Source code for igp2.carlasim.traffic_manager

import random
import logging
from typing import List, Dict

import carla
import numpy as np

from import Map
from igp2.agents.agent import Agent
from igp2.agents.traffic_agent import TrafficAgent
from igp2.core.vehicle import Observation
from igp2.core.agentstate import AgentState
from igp2.core.goal import PointGoal
from igp2.carlasim import CarlaAgentWrapper, get_actor_blueprints

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TrafficManager: """ Class that manages non-ego CARLA agents in a synchronous way. The traffic manager manages its own list of agents that it synchronises with the CarlaSim object. """ def __init__(self, scenario_map: Map, n_agents: int = 5, ego: Agent = None, spawn_tries: int = 10): """ Initialise a new traffic manager. Note: This class manages its own list of agents that are then updated through the CarlaSim.take_action() Args: scenario_map: The current road layout n_agents: Number of agents to manage ego: Optional ego vehicle in the simulation used to determine the spawn area of vehicles. If not specified then vehicles may be spawned across the whole map. spawn_tries: How many number of times to try spawn a single vehicle. """ self.__scenario_map = scenario_map self.__n_agents = n_agents self.__ego = ego self.__spawn_radius = None self.__agents = {} self.__enabled = False self._max_spawn_tries = spawn_tries self.__spawns = [] self._actor_filter = "vehicle.*" self._actor_generation = "2"
[docs] def update(self, simulation, observation: Observation = None): """ This method updates the list of managed agents based on their state. All vehicles outside the spawn radius are de-spawned. Args: simulation: The currently running simulation object observation: The last observation of the environment """ if not self.enabled: return for agent_id, agent in self.__agents.items(): if agent is None: continue if self.__ego is not None: ego_position = self.__ego.state.position distance_to_ego = np.linalg.norm(agent.state.position - ego_position) if distance_to_ego > self.__spawn_radius: self.__remove_agent(agent, simulation) continue if observation is not None and agent.done(observation): self.__find_destination(agent, agent.state) agents_existing = len([agent for agent in self.__agents.values() if agent is not None]) if agents_existing < self.__n_agents: for i in range(self.__n_agents - agents_existing): self.__spawn_agent(simulation)
[docs] def disable(self, simulation): """ Disable the traffic manager, removing all managed vehicles from the simulation. """ self.__enabled = False for agent_id, agent in self.__agents.items(): if agent is not None: self.__remove_agent(agent_id, simulation) self.__agents = {}
def __spawn_agent(self, simulation): """Spawn new agents acting as traffic through the given callback function. """ spawn_points = np.array(self.spawns) spawn_locations = np.array([[p.location.x, p.location.y] for p in spawn_points]) blueprint = self.__random_blueprint(simulation) # Calculate valid spawn points based on spawn radius valid_spawns = spawn_points if self.__ego is not None: ego_position = self.__ego.state.position ego_position[1] *= -1 distances = np.linalg.norm(spawn_locations - ego_position, axis=1) valid_spawns = spawn_points[(self.__ego.view_radius <= distances) & (distances <= self.__spawn_radius)] # Sample spawn state and spawn actor try_count = 0 while try_count < self._max_spawn_tries: spawn = random.choice(valid_spawns) spawn.location.z += 0.5 spawn.rotation.roll = 0.0 spawn.rotation.pitch = 0.0 heading = np.deg2rad(-spawn.rotation.yaw) try: vehicle =, spawn) break except: try_count += 1 else: logger.debug("Couldn't spawn traffic vehicle!") return # Create agent and set properties initial_state = AgentState(time=simulation.timestep, position=np.array([spawn.location.x, -spawn.location.y]), velocity=np.array([0.001 * np.cos(heading), 0.001 * np.sin(heading)]), acceleration=np.array([0.0, 0.0]), heading=heading) agent = TrafficAgent(, initial_state, fps=simulation.fps) agent = carla.CarlaAgentWrapper(agent, vehicle) self.__find_destination(agent, initial_state) # Wrap agent for CARLA control self.__agents[agent.agent_id] = agent simulation.agents[agent.agent_id] = agent logger.debug(f"Traffic agent {agent.agent_id} (actor {agent.actor_id}) spawned at {spawn.location}.") def __find_destination(self, agent_wrapper: CarlaAgentWrapper, state: AgentState): agent = agent_wrapper.agent # agent_wrapper.reset_waypoints() destination = random.choice(self.spawns).location goal = PointGoal(np.array([destination.x, -destination.y]), 1.0) agent.set_destination(Observation({agent.agent_id: state}, self.__scenario_map), goal) logger.debug(f"Destination set to {goal} for Agent {agent.agent_id}") def __remove_agent(self, agent_wrapper: CarlaAgentWrapper, simulation): self.__agents[agent_wrapper.agent_id] = None simulation.remove_agent(agent_wrapper.agent_id) def __random_blueprint(self, simulation) -> carla.ActorBlueprint: """ Get a random blueprint for a TrafficAgent""" blueprint = random.choice(get_actor_blueprints(, self._actor_filter, self._actor_generation)) # blueprint.set_attribute('role_name', self.actor_role_name) if blueprint.has_attribute('color'): color = random.choice(blueprint.get_attribute('color').recommended_values) blueprint.set_attribute('color', color) if blueprint.has_attribute('driver_id'): driver_id = random.choice(blueprint.get_attribute('driver_id').recommended_values) blueprint.set_attribute('driver_id', driver_id) if blueprint.has_attribute('is_invincible'): blueprint.set_attribute('is_invincible', 'true') return blueprint
[docs] def set_agents_count(self, value: int): """ Set the number of agents to spawn as traffic. """ assert value >= 0, f"Number of agents cannot was negative." self.__n_agents = value
[docs] def set_ego_agent(self, agent: Agent): """ Set an ego agent used for spawn radius calculations in vehicle spawning based on the agent's view radius """ assert hasattr(agent, "view_radius"), f"No view radius given for the ego agent." assert agent.view_radius is not None, f"View radius of the given ego agent was None." self.__ego = agent self.__spawn_radius = 1.5 * agent.view_radius
[docs] def set_spawn_filter(self, actor_filter: str): """ Set what types of actors to spawn. """ self._actor_filter = actor_filter
[docs] def set_spawn_generation(self, actor_generation: str): """ Set which version of actor blueprint generation to use. This is usually set to 2. Must be either '1', '2', or 'All'. """ assert actor_generation in ["1", "2", "All"], "Invalid actor generation type given. " self._actor_generation = actor_generation
# def set_agent_behaviour(self, value: str = "normal"): # """ Set the behaviour of all agents as given by the behaviour types. # If set to random, then each vehicle will be randomly assigned a behaviour type. """ # pass @property def ego(self) -> Agent: """ The ID of the ego vehicle in the simulation. """ return self.__ego @property def agents(self) -> Dict[int, Agent]: """ The agents managed by the manager""" return self.__agents @property def n_agents(self) -> int: """ Number of agents to maintain as traffic in the simulation """ return self.__n_agents @property def spawns(self) -> List[carla.Transform]: """ List of all possible spawn points""" return self.__spawns @spawns.setter def spawns(self, value: List[carla.Transform]): self.__spawns = value @property def enabled(self) -> bool: """Whether the traffic manager is turned on. """ return self.__enabled @enabled.setter def enabled(self, value: bool): assert isinstance(value, bool) self.__enabled = value