Source code for igp2.carlasim.util
# Parts of this work is licensed under:
# Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Labs.
# authors: German Ros (
# This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
# For a copy, see <>.
import carla
import re
import numpy as np
def find_weather_presets():
rgx = re.compile('.+?(?:(?<=[a-z])(?=[A-Z])|(?<=[A-Z])(?=[A-Z][a-z])|$)')
name = lambda x: ' '.join( for m in rgx.finditer(x))
presets = [x for x in dir(carla.WeatherParameters) if re.match('[A-Z].+', x)]
return [(getattr(carla.WeatherParameters, x), name(x)) for x in presets]
def get_actor_display_name(actor, truncate=250):
name = ' '.join(actor.type_id.replace('_', '.').title().split('.')[1:])
return (name[:truncate - 1] + u'\u2026') if len(name) > truncate else name
def get_actor_blueprints(world, filter, generation):
bps = world.get_blueprint_library().filter(filter)
if generation.lower() == "all":
return bps
# If the filter returns only one bp, we assume that this one needed
# and therefore, we ignore the generation
if len(bps) == 1:
return bps
int_generation = int(generation)
# Check if generation is in available generations
if int_generation in [1, 2]:
bps = [x for x in bps if int(x.get_attribute('generation')) == int_generation]
return bps
print(" Warning! Actor Generation is not valid. No actor will be spawned.")
return []
print(" Warning! Actor Generation is not valid. No actor will be spawned.")
return []
def draw_waypoints(world, waypoints, z=0.5):
Draw a list of waypoints at a certain height given in z.
:param world: object
:param waypoints: list or iterable container with the waypoints to draw
:param z: height in meters
for wpt in waypoints:
wpt_t = wpt.transform
begin = wpt_t.location + carla.Location(z=z)
angle = np.radians(wpt_t.rotation.yaw)
end = begin + carla.Location(x=np.cos(angle), y=np.sin(angle))
world.debug.draw_arrow(begin, end, arrow_size=0.3, life_time=1.0)
def get_speed(vehicle: carla.Actor, ignore_z: bool = True):
Compute speed of a vehicle in Km/h.
vehicle: the vehicle for which speed is calculated
ignore_z: Whether to ignore the velocity component in the z-axis.
speed as a float in Km/h
vel = vehicle.get_velocity()
if ignore_z:
return 3.6 * np.sqrt(vel.x ** 2 + vel.y ** 2)
return 3.6 * np.sqrt(vel.x ** 2 + vel.y ** 2 + vel.z ** 2)