Source code for igp2.planning.mcts

import copy
import traceback
import logging
from typing import List, Dict, Tuple

from import Map
from igp2.recognition.goalprobabilities import GoalsProbabilities
from igp2.planning.tree import Tree
from igp2.planning.rollout import Rollout
from igp2.planning.node import Node
from igp2.planning.mctsaction import MCTSAction
from igp2.planning.reward import Reward
from igp2.planlibrary.macro_action import MacroActionFactory
from igp2.core.results import MCTSResult, AllMCTSResult, RunResult
from igp2.core.util import copy_agents_dict
from igp2.core.goal import Goal
from igp2.core.agentstate import AgentState, AgentMetadata

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class MCTS: """ Class implementing single-threaded MCTS search over environment states with macro actions. """ def __init__(self, scenario_map: Map, n_simulations: int = 30, max_depth: int = 5, reward: Reward = None, open_loop_rollout: bool = False, trajectory_agents: bool = True, fps: int = 10, env_fps: int = 20, store_results: str = None, **kwargs): """ Initialise a new MCTS planner over states and macro-actions. Args: n_simulations: number of rollout simulations to run. max_depth: maximum search depth. scenario_map: current road layout. reward: class to calculate trajectory reward for ego. open_loop_rollout: Whether to use open-loop predictions directly instead of closed-loop control. trajectory_agents: To use trajectories or plans for non-egos in simulation. fps: Rollout simulation frequency. env_fps: Environment simulation frequency. Keyword Args: tree_type: Type of Tree to use for the search. Allows overwriting standard behaviour. node_type: Type of Node to use in the Tree. Allows overwriting standard behaviour. action_type: Type of MCTSAction to use for the search. Allows overwriting standard behaviour. rollout_type: Type of Rollout simulator to use for the search. Allows overwriting standard behaviour. """ self.n = n_simulations self.d_max = max_depth self.scenario_map = scenario_map self.reward = reward if reward is not None else Reward() self.open_loop_rollout = open_loop_rollout self.trajectory_agents = trajectory_agents self.fps = fps self.env_fps = env_fps self.tree_type = kwargs.get("tree_type", Tree) self.node_type = kwargs.get("node_type", Node) self.action_type = kwargs.get("action_type", MCTSAction) self.rollout_type = kwargs.get("rollout_type", Rollout) self.store_results = store_results self.results = None self.reset()
[docs] def search(self, agent_id: int, goal: Goal, frame: Dict[int, AgentState], meta: Dict[int, AgentMetadata], predictions: Dict[int, GoalsProbabilities], debug: bool = False) -> Tuple[List[MCTSAction], Tree]: """ Run MCTS search for the given agent Args: agent_id: agent to plan for goal: end goal of the vehicle frame: current (observed) state of the environment meta: metadata of agents present in frame predictions: dictionary of goal predictions for agents in frame debug: Whether to plot rollouts. Returns: a list of macro actions encoding the optimal plan for the ego agent given the current goal predictions for other agents and the search tree. """ self.reset() simulator = self.rollout_type(ego_id=agent_id, initial_frame=frame, metadata=meta, scenario_map=self.scenario_map, fps=self.fps, open_loop_agents=self.open_loop_rollout, trajectory_agents=self.trajectory_agents) simulator.update_ego_goal(goal) # 1. Create tree root from current frame tree = self._create_tree(agent_id, frame, goal, predictions) for k in range(self.n):"MCTS Iteration {k + 1}/{self.n}") self._rollout(k, agent_id, goal, tree, simulator, debug, predictions) simulator.reset() self.reward.reset() tree.on_finish() final_plan, optimal_trace = tree.select_plan()"Final plan: {final_plan}") tree.print() if self.store_results == "final": self.results.tree = tree elif self.store_results == "all": self.results.final_plan = final_plan self.results.predictions = predictions self.results.optimal_trace = optimal_trace return final_plan, tree
def _sample_agents(self, aid: int, predictions: Dict[int, GoalsProbabilities]): """ Perform sampling of goals and agent trajectories. """ goal = predictions[aid].sample_goals()[0] trajectory, plan = predictions[aid].sample_trajectories_to_goal(goal) if trajectory is not None: trajectory, plan = trajectory[0], plan[0] return goal, trajectory, plan def _reset_results(self): """ Resets the stored results in the MCTS instance.""" if self.store_results is None: self.results = None elif self.store_results == 'final': self.results = MCTSResult() elif self.store_results == 'all': self.results = AllMCTSResult()
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset the MCTS planner. """ self._reset_results() self.reward.reset()
def _create_tree(self, agent_id: int, frame: Dict[int, AgentState], goal: Goal, predictions: Dict[int, GoalsProbabilities]): """ Creates a new MCTS tree to store results. """ root = self._create_node(self.to_key(None), agent_id, frame, goal) tree = self.tree_type(root) return tree def _rollout(self, k: int, agent_id: int, goal: Goal, tree: Tree, simulator: Rollout, debug: bool, predictions: Dict[int, GoalsProbabilities]): """ Perform a single rollout of the MCTS search and store results.""" # 3-6. Sample goal and trajectory samples = {} for aid, agent in simulator.agents.items(): if aid == simulator.ego_id: continue agent_goal, trajectory, plan = self._sample_agents(aid, predictions) simulator.update_trajectory(aid, trajectory, plan) samples[aid] = (agent_goal, trajectory) logger.debug(f" Agent {aid} sample: {plan}") final_key = self._run_simulation(agent_id, goal, tree, simulator, debug) logger.debug(f" Final key: {final_key}") if self.store_results == "all": logger.debug(f" Storing MCTS search results for iteration {k}.") mcts_result = MCTSResult(copy.deepcopy(tree), samples, final_key) self.results.add_data(mcts_result) def _run_simulation(self, agent_id: int, goal: Goal, tree: Tree, simulator: Rollout, debug: bool) -> tuple: depth = 0 node = tree.root key = node.key current_frame = node.state actions = [] while depth < self.d_max: logger.debug(f" Rollout {depth + 1}/{self.d_max}") node.state_visits += 1 final_frame = None force_reward = False try: # 8. Select applicable macro action with UCB1 action = tree.select_action(node) actions.append(action) simulator.update_ego_action(action.macro_action_type, action.ma_args, current_frame) logger.debug(f" Action selection: {action} from {node.actions_names} in {key}") # 9. Forward simulate environment trajectory, final_frame, goal_reached, alive, collisions = \, debug) collided_agents_ids = [col.agent_id for col in collisions] if self.store_results is not None: agents_copy = copy_agents_dict(simulator.agents, agent_id) node.run_result = RunResult( agents_copy, simulator.ego_id, trajectory, collided_agents_ids, goal_reached, action) # 10-16. Reward computation r = self.reward(collisions=collisions, alive=alive, ego_trajectory=simulator.agents[agent_id].trajectory_cl if goal_reached else None, goal=goal, depth_reached=depth == self.d_max - 1) if r is not None: logger.debug(f" Reward components: {self.reward.reward_components}") force_reward = len(collisions) > 0 except Exception as e: logger.debug(f" Rollout failed due to error: {str(e)}") logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) r = -float("inf") # Create new node at the end of rollout key = self.to_key(actions) # 17-19. Back-propagation if r is not None:" Rollout finished: r={r}; d={depth + 1}") node.add_reward_result(key, copy.deepcopy(self.reward)) tree.backprop(r, key, force_reward) break # 20. Update state variables current_frame = final_frame if key not in tree: child = self._create_node(key, agent_id, current_frame, goal) tree.add_child(node, child) node = tree[key] depth += 1 return key def _create_node(self, key: Tuple, agent_id: int, frame: Dict[int, AgentState], goal: Goal) -> Node: """ Create a new node and expand it. Args: key: Key to assign to the node agent_id: Agent we are searching for frame: Current state of the environment goal: Goal of the agent with agent_id """ actions = [] for macro_action in MacroActionFactory.get_applicable_actions(frame[agent_id], self.scenario_map): for ma_args in macro_action.get_possible_args(frame[agent_id], self.scenario_map, goal): actions.append(self.action_type(macro_action, ma_args)) node = self.node_type(key, frame, actions[::-1]) node.expand() return node
[docs] def to_key(self, plan: List[MCTSAction] = None) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """ Convert a list of MCTS actions to an MCTS key. """ if plan is None: return tuple(["Root"]) return ("Root",) + tuple([str(action) for action in plan])