Source code for igp2.planning.tree

import logging
import numpy as np
from typing import Dict, Optional, List, Tuple

from igp2.recognition.goalprobabilities import GoalWithType, GoalsProbabilities
from igp2.core.trajectory import VelocityTrajectory
from igp2.planning.node import Node
from igp2.planning.policy import Policy, UCB1, MaxPolicy
from igp2.planning.mctsaction import MCTSAction

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Tree: """ Defines an abstract tree consisting of nodes. A Tree is represented as a dictionary where each key corresponds to a key of the node and the values are the corresponding node object. A node is a leaf if it has no children and keys correspond to the action selection history that led to the node. """ def __init__(self, root: Node, action_policy: Policy = None, plan_policy: Policy = None, predictions: Dict[int, GoalsProbabilities] = None): """ Initialise a new Tree with the given root. Args: root: the root node action_policy: policy for selecting actions (default: UCB1) plan_policy: policy for selecting the final plan (default: Max) predictions: optional goal predictions for vehicles """ self._root = root self._tree = {root.key: root} self._action_policy = action_policy if action_policy is not None else UCB1() self._plan_policy = plan_policy if plan_policy is not None else MaxPolicy() self._predictions = predictions self._samples = None # Field storing goal prediction sampling for other vehicles def __contains__(self, item) -> bool: return item in self._tree def __getitem__(self, item) -> Optional[Node]: if item in self._tree: return self._tree[item] return None def _add_node(self, node: Node): """ Add a new node to the tree if not already in the tree. """ if node.key not in self._tree: self._tree[node.key] = node else: logger.warning(f"Node {node.key} already in the tree!")
[docs] def add_child(self, parent: Node, child: Node): """ Add a new child to the tree and assign it under an existing parent node. """ if parent.key in self._tree: self._add_node(child) self._tree[parent.key].add_child(child) else: logger.warning(f"Parent {parent.key} not in the tree!")
[docs] def select_action(self, node: Node) -> MCTSAction: """ Select one of the actions in the node using the specified policy and update node statistics """ action, idx = node.action_visits[idx] += 1 return action
[docs] def select_plan(self) -> List: """ Return the best sequence of actions from the root according to the specified policy. """ plan = [] node = self.root while node is not None and node.state_visits > 0: next_action, action_idx = plan.append(next_action) node = self[tuple(list(node.key) + [next_action.__repr__()])] return plan
[docs] def set_samples(self, samples: Dict[int, Tuple[GoalWithType, VelocityTrajectory]]): """ Overwrite the currently stored samples in the tree. """ self._samples = samples
[docs] def backprop(self, r: float, final_key: Tuple): """ Back-propagate the reward through the search branches. Args: r: reward at end of simulation final_key: final node key including final action """ key = final_key while key != self._root.key: node, action, child = (self[key[:-1]], key[-1], self[key]) idx = node.actions_names.index(action) action_visit = node.action_visits[idx] # Eq. 8 - back-propagation rule q = r if child is None else np.max(child.q_values) node.q_values[idx] += (q - node.q_values[idx]) / action_visit node.store_q_values() key = node.key
[docs] def print(self, node: Node = None): """ Print the nodes of the tree recursively starting from the given node. """ if node is None: node = self.root logger.debug(f"{node.key}: (A, Q)={list(zip(node.actions_names, node.q_values))}; Visits={node.action_visits}") for child in node.children.values(): self.print(child)
[docs] def on_finish(self): """ Function called when MCTS finishes execution. """ pass
@property def root(self) -> Node: """ Return the root node of the tree. """ return self._root @property def tree(self) -> Dict: """ The dictionary representing the tree itself. """ return self._tree @property def predictions(self) -> Dict[int, GoalsProbabilities]: """ Predictions associated with this tree. """ return self._predictions @property def max_depth(self) -> int: """ The maximal depth of the search tree. """ return max([len(k) for k in self._tree])