Source code for igp2.planlibrary.maneuver

import abc
import logging
import numpy as np

from abc import ABC
from copy import copy
from typing import Tuple, List, Dict
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString, Polygon
from shapely.ops import split

from igp2.opendrive.elements.geometry import Line
from import Map
from igp2.opendrive.elements.road_lanes import Lane, LaneTypes
from igp2.core.agentstate import AgentState
from igp2.core.trajectory import VelocityTrajectory, Trajectory
from igp2.core.util import Box, get_points_parallel, get_curvature, add_offset_point

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ManeuverConfig: """ Contains the parameters describing a maneuver """ def __init__(self, config_dict): """ Define a ManeuverConfig object which describes the configuration of a maneuver Args: config_dict: dictionary containing parameters of the maneuver """ self.config_dict = config_dict @property def type(self) -> str: """ The type of the maneuver. Acceptable values are {'follow-lane', 'switch-left', 'switch-right', 'turn', 'give-way', 'trajectory'} """ return self.config_dict.get('type') @property def termination_point(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Point at which the maneuver trajectory terminates. Used as the stopping point in the Stop maneuver. """ return self.config_dict.get('termination_point', None) @property def lane_sequence(self) -> List[Lane]: """ Return the lane sequence of the maneuver. """ return self.config_dict.get("lane_sequence", None) @property def junction_road_id(self) -> int: """ Road id of the lane which will be followed at the junction""" return self.config_dict.get('junction_road_id', None) @property def junction_lane_id(self) -> int: """ Lane id of the lane which will be followed at the junction""" return self.config_dict.get('junction_lane_id', None) @property def adjust_swerving(self) -> bool: """ Specifies whether to adjust points for swerving or not. """ return self.config_dict.get('adjust_swerving', True) @property def stop(self) -> bool: """ Whether give-way should check for stopping. """ return self.config_dict.get("stop", True) @property def stop_duration(self) -> float: """ Stop duration for the stop maneuver. """ return self.config_dict.get("stop_duration", None) @property def fps(self): """ Closed-loop controller execution frequency. """ return self.config_dict.get("fps", 20)
[docs]class Maneuver(ABC): """ Abstract class for a vehicle maneuver """ LON_SWERVE_DISTANCE = 3 # Distance to cover when swerving back towards the midline NORM_WIDTH_ACCEPTABLE = 0.5 # The acceptable relative distance from the midline before starting to swerve back POINT_SPACING = 0.25 MIN_POINT_SPACING = 0.05 MAX_RAD_S = np.deg2rad(40) HEADING_DIF_THRESHOLD = np.deg2rad(5) MAX_SPEED = 10 MIN_SPEED = 3 def __init__(self, config: ManeuverConfig, agent_id: int, frame: Dict[int, AgentState], scenario_map: Map): """ Create a maneuver object along with it's target trajectory Args: config: Parameters of the maneuver agent_id: identifier for the agent frame: dictionary containing state of all observable agents scenario_map: local road map """ self.config = config self.agent_id = agent_id self.frame = frame self.lane_sequence = self._get_lane_sequence(frame[agent_id], scenario_map) self.trajectory = self.get_trajectory(frame, scenario_map) def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__
[docs] @staticmethod def play_forward_maneuver(agent_id: int, scenario_map: Map, frame: Dict[int, AgentState], maneuver: "Maneuver", offset: float = None) -> Dict[int, AgentState]: """ Play forward current frame with the given maneuver for the current agent. Assumes constant velocity lane follow behaviour for other agents. Args: agent_id: ID of the ego agent scenario_map: The road layout of the current scenario frame: The current frame of the environment maneuver: The maneuver to play forward offset: If not None, then add an extra point at the end of the maneuver's trajectory with distance given by this parameter Returns: A new frame describing the future state of the environment """ if not maneuver: return frame trajectory = maneuver.trajectory if offset is not None: trajectory = add_offset_point(trajectory, offset) new_frame = {agent_id: trajectory.final_agent_state} duration = maneuver.trajectory.duration for aid, agent in frame.items(): if aid != agent_id: state = copy(agent) agent_lane = scenario_map.best_lane_at(agent.position, agent.heading) if agent_lane is None: continue agent_distance = agent_lane.distance_at(agent.position) + duration * agent.speed state.position = agent_lane.point_at(agent_distance) state.heading = agent_lane.get_heading_at(agent_distance) new_frame[aid] = state return new_frame
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_trajectory(self, frame: Dict[int, AgentState], scenario_map: Map) -> VelocityTrajectory: """ Generates the target trajectory for the maneuver Args: frame: dictionary containing state of all observable agents scenario_map: local road map Returns: Target trajectory """ raise NotImplementedError
@abc.abstractmethod def _get_lane_sequence(self, state: AgentState, scenario_map: Map) -> List[Lane]: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @staticmethod @abc.abstractmethod def applicable(state: AgentState, scenario_map: Map) -> bool: """ Checks whether the maneuver is applicable for an agent Args: state: current state of the agent scenario_map: local road map Returns: Boolean value indicating whether the maneuver is applicable """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def get_curvature_velocity(cls, path: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Generate target velocities based on the curvature of the road """ c = np.abs(get_curvature(path)) v = np.maximum(cls.MIN_SPEED, cls.MAX_SPEED * (1 - 3 * np.abs(c))) return v
[docs] def get_velocity(self, path: np.ndarray, frame: Dict[int, AgentState], lane_path: List[Lane]) -> np.ndarray: """ Generate target velocities based on the curvature of the path and vehicle in front. Args: path: target path along which the agent will travel frame: dictionary containing state of all observable agents lane_path: sequence of lanes that the agent will travel along Returns: array of target velocities """ velocity = self.get_curvature_velocity(path) vehicle_in_front_id, vehicle_in_front_dist, _ = self.get_vehicle_in_front(self.agent_id, frame, lane_path) if vehicle_in_front_id is not None and vehicle_in_front_dist < 15: max_vel = frame[vehicle_in_front_id].speed max_vel = np.maximum(1e-4, max_vel) velocity = np.minimum(velocity, max_vel) return velocity
[docs] @staticmethod def get_vehicle_in_front(agent_id: int, frame: Dict[int, AgentState], lane_path: List[Lane]) \ -> Tuple[int, float, LineString]: """ Finds the vehicle in front of an agent. Args: agent_id: The agent ID to use for checking vehicles in front frame: dictionary containing state of all observable agents lane_path: sequence of lanes that the agent will travel along Returns: vehicle_in_front: ID for the agent in front dist: distance to the vehicle in front """ # adds the successors of last lane in path to prevent any collisions at end of maneuver. if lane_path[-1].link.successor is not None: lane_path = lane_path + lane_path[-1].link.successor vehicles_in_path = Maneuver.get_vehicles_in_path(lane_path, frame) min_dist = np.inf vehicle_in_front = None state = frame[agent_id] # get linestring of lane midlines lane_ls = Maneuver.get_lane_path_midline(lane_path) ego_lon = lane_ls.project(Point(state.position)) # find vehicle in front with closest distance for aid in vehicles_in_path: agent_lon = lane_ls.project(Point(frame[aid].position)) dist = agent_lon - ego_lon if 0 < dist < min_dist: vehicle_in_front = aid min_dist = dist return vehicle_in_front, min_dist, lane_ls
[docs] @staticmethod def get_const_acceleration_vel(initial_vel, final_vel, path): s = np.concatenate([[0], np.cumsum(np.linalg.norm(np.diff(path, axis=0), axis=1))]) velocity = initial_vel + s / s[-1] * (final_vel - initial_vel) return velocity
[docs] @staticmethod def get_lane_path_midline(lane_path: List[Lane]) -> LineString: if len(lane_path) == 1: return lane_path[0].midline final_point = lane_path[-1].midline.coords[-1] midline_points = [p for ll in lane_path for p in ll.midline.coords[:-1]] + [final_point] lane_ls = LineString(midline_points) return lane_ls
[docs] @staticmethod def get_vehicles_in_path(lane_path: List[Lane], frame: Dict[int, AgentState]) -> List[int]: agents = [] for agent_id, agent_state in frame.items(): vehicle_footprint = Box(agent_state.position, length=agent_state.metadata.length, width=agent_state.metadata.width, heading=agent_state.heading) for lane in lane_path: if lane.midline.intersects(Polygon(vehicle_footprint.boundary)): agents.append(agent_id) return agents
[docs]class FollowLane(Maneuver): """ Defines a follow-lane maneuver """
[docs] def get_trajectory(self, frame: Dict[int, AgentState], scenario_map: Map) -> VelocityTrajectory: state = frame[self.agent_id] points = self._get_points(state) path = self._get_path(state, points) velocity = self.get_velocity(path, frame, self.lane_sequence) return VelocityTrajectory(path, velocity)
[docs] @staticmethod def applicable(state: AgentState, scenario_map: Map) -> bool: """ Checks whether the follow lane maneuver is applicable for an agent. Follow lane is applicable if the agent is in a drivable lane. Args: state: Current state of the agent scenario_map: local road map Returns: Boolean indicating whether the maneuver is applicable """ return len(scenario_map.lanes_at(state.position, drivable_only=True)) > 0
def _get_lane_sequence(self, state: AgentState, scenario_map: Map) -> List[Lane]: current_lane = scenario_map.best_lane_at(state.position, state.heading) assert current_lane is not None, f"FollowLane current lane is none at {state.position} for AID {self.agent_id}." lane_seq = [current_lane] return lane_seq def _get_points(self, state: AgentState): lane_ls = self.get_lane_path_midline(self.lane_sequence) current_point = Point(state.position) current_lon = lane_ls.project(current_point) termination_lon = lane_ls.project(Point(self.config.termination_point)) termination_point = lane_ls.interpolate(termination_lon).coords[0] lat_dist = lane_ls.distance(current_point) margin = self.POINT_SPACING + 2 * lat_dist assert current_lon < termination_lon, f'agent {self.agent_id}: current point is past the termination point' # Follow lane straight ahead, if cannot sample more points if current_lon >= lane_ls.length - margin: initial_lane = self.lane_sequence[0] lane_heading = initial_lane.get_heading_at( initial_lane.distance_at(np.array(state.position))) heading_diff = abs((state.heading - lane_heading + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi) direction = np.array([np.cos(state.heading), np.sin(state.heading)]) point_ahead = state.position + (termination_lon - current_lon) / np.cos(heading_diff) * direction return np.array([state.position, point_ahead]) # trim out points we have passed first_ls_point = None final_ls_point = None for coord in lane_ls.coords: point = Point(coord) point_lon = lane_ls.project(point) if termination_lon - margin > point_lon > current_lon + margin and first_ls_point is None: first_ls_point = point if first_ls_point is not None: if point_lon + self.POINT_SPACING > termination_lon: break else: final_ls_point = point if first_ls_point is None: # none of the points are between start and termination position all_points = np.array([state.position, termination_point]) else: if final_ls_point == first_ls_point: trimmed_coords = list(first_ls_point.coords) else: # trim out points before first point if first_ls_point == Point(lane_ls.coords[-1]): # handle case where first point is final point following_points = first_ls_point else: following_points = split(lane_ls, first_ls_point).geoms[-1] # trim out points after final point and fix double points from split() method bug trimmed_points = split(following_points, final_ls_point).geoms[0] trimmed_coords = list(trimmed_points.coords) if len(trimmed_coords) > 1 and trimmed_coords[-2] == trimmed_coords[-1]: trimmed_coords = trimmed_coords[:-1] if len(trimmed_coords) > 1 and trimmed_coords[0] == trimmed_coords[1]: trimmed_coords = trimmed_coords[1:] all_points = np.array(list(current_point.coords) + trimmed_coords + [termination_point]) if self.config.adjust_swerving: initial_lane = self.lane_sequence[0] lane_heading = initial_lane.get_heading_at( initial_lane.distance_at(np.array(all_points[0]))) heading_diff = abs((state.heading - lane_heading + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi) # If lane angle and heading is too different then we should just move back to the midline. if heading_diff < self.HEADING_DIF_THRESHOLD: all_points = self._adjust_for_swerving(all_points, self.lane_sequence, lane_ls, current_point) return all_points def _adjust_for_swerving(self, points: np.ndarray, lane_sq: List[Lane], lane_ls: LineString, current_point: Point) -> np.ndarray: lat_distance = lane_ls.distance(Point(current_point)) if lat_distance < 1e-2: return points # Parallel lane follow in acceptable region if 0.0 < self.NORM_WIDTH_ACCEPTABLE <= 1.0: current_lanes = [(lane.boundary.distance(current_point), lane) for lane in lane_sq] current_lane = min(current_lanes, key=lambda x: x[0])[1] # Find half (only one side of the midline is considered) the lane width # at current point for normalisation half_lane_width = current_lane.get_width_at(current_lane.parent_road.distance_at(current_point)) / 2 if lat_distance / half_lane_width < self.NORM_WIDTH_ACCEPTABLE: distance = lat_distance else: distance = half_lane_width * self.NORM_WIDTH_ACCEPTABLE points = get_points_parallel(points, lane_ls, distance) # Longer length swerving maneuver if 0 < self.LON_SWERVE_DISTANCE: dist_from_current = np.linalg.norm(points - np.array(current_point.coords[0]), axis=1) indices = dist_from_current >= self.LON_SWERVE_DISTANCE # If we cannot swerve back to the midline than follow at distance parallel to the midline if not np.any(indices): indices[0] = True indices[-1] = True if 0.0 < self.NORM_WIDTH_ACCEPTABLE <= 1.0: points = points[indices] else: points = get_points_parallel(points, lane_ls, lat_distance) points = points[indices] else: indices[0] = True points = points[indices] return points def _get_path(self, state: AgentState, points: np.ndarray): heading = state.heading initial_direction = np.array([np.cos(heading), np.sin(heading)]) vehicle_length = state.metadata.length if len(points) == 2: distance = np.linalg.norm(points[1] - points[0]) if self.MIN_POINT_SPACING < distance / 2 < self.POINT_SPACING: self.POINT_SPACING = distance / 2 # Makes sure at least two points can be sampled elif distance / 2 < self.MIN_POINT_SPACING: return points min_heading = heading - self.MAX_RAD_S * distance / state.speed max_heading = heading + self.MAX_RAD_S * distance / state.speed initial_lane = self.lane_sequence[0] final_lane = self.lane_sequence[-1] final_direction = final_lane.get_direction_at( final_lane.distance_at(np.array(self.config.termination_point))) final_heading = np.arctan2(final_direction[1], final_direction[0]) final_heading = np.unwrap([heading, final_heading])[-1] final_heading = np.clip(final_heading, min_heading, max_heading) final_heading = np.arctan2(np.sin(final_heading), np.cos(final_heading)) final_direction = np.array([np.cos(final_heading), np.sin(final_heading)]) lane_heading = initial_lane.get_heading_at( initial_lane.distance_at(np.array(points[0]))) # How much can the vehicle and road headings differ to be considered parallel maximum_distance = min(vehicle_length * 3, sum([lane.length for lane in self.lane_sequence])) heading_diff = abs((heading - lane_heading + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi) # If the vehicle is not parallel to the lane, add intermediate points # between the starting and termination points to adjust the trajectory if distance > maximum_distance and heading_diff > self.HEADING_DIF_THRESHOLD: initial_ds = initial_lane.distance_at(points[0]) lane_path = self.get_lane_path_midline(self.lane_sequence) for i, ds in enumerate(np.arange(initial_ds + vehicle_length, initial_ds + maximum_distance)): points = np.insert(points, i + 1, np.array(lane_path.interpolate(ds).coords[0]), axis=0) else: final_direction = np.diff(points[-2:], axis=0).flatten() final_direction = final_direction / np.linalg.norm(final_direction) t = np.concatenate(([0], np.cumsum(np.linalg.norm(np.diff(points, axis=0), axis=1)))) cs = CubicSpline(t, points, bc_type=((1, initial_direction), (1, final_direction))) num_points = int(t[-1] / self.POINT_SPACING) ts = np.linspace(0, t[-1], num_points) path = cs(ts) return path
[docs]class Turn(FollowLane): """ Defines a turn maneuver """
[docs] @staticmethod def applicable(state: AgentState, scenario_map: Map) -> bool: """ Checks whether the turn maneuver is applicable for an agent. Turn is applicable if the agents current lane or next lane is in a junction. Args: state: Current state of the agent scenario_map: local road map Returns: Boolean indicating whether the maneuver is applicable """ currently_in_junction = scenario_map.junction_at(state.position) is not None current_lane = scenario_map.best_lane_at(state.position, state.heading) next_lanes = next_lane_is_junction = (next_lanes is not None and any([ll.parent_road.junction is not None for ll in next_lanes])) return currently_in_junction or next_lane_is_junction
[docs] def get_velocity(self, path: np.ndarray, frame: Dict[int, AgentState], lane_path: List[Lane]) -> np.ndarray: """ Generate target velocities based on the curvature of the path and vehicle in front. Args: path: target path along which the agent will travel frame: dictionary containing state of all observable agents lane_path: sequence of lanes that the agent will travel along Returns: array of target velocities """ velocity = super(Turn, self).get_velocity(path, frame, lane_path) speed_up_velocity = self.get_const_acceleration_vel(frame[self.agent_id].speed, self.MAX_SPEED, path) return np.minimum(speed_up_velocity, velocity)
def _get_lane_sequence(self, state: AgentState, scenario_map: Map) -> List[Lane]: junction_lane = scenario_map.get_lane(self.config.junction_road_id, self.config.junction_lane_id) return [junction_lane]
[docs]class SwitchLane(Maneuver, ABC): """ Defines a switch lane maneuver """ TARGET_SWITCH_LENGTH = 20 MIN_SWITCH_LENGTH = 10 def _get_path(self, state: AgentState, target_lane: Lane) -> np.ndarray: initial_point = state.position target_point = self.config.termination_point final_lon = target_lane.midline.project(Point(target_point)) dist = np.linalg.norm(target_point - initial_point) initial_direction = np.array([np.cos(state.heading), np.sin(state.heading)]) target_direction = target_lane.get_direction_at(final_lon) """ Fit cubic curve given boundary conditions at t=0 and t=1 boundary == A @ coeff coeff = inv(A) @ boundary A = array([[0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0], [3, 2, 1, 0]]) transform = np.linalg.inv(A) """ transform = np.array([[2., -2., 1., 1.], [-3., 3., -2., -1.], [0., 0., 1., 0.], [1., 0., 0., 0.]]) boundary = np.vstack([initial_point, target_point, initial_direction * dist, target_direction * dist]) coeff = transform @ boundary # evaluate points on cubic curve num_points = max(2, int(dist / self.POINT_SPACING) + 1) t = np.linspace(0, 1, num_points) powers = np.power(t.reshape((-1, 1)), np.arange(3, -1, -1)) points = powers @ coeff return points
[docs] def get_trajectory(self, frame: Dict[int, AgentState], scenario_map: Map) -> VelocityTrajectory: state = frame[self.agent_id] target_lane = self.lane_sequence[-1] path = self._get_path(state, target_lane) velocity = self.get_velocity(path, frame, [target_lane]) return VelocityTrajectory(path, velocity)
def _get_lane_sequence(self, state: AgentState, scenario_map: Map) -> List[Lane]: return self.config.lane_sequence
[docs]class SwitchLaneLeft(SwitchLane): """ Defines a switch lane left maneuver"""
[docs] @staticmethod def applicable(state: AgentState, scenario_map: Map) -> bool: """ Checks whether the switch lane left maneuver is applicable for an agent. Switch lane left is applicable if it is legal to switch to a lane left of the current lane. Args: state: Current state of the agent scenario_map: local road map Returns: Boolean indicating whether the maneuver is applicable """ # TODO: Add check for lane marker current_lane = scenario_map.best_lane_at(state.position, state.heading) left_lane_id = + (-1 if np.sign( > 0 else 1) # Assumes right hand driving left_lane = current_lane.lane_section.get_lane(left_lane_id) return (left_lane is not None and left_lane_id != 0 and left_lane.type == LaneTypes.DRIVING and ( < 0) == (left_lane_id < 0))
[docs]class SwitchLaneRight(SwitchLane):
[docs] @staticmethod def applicable(state: AgentState, scenario_map: Map) -> bool: """ Checks whether the switch right left maneuver is applicable for an agent. Switch lane right is applicable if it is legal to switch to a lane right of the current lane. Args: state: Current state of the agent scenario_map: local road map Returns: Boolean indicating whether the maneuver is applicable """ # TODO: Add check for lane marker current_lane = scenario_map.best_lane_at(state.position, state.heading) right_lane_id = + (1 if np.sign( > 0 else -1) # Assumes right hand driving right_lane = current_lane.lane_section.get_lane(right_lane_id) return (right_lane is not None and right_lane_id != 0 and right_lane.type == LaneTypes.DRIVING and ( < 0) == ( < 0)) # check if both lanes are heading the same direction
[docs]class GiveWay(FollowLane): GIVE_WAY_DISTANCE = 15 # m; Begin give-way if closer than this value to the junction MAX_ONCOMING_VEHICLE_DIST = 100 # m GAP_TIME = 5 # s SLOW_DOWN_VEL = 2 # m/s STANDBY_VEL = 3 # m/s
[docs] def get_trajectory(self, frame: Dict[int, AgentState], scenario_map: Map) -> VelocityTrajectory: state = frame[self.agent_id] points = self._get_points(state) path = self._get_path(state, points) velocity = self.get_const_acceleration_vel(state.speed, self.SLOW_DOWN_VEL, path) ego_time_to_junction = VelocityTrajectory(path, velocity).duration times_to_junction = self._get_times_to_junction(frame, scenario_map, ego_time_to_junction) time_until_clear = self._get_time_until_clear(ego_time_to_junction, times_to_junction) stop_time = time_until_clear - ego_time_to_junction # Check if the connecting road is going straight. ego_junction_road = scenario_map.roads[self.config.junction_road_id] connecting_geometries = ego_junction_road.plan_view.geometries straight_connection = all([isinstance(geom, Line) for geom in connecting_geometries]) if self.config.stop and stop_time > 0: # insert waiting points path = self.add_stop_points(path) velocity = self.add_stop_velocities(path, velocity, stop_time) elif straight_connection: velocity = self.get_velocity(path, frame, self.lane_sequence) else: velocity = self.get_const_acceleration_vel(state.speed, self.STANDBY_VEL, path) return VelocityTrajectory(path, velocity)
[docs] @staticmethod def applicable(state: AgentState, scenario_map: Map) -> bool: """ Checks whether the give way maneuver is applicable for an agent. Give way is applicable if the next lane is in a junction. Args: state: Current state of the agent scenario_map: local road map Returns: Boolean indicating whether the maneuver is applicable """ current_lane = scenario_map.best_lane_at(state.position, state.heading) next_lanes = return next_lanes is not None and any([ll.parent_road.junction is not None for ll in next_lanes])
def _get_times_to_junction(self, frame: Dict[int, AgentState], scenario_map: Map, ego_time_to_junction: float) -> List[float]: # get oncoming vehicles oncoming_vehicles = self._get_oncoming_vehicles(frame, scenario_map) time_to_junction = [] for agent, dist in oncoming_vehicles: # check if the vehicle is stopped time = dist / agent.speed if agent.speed > 1 and time > ego_time_to_junction - self.GAP_TIME: time_to_junction.append(time) return time_to_junction def _get_oncoming_vehicles(self, frame: Dict[int, AgentState], scenario_map: Map) \ -> List[Tuple[AgentState, float]]: oncoming_vehicles = [] ego_junction_lane = scenario_map.get_lane(self.config.junction_road_id, self.config.junction_lane_id) in_roundabout = ego_junction_lane.parent_road.junction.in_roundabout lanes_to_cross = self._get_lanes_to_cross(scenario_map) agent_lanes = [(i, scenario_map.best_lane_at(s.position, s.heading, True)) for i, s in frame.items()] for lane_to_cross in lanes_to_cross: lane_sequence = self._get_predecessor_lane_sequence(lane_to_cross, scenario_map) midline = self.get_lane_path_midline(lane_sequence) if in_roundabout: crossing_point = Point(ego_junction_lane.point_at(ego_junction_lane.length)) else: crossing_point = lane_to_cross.boundary.intersection(ego_junction_lane.boundary).centroid crossing_lon = midline.project(crossing_point) # find agents in lane to cross for agent_id, agent_lane in agent_lanes: agent_state = frame[agent_id] if agent_id != self.agent_id and agent_lane in lane_sequence: agent_lon = midline.project(Point(agent_state.position)) dist = crossing_lon - agent_lon if 0 < dist < self.MAX_ONCOMING_VEHICLE_DIST: oncoming_vehicles.append((agent_state, dist)) return oncoming_vehicles def _get_lanes_to_cross(self, scenario_map: Map) -> List[Lane]: ego_road = scenario_map.roads.get(self.config.junction_road_id) ego_lane = scenario_map.get_lane(self.config.junction_road_id, self.config.junction_lane_id) ego_incoming_lane =[0] lanes = [] for connection in ego_road.junction.connections: for lane_link in connection.lane_links: lane = lane_link.to_lane if lane in lanes: continue same_predecessor = == lane_link.from_id and \ == if not (same_predecessor or self._has_priority(ego_road, lane.parent_road)): if ego_lane.midline.intersects(lane.boundary): if ego_road.junction.in_roundabout: lanes.extend([ll for ll in scenario_map.get_adjacent_lanes(lane) if ll not in lanes]) lanes.append(lane) return lanes @staticmethod def _get_predecessor_lane_sequence(lane: Lane, scenario_map: Map) -> List[Lane]: lane_sequence = [] total_length = 0 in_roundabout = scenario_map.road_in_roundabout(lane.parent_road) while lane is not None and total_length < GiveWay.MAX_ONCOMING_VEHICLE_DIST: lane_sequence.insert(0, lane) total_length += lane.midline.length if is None: possible_lanes = scenario_map.junction_predecessor_lanes(lane, in_roundabout) lane = possible_lanes[0] if len(possible_lanes) == 1 else None else: lane =[0] if in_roundabout and lane in lane_sequence: lane = None # To avoid circular dependencies return lane_sequence @staticmethod def _get_time_until_clear(ego_time_to_junction: float, times_to_junction: List[float]) -> float: if len(times_to_junction) == 0: return 0. times_to_junction = np.sort(times_to_junction) times_to_junction = times_to_junction[times_to_junction >= ego_time_to_junction] times_to_junction = np.concatenate([[ego_time_to_junction], times_to_junction, [np.inf]]) gaps = np.diff(times_to_junction) first_long_gap = np.argmax(gaps >= GiveWay.GAP_TIME) return times_to_junction[first_long_gap] @staticmethod def _has_priority(ego_road, other_road): for priority in ego_road.junction.priorities: if (priority.high_id == and priority.low_id == return True return False
[docs] @staticmethod def add_stop_points(path): p_start = path[-2, None] p_end = path[-1, None] diff = p_end - p_start p_stop_frac = np.array([[0.7, 0.9]]).T p_stop = p_start + p_stop_frac @ diff new_path = np.concatenate([path[:-1], p_stop, p_end]) return new_path
[docs] @staticmethod def add_stop_velocities(path, velocity, stop_time, adjust_duration=True): stop_vel = GiveWay._get_stop_velocity(path, velocity, stop_time, adjust_duration) velocity = np.insert(velocity, -1, [stop_vel] * 2) return velocity
@staticmethod def _get_stop_velocity(path, velocity, stop_time, adjust_duration=True): # calculate stop velocities assuming constant acceleration in each segment final_section = path[-4:] s = np.linalg.norm(np.diff(final_section, axis=0), axis=1) v1, v2 = velocity[-2:] t = stop_time + 2 * np.sum(s) / (v1 + v2) if adjust_duration else stop_time A = np.array([[t, 0, 0, 0], [t * (v1 + v2), -2, -1, -2], [v1 * v2 * t, -2 * v2, -v1 - v2, -2 * v1], [0, 0, -v1 * v2, 0]]) coeff = A @ np.concatenate([[1], s]).T r = np.roots(coeff) stop_vel = np.max(r.real[np.abs(r.imag < 1e-5)]) return stop_vel
[docs]class Stop(FollowLane): """ Generate a Stop for a given duration. """ STOP_VELOCITY = 1e-2
[docs] def get_trajectory(self, frame: Dict[int, AgentState], scenario_map: Map) -> VelocityTrajectory: """ To avoid errors with velocity smoothing and to be able to take derivatives this maneuver defines three very closely spaced points as trajectory with near-zero velocity. """ state = frame[self.agent_id] if self.config.termination_point is not None: # Follow lane until termination point while slowing down. points = self._get_points(state) path = self._get_path(state, points) velocity = self.get_const_acceleration_vel(state.speed, 2.0, path) path = GiveWay.add_stop_points(path) velocity = GiveWay.add_stop_velocities(path, velocity, self.config.stop_duration, True) elif state.speed < Trajectory.VELOCITY_STOP: direction = np.array([np.cos(state.heading), np.sin(state.heading)]) distance = Stop.STOP_VELOCITY * self.config.stop_duration path = np.array([state.position, state.position + distance * direction]) velocity = np.array([state.speed, Stop.STOP_VELOCITY]) path = GiveWay.add_stop_points(path) velocity = GiveWay.add_stop_velocities(path, velocity, self.config.stop_duration, False) else: raise RuntimeError(f"AID{self.agent_id} cannot stop at {state.position} with v={state.speed}") return VelocityTrajectory(path, velocity)
[docs] @staticmethod def applicable(state: AgentState, scenario_map: Map) -> bool: """ We do not allow stopping in a junction. """ return not scenario_map.junction_at(state.position)
[docs]class TrajectoryManeuver(Maneuver): """ Maneuver that follows a pre-defined trajectory. """ def __init__(self, config: ManeuverConfig, agent_id: int, frame: Dict[int, AgentState], scenario_map: Map, trajectory: VelocityTrajectory): self._trajectory = trajectory super().__init__(config, agent_id, frame, scenario_map)
[docs] @staticmethod def applicable(state: AgentState, scenario_map: Map) -> bool: return True
[docs] def get_trajectory(self, frame: Dict[int, AgentState], scenario_map: Map) -> VelocityTrajectory: return self._trajectory
def _get_lane_sequence(self, state: AgentState, scenario_map: Map) -> List[Lane]: lanes = [] for position, heading in zip(self._trajectory.path, self._trajectory.heading): possible_lanes = scenario_map.lanes_at(position, heading) if not possible_lanes: continue if len(possible_lanes) > 1: lane, min_dist = None, np.inf for ll in possible_lanes: final_point = np.array(ll.midline.coords[-1]) dist = np.min(np.linalg.norm(self._trajectory.path - final_point, axis=1)) if dist < min_dist: lane, min_dist = ll, dist else: lane = possible_lanes[0] if not lanes: lanes.append(lane) elif lane != lanes[-1]: lanes.append(lane) return lanes