Source code for igp2.opendrive.plot_map

import imageio
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from . import Map
from .elements.road_lanes import LaneTypes

[docs]def plot_map(odr_map: Map, ax: plt.Axes = None, scenario_config=None, **kwargs) -> plt.Axes: """ Draw the road layout of the map Args: odr_map: The Map to plot ax: Axes to draw on scenario_config: Scenario configuration Keyword Args: midline: True if the midline of roads should be drawn (default: False) midline_direction: Whether to show directed arrows for the midline (default: False) road_ids: If True, then the IDs of roads will be drawn (default: False) markings: If True, then draw LaneMarkers (default: False) road_color: Plot color of the road boundary (default: black) junction_color: Face color of junctions (default: [0.941, 1.0, 0.420, 0.5]) midline_color: Color of the midline plot_background: If true, plot the background image. scenario_config must be given plot_buildings: If true, plot the buildings in the map. scenario_config must be given plot_goals: If true, plot the possible goals for that scenario. scenario_config must be given ignore_roads: If true, we don't plot the road lines/junctions. drivable: Whether only drivable lanes would be plotted. hide_road_bounds_in_junction: If true, then hide road black boundaries in junctions. Returns: The axes onto which the road layout was drawn """ colors = plt.get_cmap("tab10").colors if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title( if odr_map is None: return ax ax.set_xlim([odr_map.west, odr_map.east]) ax.set_ylim([odr_map.south, odr_map.north]) ax.set_facecolor("grey") if kwargs.get("plot_background", False): if scenario_config is None: raise ValueError("scenario_config must be provided to draw background") else: background_path = scenario_config.data_root + '/' + scenario_config.background_image background = imageio.imread(background_path) rescale_factor = scenario_config.background_px_to_meter extent = (0, int(background.shape[1] * rescale_factor), -int(background.shape[0] * rescale_factor), 0) plt.imshow(background, extent=extent) if kwargs.get("plot_buildings", False): if scenario_config is None: raise ValueError("scenario_config must be provided to draw buildings") else: buildings = scenario_config.buildings for building in buildings: # Add the first point also at the end, so we plot a closed contour of the obstacle. building.append((building[0])) plt.plot(*list(zip(*building)), color="black") if kwargs.get("plot_goals", False): if scenario_config is None: raise ValueError("scenario_config must be provided to draw buildings") else: goals = scenario_config.goals for goal in goals: plt.plot(*goal, color="r", marker='o', ms=10) if kwargs.get("ignore_roads", False): return ax for road_id, road in odr_map.roads.items(): boundary = road.boundary.boundary if road.junction is None or not kwargs.get("hide_road_bounds_in_junction", False): if boundary.geom_type == "LineString": ax.plot(boundary.xy[0], boundary.xy[1], color=kwargs.get("road_color", "k")) elif boundary.geom_type == "MultiLineString": for b in boundary.geoms: ax.plot(b.xy[0], b.xy[1], color=kwargs.get("road_color", "orange")) color = kwargs.get("midline_color", colors[road_id % len(colors)] if kwargs.get("road_ids", False) else "r") if kwargs.get("midline", False): for lane_section in road.lanes.lane_sections: for lane in lane_section.all_lanes: if == 0: continue if not lane.type == LaneTypes.DRIVING and kwargs.get("drivable", False): continue if kwargs.get("midline_direction", False): x = np.array(lane.midline.xy[0]) y = np.array(lane.midline.xy[1]) ax.quiver(x[:-1], y[:-1], x[1:] - x[:-1], y[1:] - y[:-1], width=0.0025, headwidth=2, scale_units='xy', angles='xy', scale=1, color="red") else: ax.plot(lane.midline.xy[0], lane.midline.xy[1], color=color) if kwargs.get("road_ids", False): mid_point = len(road.midline.xy) // 2 ax.text(road.midline.xy[0][mid_point], road.midline.xy[1][mid_point],, color=color, fontsize=15) if kwargs.get("markings", False): for lane_section in road.lanes.lane_sections: for lane in lane_section.all_lanes: for marker in lane.markers: line_styles = marker.type_to_linestyle for i, style in enumerate(line_styles): if style is None: continue df = 0.13 # Distance between parallel lines side = "left" if <= 0 else "right" line = lane.reference_line.parallel_offset(i * df, side=side) ax.plot(line.xy[0], line.xy[1], color=marker.color_to_rgb, linestyle=style, linewidth=marker.plot_width) for junction_id, junction in odr_map.junctions.items(): if junction.boundary.geom_type == "Polygon": ax.fill(junction.boundary.boundary.xy[0], junction.boundary.boundary.xy[1], color=kwargs.get("junction_color", (0.941, 1.0, 0.420, 0.5))) else: if hasattr(junction.boundary, "geoms"): geoms = junction.boundary.geoms else: geoms = junction.boundary for polygon in geoms: ax.fill(polygon.boundary.xy[0], polygon.boundary.xy[1], color=kwargs.get("junction_color", (0.941, 1.0, 0.420, 0.5))) return ax
if __name__ == '__main__': scenario = Map.parse_from_opendrive(f"scenarios/maps/heckstrasse.xodr") plot_map(scenario)