import abc
import numpy as np
import logging
from typing import Dict
from shapely.geometry import LineString, Point
from igp2.planlibrary.maneuver import Maneuver, ManeuverConfig, FollowLane, Turn, \
GiveWay, SwitchLaneLeft, SwitchLaneRight, Stop, TrajectoryManeuver
from igp2.planlibrary.controller import PIDController, AdaptiveCruiseControl
from igp2.core.agentstate import AgentState
from igp2.core.vehicle import Observation, Action
from igp2.opendrive import Map
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ClosedLoopManeuver(Maneuver, abc.ABC):
""" Defines a maneuver in which sensor feedback is used """
def next_action(self, observation: Observation) -> Action:
""" Selects the next action for the vehicle to take
observation: current environment Observation
Action that the vehicle should take
raise NotImplementedError
def done(self, observation: Observation) -> bool:
""" Checks if the maneuver is finished
observation: current environment Observation
Bool indicating whether the maneuver is completed
raise NotImplementedError
def reset(self):
""" Reset the internal state of the macro action (if any). """
raise NotImplementedError
class WaypointManeuver(ClosedLoopManeuver, abc.ABC):
LATERAL_ARGS = {'K_P': 1.95, 'K_I': 0.2, 'K_D': 0.0}
LONGITUDINAL_ARGS = {'K_P': 1.0, 'K_I': 0.05, 'K_D': 0.0}
ACC_ARGS = {'a_a': 5, 'b_a': 5, 'delta': 4., 's_0': 2., 'T_a': 1.5}
def __init__(self,
config: ManeuverConfig,
agent_id: int,
frame: Dict[int, AgentState],
scenario_map: Map):
super().__init__(config, agent_id, frame, scenario_map)
self._controller = PIDController(1 / self.config.fps, self.LATERAL_ARGS, self.LONGITUDINAL_ARGS)
self._acc = AdaptiveCruiseControl(1 / self.config.fps, **self.ACC_ARGS)
def get_target_waypoint(self, state: AgentState):
""" Get the index of the target waypoint in the reference trajectory"""
dist = np.linalg.norm(self.trajectory.path - state.position, axis=1)
closest_idx = np.argmin(dist)
if dist[-1] < self.WAYPOINT_MARGIN:
target_wp_idx = len(self.trajectory.path) - 1
far_waypoints_dist = dist[closest_idx:]
target_wp_idx = closest_idx + np.argmax(far_waypoints_dist >= self.WAYPOINT_MARGIN)
return target_wp_idx, closest_idx
def next_action(self, observation: Observation) -> Action:
target_wp_idx, closest_idx = self.get_target_waypoint(observation.frame[self.agent_id])
target_waypoint = self.trajectory.path[target_wp_idx]
target_velocity = max(Maneuver.MIN_SPEED, self.trajectory.velocity[closest_idx])
return self._get_action(target_waypoint, target_velocity, observation)
def _get_action(self, target_waypoint: np.ndarray, target_velocity: float, observation: Observation):
velocity_error = self._get_acceleration(target_velocity, observation.frame)
heading_error = self._get_steering(target_waypoint, observation.frame)
acceleration, steering = self._controller.next_action(velocity_error, heading_error)
action = Action(acceleration, steering, target_velocity)
return action
def _get_steering(self, target_waypoint: np.ndarray, frame: Dict[int, AgentState]) -> float:
state = frame[self.agent_id]
target_direction = target_waypoint - state.position
waypoint_heading = np.arctan2(target_direction[1], target_direction[0])
if np.all(target_waypoint == self.trajectory.path[-1]):
waypoint_heading = self.trajectory.heading[-1]
heading_error = np.diff(np.unwrap([state.heading, waypoint_heading]))[0]
return heading_error
def _get_acceleration(self, target_velocity: float, frame: Dict[int, AgentState]):
state = frame[self.agent_id]
acceleration = target_velocity - state.speed
vehicle_in_front, dist, _ = self.get_vehicle_in_front(self.agent_id, frame, self.lane_sequence)
if vehicle_in_front is not None:
in_front_speed = frame[vehicle_in_front].speed
gap = dist - state.metadata.length
acc_acceleration = self._acc.get_acceleration(self.MAX_SPEED, state.speed, in_front_speed, gap)
acceleration = min(acceleration, acc_acceleration)
return acceleration
def done(self, observation: Observation) -> bool:
state = observation.frame[self.agent_id]
ls = LineString(self.trajectory.path)
p = Point(state.position)
dist_along = ls.project(p)
dist_from_end = np.linalg.norm(state.position - self.trajectory.path[-1])
# We want the vehicle to enter the next lane, so we are not done until we have not passed the midline
ret = dist_along >= ls.length and dist_from_end > self.COMPLETION_MARGIN
return ret
def reset(self):
class FollowLaneCL(FollowLane, WaypointManeuver):
""" Closed loop follow lane maneuver """
class TurnCL(Turn, WaypointManeuver):
""" Closed loop turn maneuver """
class SwitchLaneLeftCL(SwitchLaneLeft, WaypointManeuver):
""" Closed loop switch lane left maneuver """
class SwitchLaneRightCL(SwitchLaneRight, WaypointManeuver):
""" Closed loop switch lane right maneuver """
class TrajectoryManeuverCL(TrajectoryManeuver, WaypointManeuver):
""" Closed loop maneuver that follows a pre-defined trajectory """
class GiveWayCL(GiveWay, WaypointManeuver):
""" Closed loop give way maneuver """
def __stop_required(self, observation: Observation, target_wp_idx: int):
ego_time_to_junction = self.trajectory.times[-1] - self.trajectory.times[target_wp_idx]
times_to_junction = self._get_times_to_junction(
observation.frame, observation.scenario_map, ego_time_to_junction)
time_until_clear = self._get_time_until_clear(ego_time_to_junction, times_to_junction)
blocked_time = self._get_blocking_vehicle(observation.frame, observation.scenario_map)
return max(time_until_clear, blocked_time) > 0
def next_action(self, observation: Observation) -> Action:
state = observation.frame[self.agent_id]
target_wp_idx, closest_idx = self.get_target_waypoint(state)
target_waypoint = self.trajectory.path[target_wp_idx]
dist_to_junction = np.linalg.norm(self.trajectory.path[-1] - state.position)
# Based on d = v^2 / (2 * mu * g), with mu=0.75 which corresponds to a slightly damp road friction coefficient
stopping_distance = state.speed ** 2 / (2 * 0.75 * 9.8) + state.metadata.length / 2
close_to_junction_entry = dist_to_junction < stopping_distance
target_velocity = max(Maneuver.MIN_SPEED, self.trajectory.velocity[target_wp_idx])
if close_to_junction_entry and \
self.config.stop and \
self.__stop_required(observation, target_wp_idx):
target_velocity = 0
return self._get_action(target_waypoint, target_velocity, observation)
class StopCL(Stop, WaypointManeuver):
def __init__(self,
config: ManeuverConfig,
agent_id: int,
frame: Dict[int, AgentState],
scenario_map: Map):
self.__stop_duration = 0
super(StopCL, self).__init__(config, agent_id, frame, scenario_map)
def next_action(self, observation: Observation) -> Action:
state = observation.frame[self.agent_id]
target_wp_idx, closest_idx = self.get_target_waypoint(state)
target_waypoint = self.trajectory.path[target_wp_idx]
target_velocity = max(Maneuver.MIN_SPEED, self.trajectory.velocity[target_wp_idx])
distance_to_stop = np.linalg.norm(self.trajectory.path[-1] - state.position)
stopping_distance = state.speed ** 2 / (2 * 0.75 * 9.8) + state.metadata.length / 2
if distance_to_stop < stopping_distance:
self.__stop_duration += 1
target_velocity = Stop.STOP_VELOCITY
return self._get_action(target_waypoint, target_velocity, observation)
def done(self, observation: Observation) -> bool:
return self.__stop_duration >= self.config.stop_duration * self.config.fps
def reset(self):
self.__stop_duration = 0
class CLManeuverFactory:
""" Used to register and create closed-loop maneuvers. """
maneuver_types = {"follow-lane": FollowLaneCL,
"switch-left": SwitchLaneLeftCL,
"switch-right": SwitchLaneRightCL,
"turn": TurnCL,
"give-way": GiveWayCL,
"stop": StopCL,
"trajectory": TrajectoryManeuverCL}
def create(cls, config: ManeuverConfig, agent_id: int, frame: Dict[int, AgentState], scenario_map: Map):
""" Create a new closed-loop maneuver in the given state of the environment with the given configuration.
config: The maneuver configuration file.
agent_id: The agent for whom the maneuver is created.
frame: The state of all observable agents in the environment.
scenario_map: The road layout.
assert config.type in cls.maneuver_types, f"Unregistered maneuver {config.type}. " \
f"Register with CLManeuverFactory.register_new_maneuver."
config.config_dict["adjust_swerving"] = False
return cls.maneuver_types[config.type](config, agent_id, frame, scenario_map)
def register_new_maneuver(cls, type_str: str, type_man: type(ClosedLoopManeuver)):
""" Register a new closed-loop maneuver to the list of available maneuvers
type_str: The type name of the maneuver to register.
type_man: The type of the maneuver to register.
assert isinstance(type_man, type(ClosedLoopManeuver)), f"Given type_man is not a MacroAction"
assert type_str not in cls.maneuver_types, f"CLManeuver {type_str} already registered."
cls.maneuver_types[type_str] = type_man"Register closed-loop maneuver {type_str} as {type_man}")