Source code for igp2.opendrive.elements.road
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
from typing import Union, Tuple
import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import JOIN_STYLE, Point, LineString
from shapely.ops import unary_union, substring
from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon
from igp2.opendrive.elements.geometry import normalise_angle, ramer_douglas
from igp2.opendrive.elements.road_plan_view import PlanView
from igp2.opendrive.elements.road_link import RoadLink
from igp2.opendrive.elements.road_lanes import Lanes
from igp2.opendrive.elements.road_elevation_profile import (
from igp2.opendrive.elements.road_lateral_profile import LateralProfile
from igp2.opendrive.elements.junction import Junction
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Road:
""" Road object of the OpenDrive standard
(OpenDrive 1.6.1 - Section 8)
def __init__(self):
self._id = None
self._name = None
self._junction = None
self._length = None
self._boundary = None
self._header = None # TODO
self._link = RoadLink()
self._types = []
self._planView = PlanView()
self._elevation_profile = ElevationProfile()
self._lateral_profile = LateralProfile()
self._lanes = Lanes()
def __eq__(self, other):
return other.__class__ is self.__class__ and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __repr__(self):
return f"{} from {self.plan_view.start_position} with length {self.plan_view.length}"
def id(self) -> int:
""" Unique ID of the Road """
return self._id
def id(self, value):
self._id = int(value)
def name(self) -> str:
""" Name of the Road"""
return self._name
def name(self, value):
self._name = str(value)
def junction(self):
""" Junction object if the Road is part of a junction """
return self._junction
def junction(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, (Junction, int)) and value is not None:
raise TypeError("Property must be a Junction or NoneType")
if value == -1:
value = None
self._junction = value
def link(self):
""" """
return self._link
def types(self):
""" """
return self._types
def plan_view(self) -> PlanView:
""" PlanView describing the RoadGeometry of the Road in the OpenDrive standard
(OpenDrive 1.6.1 - Section 7)
return self._planView
def length(self):
return self._planView.length
def midline(self) -> LineString:
""" The Road midline """
return self.plan_view.midline
def distance_at(self, point: Union[Point, Tuple[float, float], np.ndarray]) -> float:
""" Return the distance along the Road midline at the given point.
point: The point to check
distance float
p = Point(point)
return self._planView.midline.project(p)
def point_at(self, distance: float) -> np.ndarray:
""" Return the point along the Road midline at the given distance.
distance: The point to check
1d numpy array
return self._planView.calc(distance)[0]
def calculate_road_geometry(self, resolution: float = 0.25, fix_eps: float = 1e-2):
""" Calculate the boundary Polygon of the road.
Calculates boundaries of lanes as a sub-function.
resolution: Sampling resolution for geometries
fix_eps: If positive, then the algorithm attempts to fix sliver geometry in the map with this threshold
if self.lanes is None or self.lanes.lane_sections == []:
boundary = Polygon()
for ls in self.lanes.lane_sections:
if ls.length < resolution:
logger.debug(f"Road {} skipping too short lane-section {ls.idx}. This will likely cause errors "
f"downstream. Consider removing the lane-section from the XODR file.")
start_segment = ls.center_lanes[0].reference_line
sample_distances = np.linspace(0.0, ls.length, int(ls.length / resolution) + 1)
previous_direction = None
reference_segment = start_segment
reference_widths = np.zeros_like(sample_distances)
for lane in ls.all_lanes:
current_direction = np.sign(
if previous_direction is None or previous_direction != current_direction:
reference_segment = start_segment
reference_widths = np.zeros_like(sample_distances)
lane_boundary, reference_segment, segment_widths = \
lane.sample_geometry(sample_distances, start_segment, reference_segment, reference_widths)
boundary = unary_union([boundary, lane_boundary])
previous_direction = current_direction
reference_widths += segment_widths
if fix_eps > 0.0:
boundary = boundary.buffer(fix_eps, 1, join_style=JOIN_STYLE.mitre) \
.buffer(-fix_eps, 1, join_style=JOIN_STYLE.mitre)
if not boundary.boundary.geom_type == "LineString":
logger.warning(f"Boundary of road ID {} is not a closed a loop!")
self._boundary = boundary
def calculate_center_lane(self, resolution: float):
""" Calculate center lane of the road by applying lane offsets
and store them in the respective center lanes. """
ref_line = self.plan_view.midline
if not self.lanes.lane_offsets:
center_lane = ref_line
sample_distances = np.linspace(0.0, ref_line.length, int(ref_line.length / resolution) + 1)
offsets = []
for offset_idx, offset in enumerate(self.lanes.lane_offsets):
if offset_idx == len(self.lanes.lane_offsets) - 1:
section_distances = sample_distances[offset.start_offset <= sample_distances]
next_offset = self.lanes.lane_offsets[offset_idx + 1]
indices = ((offset.start_offset <= sample_distances) & (
sample_distances < next_offset.start_offset)).nonzero()[0]
section_distances = sample_distances[indices]
coefficients = list(reversed(offset.polynomial_coefficients))
section_offset = np.polyval(coefficients, section_distances - offset.start_offset)
offsets = np.hstack(offsets)
points = []
for i, d in enumerate(sample_distances):
point = np.array(ref_line.interpolate(d).coords[0])
theta = normalise_angle(self.plan_view.calc(d)[1] + np.pi / 2)
normal = np.array([np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)])
points.append(tuple(point + offsets[i] * normal))
center_lane = LineString(ramer_douglas(points, dist=0.01))
if not center_lane.is_simple:
coords_list = []
for non_intersecting_ls in unary_union(center_lane).geoms:
if non_intersecting_ls.length > 0.5:
center_lane = LineString(coords_list)
# Assign midlines for each center lane for every lane section
for ls in self.lanes.lane_sections:
lane = ls.center_lanes[0]
lane._ref_line = substring(center_lane, ls.start_distance / ref_line.length,
(ls.start_distance + ls.length) / ref_line.length,
def boundary(self):
""" Get the outer boundary of the road with all lanes """
return self._boundary
def elevation_profile(self) -> ElevationProfile:
return self._elevation_profile
def lateral_profile(self) -> LateralProfile:
return self._lateral_profile
def lanes(self) -> Lanes:
""" Container object for all LaneSections of the road"""
return self._lanes
def drivable(self) -> bool:
""" True if at least one lane is drivable in the road. """
return any([ls.drivable for ls in self.lanes.lane_sections])
def all_lane_forwards(self) -> bool:
""" True if all lanes are forwards directed on the road (e.g., all-right lanes in right-handed traffic). """
return all([all([ < 0 for ll in ls.all_lanes if != 0]) for ls in self.lanes.lane_sections])
def all_lane_backwards(self) -> bool:
""" True if all lanes are backwards directed on the road (e.g., all-left lanes in right-handed traffic). """
return all([all([ > 0 for ll in ls.all_lanes if != 0]) for ls in self.lanes.lane_sections])