Source code for igp2.planlibrary.macro_action

import abc
import logging
import numpy as np
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Type, Tuple
from copy import copy
from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString

from igp2.planlibrary.maneuver import Maneuver, ManeuverConfig
from igp2.core.vehicle import Observation, Action
from igp2.core.trajectory import Trajectory, VelocityTrajectory
from igp2.core.goal import Goal, StoppingGoal
from igp2.core.agentstate import AgentState
from import Map
from igp2.opendrive.elements.road_lanes import Lane
from igp2.planlibrary.maneuver_cl import CLManeuverFactory
from igp2.planlibrary.maneuver import FollowLane, SwitchLane, SwitchLaneRight, SwitchLaneLeft, Turn, GiveWay, Stop

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class MacroActionConfig: """ Macro action configuration class. """ def __init__(self, config_dict: dict): """ Define a MacroActionConfig object which describes the configuration of a macro action. Args: config_dict: dictionary containing parameters of the macro action """ self.config_dict = config_dict.copy() @property def type(self) -> str: return self.config_dict.get("type", None) @property def termination_point(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Point at which the macro action will terminate. Used in Continue and Stop. """ return self.config_dict.get("termination_point", None) @property def open_loop(self) -> bool: """ Whether the macro action should be execute with or without control. """ return self.config_dict.get("open_loop", True) @property def left(self) -> bool: """ Whether to change lanes left or right. """ return self.config_dict.get("left", None) @property def target_sequence(self) -> List[Lane]: """ Target lane squence for changing lanes. """ return self.config_dict.get("target_sequence", None) @property def turn_target(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Endpoint of a turn in a junction. """ return self.config_dict.get("turn_target", None) @property def stop(self) -> bool: """ Whether GiveWay should stop for oncoming vehicles. """ return self.config_dict.get("stop", True) @property def stop_duration(self) -> float: """ Stop duration for the stop macro action. """ return self.config_dict.get("stop_duration", None) @property def fps(self): """ Closed-loop controller execution frequency. """ return self.config_dict.get("fps", 20)
[docs]class MacroAction(abc.ABC): """ Base class for all MacroActions. """ def __init__(self, config: MacroActionConfig, agent_id: int, frame: Dict[int, AgentState], scenario_map: Map): """ Initialise a new MacroAction (MA) Args: config: The macro action configuration agent_id: The ID of the agent, this MA is made for frame: The start state of the environment scenario_map: The road layout of the scenario """ self.config = config self.agent_id = agent_id self.open_loop = config.open_loop self.start_frame = frame self.final_frame = None self.scenario_map = scenario_map self._maneuvers = self.get_maneuvers() self._current_maneuver = None self._current_maneuver_id = 0 if not self.open_loop: self._advance_maneuver(Observation(frame, scenario_map)) def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__
[docs] @staticmethod def play_forward_macro_action(agent_id: int, scenario_map: Map, frame: Dict[int, AgentState], macro_action: "MacroAction"): """ Play forward current frame with the given macro action for the current agent. Assumes constant velocity lane follow behaviour for other agents. Args: agent_id: ID of the ego agent scenario_map: The road layout of the current scenario frame: The current frame of the environment macro_action: The macro action to play forward Returns: A new frame describing the future state of the environment """ def _lane_at_distance(lane: Lane, ds: float) -> Tuple[Optional[Lane], float]: current_lane = lane total_length = 0.0 while True: if total_length <= ds < total_length + current_lane.length: return current_lane, ds - total_length total_length += current_lane.length successor = if successor is None: break if len(successor) > 1: return current_lane, current_lane.length current_lane = successor[0] return None, current_lane.length if not macro_action: return frame trajectory = macro_action.get_trajectory() new_frame = {agent_id: trajectory.final_agent_state} duration = trajectory.duration for aid, agent in frame.items(): if aid != agent_id: state = copy(agent) agent_lane = scenario_map.best_lane_at(agent.position, agent.heading) if agent_lane is None: continue agent_distance = agent_lane.distance_at(agent.position) + duration * agent.speed final_lane, distance_in_lane = _lane_at_distance(agent_lane, agent_distance) if final_lane is None: continue state.position = final_lane.point_at(distance_in_lane) state.heading = final_lane.get_heading_at(distance_in_lane) new_frame[aid] = state return new_frame
[docs] def get_maneuvers(self) -> List[Maneuver]: """ Calculate the sequence of maneuvers for this MacroAction. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @staticmethod def applicable(state: AgentState, scenario_map: Map) -> bool: """ Return True if the macro action is applicable in the given state of the environment. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset the internal state of closed-loop macro actions. """ if not self.open_loop: self._current_maneuver = None self._current_maneuver_id = 0 for man in self._maneuvers: man.reset()
[docs] def done(self, observation: Observation) -> bool: """ Returns True if the execution of the macro action has completed. """ return self._current_maneuver_id + 1 >= len(self._maneuvers) and self._current_maneuver.done(observation)
[docs] def next_action(self, observation: Observation) -> Optional[Action]: """ Return the next action of a closed-loop macro action given by its current maneuver. If the current maneuver is done, then advance to the next maneuver. """ self._advance_maneuver(observation) return self.current_maneuver.next_action(observation)
def _advance_maneuver(self, observation: Observation): if not self._maneuvers: raise RuntimeError(f"Agent {self.agent_id}: Macro action has no maneuvers.") else: if self._current_maneuver is None: self._current_maneuver = self._maneuvers[self._current_maneuver_id] elif self._current_maneuver.done(observation): self._current_maneuver_id += 1 if self._current_maneuver_id >= len(self._maneuvers): raise RuntimeError(f"Agent {self.agent_id} has no more maneuvers to execute in macro action.") else: self._current_maneuver = self._maneuvers[self._current_maneuver_id]
[docs] def get_trajectory(self) -> VelocityTrajectory: """ If open_loop is True then get the complete trajectory of the macro action. Returns: A VelocityTrajectory that describes the complete open loop trajectory of the macro action """ if self._maneuvers is None: raise ValueError(f"Agent {self.agent_id}: Maneuver sequence of macro action was not initialised!") points = None velocity = None for maneuver in self._maneuvers: trajectory = maneuver.trajectory points = trajectory.path if points is None else \ np.append(points, trajectory.path[1:], axis=0) velocity = trajectory.velocity if velocity is None else \ np.append(velocity, trajectory.velocity[1:], axis=0) return VelocityTrajectory(points, velocity)
[docs] def to_closed_loop(self): """ Convert an open-loop macro action to closed-loop. If already closed-loop then this will reset the macro action's state. """ if self.open_loop: mans = [] for i, man in enumerate(self._maneuvers): mans.append(CLManeuverFactory.create( man.config, man.agent_id, man.frame, self.scenario_map)) self._maneuvers = mans self.open_loop = False if not self.open_loop: self.reset() self._advance_maneuver(Observation(self.start_frame, self.scenario_map))
[docs] @staticmethod def get_possible_args(state: AgentState, scenario_map: Map, goal: Goal = None) -> List[Dict]: """ Return a list of keyword arguments used to initialise all possible variations of a macro action. Currently, only Exit returns more than one option, giving the Exits to all possible leaving points. Args: state: Current state of the agent scenario_map: The road layout of the scenario goal: Optional goal to use during AStar planning Returns: A list of possible initialisations in the current state """ return [{}]
@property def maneuvers(self) -> List[Maneuver]: """ The complete maneuver sequence of the macro action. """ return self._maneuvers @property def current_maneuver(self) -> Maneuver: """ The current maneuver being executed during closed loop control. """ return self._current_maneuver
[docs]class Continue(MacroAction): """ Follow the current lane until the given point or to the end of the lane. If the current lane is split across multiple roads then follow lane until a junction is encountered. """ def __init__(self, config: MacroActionConfig, agent_id: int, frame: Dict[int, AgentState], scenario_map: Map): """ Initialise a new Continue MA. """ self.termination_point = config.termination_point super().__init__(config, agent_id, frame, scenario_map) def __repr__(self): termination = np.round(self.termination_point, 3) \ if self.termination_point is not None else '' return f"Continue({termination})"
[docs] def get_maneuvers(self) -> List[Maneuver]: state = self.start_frame[self.agent_id] current_lane = self.scenario_map.best_lane_at(state.position, state.heading) endpoint = self.termination_point configs = [] if endpoint is not None: config_dict = { "type": "follow-lane", "termination_point": endpoint, "fps": self.config.fps } configs.append(config_dict) else: lane = current_lane while lane is not None: endpoint = lane.midline.interpolate(1, normalized=True) config_dict = { "type": "follow-lane", "termination_point": np.array(endpoint.coords[0]), "fps": self.config.fps } configs.append(config_dict) in_roundabout = self.scenario_map.road_in_roundabout(lane.parent_road) succ = lane = None if succ is not None: if any([s.parent_road.junction is not None for s in succ]): if not in_roundabout: configs.pop() # Last config lead to a junction not in a roundabout so remove it elif len(succ) == 1 and succ[0] != current_lane: lane = succ[0] maneuvers = [] current_frame = self.start_frame for config_dict in configs: config = ManeuverConfig(config_dict) if self.open_loop: man = FollowLane(config, self.agent_id, current_frame, self.scenario_map) else: man = CLManeuverFactory.create(config, self.agent_id, current_frame, self.scenario_map) maneuvers.append(man) current_frame = Maneuver.play_forward_maneuver(self.agent_id, self.scenario_map, current_frame, maneuvers[-1], 0.1) self.final_frame = current_frame return maneuvers
[docs] @staticmethod def applicable(state: AgentState, scenario_map: Map) -> bool: """ True if vehicle on a lane, and not approaching junction or not in junction""" current_road = scenario_map.best_road_at(state.position, state.heading) in_junction = current_road.junction is not None in_roundabout = scenario_map.road_in_roundabout(current_road) return (FollowLane.applicable(state, scenario_map) and not in_junction and (not Exit.applicable(state, scenario_map) or in_roundabout))
[docs] @staticmethod def get_possible_args(state: AgentState, scenario_map: Map, goal: Goal = None) -> List[Dict]: """ Return empty dictionary if no goal point is provided, otherwise check if goal point in lane and return center of goal point as termination point. """ if isinstance(goal, StoppingGoal): return [] if goal is not None: current_lane = scenario_map.best_lane_at(state.position, state.heading) gp = goal.point_on_lane(current_lane) if gp is not None and current_lane.boundary.contains(Point(gp)): return [{"termination_point": gp}] return [{}]
[docs]class ChangeLane(MacroAction): CHECK_ONCOMING = False def __init__(self, config: MacroActionConfig, agent_id: int, frame: Dict[int, AgentState], scenario_map: Map): self.target_sequence = config.target_sequence self.left = config.left super(ChangeLane, self).__init__(config, agent_id, frame, scenario_map) def __repr__(self): lane_seq_str = "->".join([f"[{}:{}]" for lane in self.target_sequence]) return f"ChangeLane{'Left' if self.left else 'Right'}({lane_seq_str})"
[docs] def get_maneuvers(self) -> List[Maneuver]: maneuvers = [] state = self.start_frame[self.agent_id] current_lane = self.scenario_map.best_lane_at(state.position, state.heading) current_distance = current_lane.distance_at(state.position) target_midline = Maneuver.get_lane_path_midline(self.target_sequence) frame = self.start_frame d_lane_end = target_midline.length - target_midline.project(Point(state.position)) d_change = max(SwitchLane.MIN_SWITCH_LENGTH, min(SwitchLane.TARGET_SWITCH_LENGTH, d_lane_end)) lane_follow_end_point = state.position assert d_lane_end > SwitchLane.MIN_SWITCH_LENGTH, "Cannot finish lange change within given lanes." # Check for oncoming vehicles and free sections in target lane if flag is set if ChangeLane.CHECK_ONCOMING: oncoming_intervals = self._get_oncoming_vehicle_intervals(self.target_sequence, target_midline) t_lane_end = d_lane_end / state.speed # Get first time when lane change is possible while d_change >= SwitchLane.MIN_SWITCH_LENGTH: t_change = d_change / state.speed t_start = 0.0 # Count from time of start_frame for iv_start, iv_end, d_distance in oncoming_intervals: if np.abs(d_distance) < d_change and t_start < iv_end and iv_start < t_start + t_change: t_start = iv_end if t_start + t_change >= t_lane_end: d_change -= 5 # Try lane change with shorter length else: break else: raise RuntimeError("Cannot finish lane change until end of current lane!") # Follow lane until target lane is clear distance_until_change = t_start * state.speed # Maneuver.MAX_SPEED lane_follow_end_distance = current_distance + distance_until_change if t_start > 0.0: lane_follow_end_point = current_lane.point_at(lane_follow_end_distance) config_dict = { "type": "follow-lane", "termination_point": lane_follow_end_point, "fps": self.config.fps } config = ManeuverConfig(config_dict) if self.open_loop: man = FollowLane(config, self.agent_id, frame, self.scenario_map) else: man = CLManeuverFactory.create(config, self.agent_id, frame, self.scenario_map) maneuvers.append(man) frame = Maneuver.play_forward_maneuver(self.agent_id, self.scenario_map, frame, man) # Create switch lane maneuver termination_point = target_midline.interpolate( target_midline.project(Point(lane_follow_end_point)) + d_change) config_dict = { "type": "switch-" + ("left" if self.left else "right"), "termination_point": np.array(termination_point.coords[0]), "lane_sequence": self.target_sequence, "fps": self.config.fps } config = ManeuverConfig(config_dict) if self.open_loop: if self.left: man = SwitchLaneLeft(config, self.agent_id, frame, self.scenario_map) else: man = SwitchLaneRight(config, self.agent_id, frame, self.scenario_map) else: man = CLManeuverFactory.create(config, self.agent_id, frame, self.scenario_map) maneuvers.append(man) self.final_frame = Maneuver.play_forward_maneuver(self.agent_id, self.scenario_map, frame, man) return maneuvers
[docs] @staticmethod def check_applicability(state: AgentState, scenario_map: Map, left: bool) -> bool: """ True if current lane not in junction, or at appropriate distance from a junction """ current_lane = scenario_map.best_lane_at(state.position, state.heading) ds = current_lane.distance_at(state.position) in_junction = current_lane.parent_road.junction is not None in_roundabout = scenario_map.road_in_roundabout(current_lane.parent_road) # Calculate distance to next junction while lane change is possible lane =[0] if in_junction else current_lane dist_to_next_junction = current_lane.length - ds if in_junction else -ds while lane is not None and lane.parent_road.junction is None: if len(scenario_map.get_adjacent_lanes(lane)) < 1: break dist_to_next_junction += lane.length lane =[0] if is not None else None # Allow lane change in roundabouts if next roundabout junction is far enough if in_roundabout: return left or dist_to_next_junction > SwitchLane.MIN_SWITCH_LENGTH # Otherwise disallow lane change if in a junction or not far enough return not in_junction and \ dist_to_next_junction > SwitchLane.MIN_SWITCH_LENGTH + state.metadata.length
def _get_oncoming_vehicle_intervals(self, target_lane_sequence: List[Lane], target_midline: LineString): oncoming_intervals = [] state = self.start_frame[self.agent_id] for aid, agent in self.start_frame.items(): if self.agent_id == aid: continue agent_lanes = self.scenario_map.lanes_at(agent.position) if any([ll in target_lane_sequence for ll in agent_lanes]): d_speed = state.speed - agent.speed d_distance = target_midline.project(Point(agent.position)) - \ target_midline.project(Point(state.position)) # If heading in same direction and with same speed, then check if the distance allows for a lone change if np.isclose(d_speed, 0.0): if np.abs(d_distance) < SwitchLane.MIN_SWITCH_LENGTH: raise RuntimeError("Lane change is blocked by vehicle with " "same velocity in neighbouring lane.") continue time_until_pass = d_distance / d_speed pass_time = np.abs(SwitchLane.MIN_SWITCH_LENGTH / d_speed) interval_end_time = time_until_pass + pass_time if interval_end_time > 0: interval_start_time = max(0, time_until_pass - pass_time) oncoming_intervals.append((interval_start_time, interval_end_time, d_distance)) oncoming_intervals = sorted(oncoming_intervals, key=lambda period: period[0]) return oncoming_intervals
[docs] @staticmethod def get_target_lane(current_lane: Lane, left: bool) -> Lane: # Get target lane based on direction, lane change side and current lane ID tid = + (1 if np.sign( > 0 else -1) * (-1 if left else 1) return current_lane.lane_section.get_lane(tid)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_possible_lanes(state: AgentState, scenario_map: Map, goal: Goal = None, left: bool = True) -> List[List[Lane]]: """ Returns all possible lane changes when passing through a junction and there are multiple valid lane sequences. This will only really be applied when the vehicle is passing through a roundabout. """ ls = [[]] current_lane = scenario_map.best_lane_at(state.position, state.heading) distance = -current_lane.distance_at(state.position) while current_lane is not None and distance <= SwitchLane.TARGET_SWITCH_LENGTH: target_lane = ChangeLane.get_target_lane(current_lane, left) if target_lane is None or == 0: break # If in a roundabout and passing through a junction only select the exit road if available. # Passing through the outer lane in a roundabout is not allowed so no point selecting that road. in_roundabout = scenario_map.road_in_roundabout(current_lane.parent_road) in_junction = current_lane.parent_road.junction is not None if distance > 0 and in_junction and in_roundabout: junction_lanes = scenario_map.lanes_at(target_lane.point_at(0.01)) for lane in junction_lanes: if not scenario_map.road_in_roundabout(lane.parent_road): target_lane = lane current_lane = None break ls[0].append(target_lane) distance += target_lane.length if current_lane is None: break # Find successor lane to continue iteration successors = current_lane = None if successors is not None: has_adjacent_lanes = [ln for ln in successors if len(scenario_map.get_adjacent_lanes(ln)) > 0] if len(has_adjacent_lanes) == 1: current_lane = has_adjacent_lanes[0] return ls
[docs]class ChangeLaneLeft(ChangeLane): def __init__(self, config: MacroActionConfig, agent_id: int, frame: Dict[int, AgentState], scenario_map: Map): config.config_dict["left"] = True super(ChangeLaneLeft, self).__init__(config, agent_id, frame, scenario_map)
[docs] @staticmethod def applicable(state: AgentState, scenario_map: Map) -> bool: """ True if valid target lane on the left and lane change is valid. """ return SwitchLaneLeft.applicable(state, scenario_map) and \ ChangeLane.check_applicability(state, scenario_map, True)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_possible_args(state: AgentState, scenario_map: Map, goal: Goal = None) -> List[Dict]: ls = ChangeLane.get_possible_lanes(state, scenario_map, goal, True) return [{"target_sequence": s} for s in ls]
[docs]class ChangeLaneRight(ChangeLane): def __init__(self, config: MacroActionConfig, agent_id: int, frame: Dict[int, AgentState], scenario_map: Map): config.config_dict["left"] = False super(ChangeLaneRight, self).__init__(config, agent_id, frame, scenario_map)
[docs] @staticmethod def applicable(state: AgentState, scenario_map: Map) -> bool: """ True if valid target lane on the right and lane change is valid. """ return SwitchLaneRight.applicable(state, scenario_map) and \ ChangeLane.check_applicability(state, scenario_map, False)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_possible_args(state: AgentState, scenario_map: Map, goal: Goal = None) -> List[Dict]: ls = ChangeLane.get_possible_lanes(state, scenario_map, goal, False) return [{"target_sequence": s} for s in ls]
[docs]class Exit(MacroAction): TURN_TARGET_THRESHOLD = 1 # meters; Threshold for checking if turn target is within distance of another point def __init__(self, config: MacroActionConfig, agent_id: int, frame: Dict[int, AgentState], scenario_map: Map): self.turn_target = config.turn_target self.stop = config.stop super(Exit, self).__init__(config, agent_id, frame, scenario_map) # Calculate the orientation of the turn. If the returned value is less than 0 then the turn is clockwise (right) # If it is larger than 0 it is oriented counter-clockwise (left). # If it is zero, the turn is a straight line. eps = 0.1 trajectory = self.maneuvers[-1].trajectory mean_angular_vel =, trajectory.angular_velocity) if mean_angular_vel < -eps: self.orientation = -1 elif mean_angular_vel > eps: self.orientation = 1 else: self.orientation = 0 def __repr__(self): direction = "left" if self.orientation > 0 \ else "right" if self.orientation < 0 \ else "straight" return f"Exit({direction},{np.round(self.turn_target, 3)})"
[docs] def get_maneuvers(self) -> List[Maneuver]: maneuvers = [] state = self.start_frame[self.agent_id] in_junction = self.scenario_map.junction_at(state.position) is not None current_lane = self._find_current_lane(state, in_junction) current_distance = current_lane.distance_at(state.position) frame = self.start_frame connecting_lane = current_lane if not in_junction: # Follow lane until start of turn if outside of give-way distance if current_lane.length - current_distance > GiveWay.GIVE_WAY_DISTANCE + Maneuver.POINT_SPACING: distance_of_termination = current_lane.length - GiveWay.GIVE_WAY_DISTANCE lane_follow_termination = current_lane.point_at(distance_of_termination) config_dict = { "type": "follow-lane", "termination_point": lane_follow_termination, "fps": self.config.fps } config = ManeuverConfig(config_dict) if self.open_loop: man = FollowLane(config, self.agent_id, frame, self.scenario_map) else: man = CLManeuverFactory.create(config, self.agent_id, frame, self.scenario_map) maneuvers.append(man) frame = Maneuver.play_forward_maneuver(self.agent_id, self.scenario_map, frame, man) connecting_lane = self._find_connecting_lane(current_lane) # Add give-way maneuver config_dict = { "type": "give-way", "stop": self.stop, "termination_point": np.array(current_lane.midline.coords[-1]), "junction_road_id":, "junction_lane_id":, "fps": self.config.fps } config = ManeuverConfig(config_dict) if self.open_loop: man = GiveWay(config, self.agent_id, frame, self.scenario_map) else: man = CLManeuverFactory.create(config, self.agent_id, frame, self.scenario_map) maneuvers.append(man) frame = Maneuver.play_forward_maneuver(self.agent_id, self.scenario_map, frame, man) # Add turn config_dict = { "type": "turn", "termination_point": self.turn_target, "junction_road_id":, "junction_lane_id":, "fps": self.config.fps } config = ManeuverConfig(config_dict) if self.open_loop: man = Turn(config, self.agent_id, frame, self.scenario_map) else: man = CLManeuverFactory.create(config, self.agent_id, frame, self.scenario_map) maneuvers.append(man) self.final_frame = Maneuver.play_forward_maneuver(self.agent_id, self.scenario_map, frame, maneuvers[-1], 0.1) return maneuvers
def _nearest_lane_to_goal(self, lane_list: List[Lane]) -> Lane: best_lane = None best_distance = np.inf for connecting_lane in lane_list: distance = np.linalg.norm(self.turn_target - np.array(connecting_lane.midline.coords[-1])) if distance < self.TURN_TARGET_THRESHOLD and distance < best_distance: best_lane = connecting_lane best_distance = distance return best_lane def _find_current_lane(self, state: AgentState, in_junction: bool) -> Lane: if not in_junction: return self.scenario_map.best_lane_at(state.position, state.heading) all_lanes = self.scenario_map.lanes_at(state.position, max_distance=0.5) return self._nearest_lane_to_goal(all_lanes) def _find_connecting_lane(self, current_lane: Lane) -> Optional[Lane]: return self._nearest_lane_to_goal(
[docs] @staticmethod def applicable(state: AgentState, scenario_map: Map) -> bool: """ True if either Turn (in junction) or GiveWay is applicable (ahead of junction) and not on a roundabout road. """ in_junction = scenario_map.junction_at(state.position) is not None if in_junction: return Turn.applicable(state, scenario_map) else: # We never need to give way in a roundabout so this should never be applicable. # Instead we Continue until in_junction is True and then execute a single Turn action. in_roundabout = scenario_map.in_roundabout(state.position, state.heading) return GiveWay.applicable(state, scenario_map) and not in_roundabout
[docs] @staticmethod def get_possible_args(state: AgentState, scenario_map: Map, goal: Goal = None) -> List[Dict]: """ Return turn endpoint if approaching junction; if in junction return all possible turns within angle threshold""" targets = [] current_lane = scenario_map.best_lane_at(state.position, state.heading) junction = current_lane.parent_road.junction is not None connecting_lanes = assert current_lane is not None, f"No lane found at={state.position}, heading={state.heading}, goal={goal}" if junction: if is not None and len( == 1: connecting_lanes = [suc for suc in[0].link.successor if suc.boundary.contains(Point(state.position))] else: raise RuntimeError(f"Junction road {} had " f"zero or more than one predecessor road.") for connecting_lane in connecting_lanes: if not scenario_map.road_in_roundabout(connecting_lane.parent_road) or len(connecting_lanes) == 1: targets.append(np.array(connecting_lane.midline.coords[-1])) return [{"turn_target": t} for t in targets]
[docs]class StopMA(MacroAction): DEFAULT_STOP_DURATION = 5 # seconds def __init__(self, config: MacroActionConfig, agent_id: int, frame: Dict[int, AgentState], scenario_map: Map): self.stop_duration = config.stop_duration if config.stop_duration else StopMA.DEFAULT_STOP_DURATION self.stop_point = None if config.termination_point is not None: self.stop_point = config.termination_point super(StopMA, self).__init__(config, agent_id, frame, scenario_map) def __repr__(self): if self.stop_point is None: return f"StopMA(dt={np.round(self.stop_duration, 3)})" else: return f"StopMA(dt={np.round(self.stop_duration, 3)}, point={np.round(self.stop_point, 3)})"
[docs] def get_maneuvers(self) -> List[Maneuver]: maneuvers = [] current_frame = self.start_frame config_dict = { "type": "stop", "termination_point": self.stop_point, "stop_duration": self.stop_duration, "fps": self.config.fps } config = ManeuverConfig(config_dict) if self.open_loop: man = Stop(config, self.agent_id, current_frame, self.scenario_map) else: man = CLManeuverFactory.create(config, self.agent_id, current_frame, self.scenario_map) maneuvers.append(man) current_frame = Maneuver.play_forward_maneuver(self.agent_id, self.scenario_map, current_frame, maneuvers[-1]) self.final_frame = current_frame return maneuvers
[docs] @staticmethod def applicable(state: AgentState, scenario_map: Map) -> bool: """ We do not allow stopping in a junction. """ return Stop.applicable(state, scenario_map)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_possible_args(state: AgentState, scenario_map: Map, goal: Goal = None) -> List[Dict]: current_speed = state.speed if current_speed < Trajectory.VELOCITY_STOP: # If already stopped then just stay put for a while. return [{"stop_duration": StopMA.DEFAULT_STOP_DURATION}] elif goal is not None and isinstance(goal, StoppingGoal): current_lane = scenario_map.best_lane_at(state.position, state.heading) goal_lanes = scenario_map.lanes_at( if current_lane in goal_lanes: # Otherwise, stop at the goal for the given duration. return [{"stop_duration": StopMA.DEFAULT_STOP_DURATION, "termination_point":}] return []
[docs]class MacroActionFactory: """ Used to register and create macro actions. """ macro_action_types = { "Continue": Continue, "ChangeLaneLeft": ChangeLaneLeft, "ChangeLaneRight": ChangeLaneRight, "Exit": Exit, "Stop": StopMA }
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, config: MacroActionConfig, agent_id: int, frame: Dict[int, AgentState], scenario_map: Map) \ -> MacroAction: """ Create a new macro action in the given state of the environment with the given configuration. Args: config: The macro action configuration file. agent_id: The agent for whom the macro action is created. frame: The state of all observable agents in the environment. scenario_map: The road layout. """ assert config.type in cls.macro_action_types, f"Unregistered macro action {config.type}. " \ f"Register with MacroActionFactory.register_new_macro." return cls.macro_action_types[config.type](config, agent_id, frame, scenario_map)
[docs] @classmethod def register_new_macro(cls, type_str: str, type_macro: type(MacroAction)): """ Register a new macro action to the list of available maneuvers Args: type_str: The type name of the macro action to register. type_macro: The type of the macro action to register. """ assert isinstance(type_macro, type(MacroAction)), f"Given type_macro is not a MacroAction" assert type_str not in cls.macro_action_types, f"Macro action {type_str} already registered." cls.macro_action_types[type_str] = type_macro"Register closed-loop maneuver {type_str} as {type_macro}")
[docs] @classmethod def get_applicable_actions(cls, agent_state: AgentState, scenario_map: Map, goal: Goal = None) \ -> List[Type['MacroAction']]: """ Return all applicable macro actions. Args: agent_state: Current state of the examined agent scenario_map: The road layout of the scenario goal: If given and ahead within current lane boundary, then will always return at least a Continue Returns: A list of applicable macro action types """ actions = [] current_lane = scenario_map.best_lane_at(agent_state.position, agent_state.heading) if current_lane is None: return [] if goal is not None: goal_point = goal.point_on_lane(current_lane) if goal_point is not None and current_lane.boundary.contains(Point(goal_point)) and \ current_lane.distance_at(agent_state.position) < current_lane.distance_at(goal_point): actions = [Continue] for name, macro_action in cls.macro_action_types.items(): if macro_action not in actions and macro_action.applicable(agent_state, scenario_map): actions.append(macro_action) return actions