, figsize=(n_goals * subplot_w, n_agents * subplot_w,)) i = 0 for aid, agent in agents.items(): if agent.agent_id == ego_agent.agent_id: continue axes[i, 0].set_ylabel(f"Agent {aid}") probs = ego_agent.goal_probabilities[aid] for gid, goal in enumerate(probs.goals_probabilities): axes[0, gid].set_title(f"{goal[0]}", fontsize=10) ax = axes[i, gid] opt_trajectory = probs.optimum_trajectory[goal] if probs.all_trajectories[goal]: trajectory = probs.all_trajectories[goal][0] ax.plot(opt_trajectory.times, getattr(opt_trajectory, attribute), "r", label="Optimal") ax.plot(trajectory.times, getattr(trajectory, attribute), "b", label="Observed") axes[i, 0].legend() i += 1 fig.suptitle(attribute) fig.tight_layout() return ax