import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import Point
import logging
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple
from igp2.core.util import find_lane_sequence
from igp2.core.trajectory import Trajectory, VelocityTrajectory
from igp2.core.velocitysmoother import VelocitySmoother
from igp2.core.cost import Cost
from igp2.core.agentstate import AgentState
from igp2.core.goal import Goal, StoppingGoal
from igp2.core.util import Circle
from import Map
from igp2.recognition.astar import AStar
from igp2.recognition.goalprobabilities import GoalsProbabilities
from igp2.planlibrary.maneuver import Maneuver, Stop
from igp2.planlibrary.macro_action import MacroAction
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class GoalRecognition:
"""This class updates existing goal probabilities using likelihoods computed from the vehicle current trajectory.
It also calculates the probabilities of up to n_trajectories paths to these goals. """
def __init__(self, astar: AStar, smoother: VelocitySmoother, scenario_map: Map, cost: Cost = None,
n_trajectories: int = 1, beta: float = 1., gamma=1, reward_as_difference: bool = True):
"""Initialises a goal recognition class that will be used to update a GoalProbabilities object.
astar: AStar object used to generate trajectories
smoother: Velocity smoother object used to make the AStar generated trajectories realistic
scenario_map: a Map object representing the current scenario
cost: a Cost object representing how the reward associated to each trajectory will be computed.
beta: scaling parameter for the Boltzmann distribution generating the likelihoods
gamma: scaling parameter for the Boltzmann distribution generating trajectory probabilities
reward_as_difference: choose if we define the reward for each trajectory separately or if the
reward is computed from differences of the different trajectory
quantities alongside the pathlength.
n_trajectories: The number of trajectories to try to return
self._n_trajectories = n_trajectories
self._beta = beta
self._gamma = gamma
self._reward_as_difference = reward_as_difference
self._astar = astar
self._smoother = smoother
self._cost = Cost() if cost is None else cost
self._scenario_map = scenario_map
def update_goals_probabilities(self,
goals_probabilities: GoalsProbabilities,
observed_trajectory: Trajectory,
agent_id: int,
frame_ini: Dict[int, AgentState],
frame: Dict[int, AgentState],
visible_region: Circle = None,
debug: bool = False) -> GoalsProbabilities:
"""Updates the goal probabilities, and stores relevant information in the GoalsProbabilities object.
goals_probabilities: GoalsProbabilities object to update
observed_trajectory: current vehicle trajectory
agent_id: id of agent in current frame
frame_ini: frame corresponding to the first state of the agent's trajectory
frame: current frame
visible_region: region of the map which is visible to the ego vehicle
debug: Whether to plot A* planning
norm_factor = 0.
current_lane = self._scenario_map.best_lane_at(frame[agent_id].position, frame[agent_id].heading)"Agent ID {agent_id} goal recognition:")
for goal_and_type, prob in goals_probabilities.goals_probabilities.items():
goal = goal_and_type[0]" Recognition for {goal}")
if goal.reached(frame_ini[agent_id].position) and not isinstance(goal, StoppingGoal):
raise RuntimeError(f"\tAgent {agent_id} reached goal at start.")
# Check if goal is not blocked by stopped vehicle
self._check_blocked(agent_id, current_lane, frame, goal)
# 4. and 5. Generate optimum trajectory from initial point and smooth it
if goals_probabilities.optimum_trajectory[goal_and_type] is None:
logger.debug("\tGenerating optimum trajectory")
trajectories, plans = self._generate_trajectory(
1, agent_id, frame_ini, goal,
state_trajectory=None, visible_region=visible_region, debug=debug)
goals_probabilities.optimum_trajectory[goal_and_type] = trajectories[0]
goals_probabilities.optimum_plan[goal_and_type] = plans[0]
opt_trajectory = goals_probabilities.optimum_trajectory[goal_and_type]
# 7. and 8. Generate optimum trajectory from last observed point and smooth it
logger.debug(f"\tGenerating trajectory from current time step")
all_trajectories, all_plans = self._generate_trajectory(
self._n_trajectories, agent_id, frame, goal, observed_trajectory,
visible_region=visible_region, debug=debug)
# 6. Calculate optimum reward
goals_probabilities.optimum_reward[goal_and_type] = self._reward(opt_trajectory, goal)
logger.debug(f"\tOptimum costs: {self._cost.cost_components}")
# For each generated possible trajectory to this goal
for i, trajectory in enumerate(all_trajectories):
# join the observed and generated trajectories
# 9,10. calculate rewards, likelihood
reward = self._reward(trajectory, goal)
logger.debug(f"\tT{i} costs: {self._cost.cost_components}")
reward_diff = self._reward_difference(opt_trajectory, trajectory, goal)
# 11. Calculate likelihood
likelihood = self._likelihood(opt_trajectory, all_trajectories[0], goal)
# Calculate all trajectory probabilities
goals_probabilities.trajectories_probabilities[goal_and_type] = \
# Write additional goals probabilities fields
goals_probabilities.all_trajectories[goal_and_type] = all_trajectories
goals_probabilities.all_plans[goal_and_type] = all_plans
goals_probabilities.current_trajectory[goal_and_type] = all_trajectories[0]
goals_probabilities.reward_difference[goal_and_type] = \
goals_probabilities.current_reward[goal_and_type] = \
except RuntimeError as e:
likelihood = 0.
goals_probabilities.current_trajectory[goal_and_type] = None
# update goal probabilities
goals_probabilities.goals_probabilities[goal_and_type] = \
goals_probabilities.goals_priors[goal_and_type] * likelihood
goals_probabilities.likelihood[goal_and_type] = likelihood
norm_factor += likelihood * goals_probabilities.goals_priors[goal_and_type]
# then divide prob by norm_factor to normalise
for key, prob in goals_probabilities.goals_probabilities.items():
goals_probabilities.goals_probabilities[key] = prob / norm_factor
except ZeroDivisionError:
logger.debug("\tAll goals unreachable. Setting all probabilities to 0.")
return goals_probabilities
def _generate_trajectory(self,
n_trajectories: int,
agent_id: int,
frame: Dict[int, AgentState],
goal: Goal,
state_trajectory: Trajectory,
visible_region: Circle = None,
n_resample: int = 5,
debug: bool = False) -> Tuple[List[VelocityTrajectory], List[List[MacroAction]]]:
"""Generates up to n possible trajectories from the current frame of an agent to the specified goal. """
trajectories, plans =, frame, goal,
if len(trajectories) == 0:
raise RuntimeError(f"\t{goal} is unreachable")
for trajectory in trajectories:
if state_trajectory is None:
trajectory.velocity[0] = frame[agent_id].speed # Optimal case
trajectory.velocity[0] = state_trajectory.velocity[-1]
new_velocities = self._smoother.split_smooth()
# Add linear sampling in the first n points and re-try smoothing if velocity smoothing failed
initial_acc = np.abs(new_velocities[0] - new_velocities[1])
if len(trajectory.velocity) > n_resample and initial_acc > frame[agent_id].metadata.max_acceleration:
new_vels = Maneuver.get_const_acceleration_vel(trajectory.velocity[0],
trajectory.velocity[n_resample - 1],
trajectory.velocity[:n_resample] = new_vels
new_velocities = self._smoother.split_smooth()
trajectory.velocity = new_velocities
return trajectories, plans
def _check_blocked(self, agent_id: int, current_lane, frame: Dict[int, AgentState], goal: Goal):
""" Checks whether any stopped vehicle is blocking the path to the goal. """
# Check first whether there is a stopped vehicle above the stopping goal.
if isinstance(goal, StoppingGoal):
for aid, state in frame.items():
if aid != agent_id and goal.reached(state.position) and state.speed < Stop.STOP_VELOCITY:
raise RuntimeError(f"\t{goal} is occupied by stopped vehicle.")
# Then check that the path is not blocked to the goal
goal_lane = self._scenario_map.lanes_at([0]
lanes_to_goal = find_lane_sequence(current_lane, goal_lane, goal)
if lanes_to_goal:
vehicle_in_front, distance, lane_ls = Maneuver.get_vehicle_in_front(agent_id, frame, lanes_to_goal)
goal_distance = goal.distance(Point(frame[agent_id].position))
if vehicle_in_front is not None and \
(np.isclose(goal_distance, distance, atol=goal.radius) or goal_distance > distance) and \
np.isclose(frame[vehicle_in_front].speed, Stop.STOP_VELOCITY, atol=0.05):
raise RuntimeError(f"\tGoal {goal} is blocked by stopped vehicle {vehicle_in_front}.")
def _trajectory_probabilities(self, rewards: List[float]) -> List[float]:
""" Calculate the probabilities of each plausible trajectory given their rewards """
rewards = np.array(rewards)
num = np.exp(self._gamma * rewards - np.max(rewards))
return list(num / np.sum(num))
def _likelihood(self, optimum_trajectory: Trajectory, current_trajectory: Trajectory, goal: Goal) -> float:
"""Calculates the non normalised likelihood for a specified goal"""
difference = self._reward_difference(optimum_trajectory, current_trajectory, goal)
return float(np.clip(np.exp(self._beta * difference), 1e-305, 1e305))
def _reward(self, trajectory: Trajectory, goal: Goal) -> float:
"""Calculates the reward associated to a trajectory for a specified goal."""
return -self._cost.trajectory_cost(trajectory, goal)
def _reward_difference(self, optimum_trajectory: Trajectory, current_trajectory: Trajectory, goal: Goal):
"""If reward_as_difference is True, calculates the reward as a measure of similarity between the two
trajectories' attributes. Otherwise, simply calculates the difference as the difference of the
individual rewards"""
if self._reward_as_difference:
return -self._cost.cost_difference_resampled(optimum_trajectory, current_trajectory, goal)
return self._reward(current_trajectory, goal) - self._reward(optimum_trajectory, goal)